Wanting To Help The Tsunami Victims? - Updated
Charity Wire: International Aid & Relief Charities
Another link from USA Today:
Links to aid organizations from USA Today
I can't vouch for them but they are at least a starting place to helping.
Jason is a Marine!
I couldn't be more proud of him. He is one of my heroes.
I Just Had To Laugh...
I know that what I am writing is pretty juvenile, yet it's funny...at least it is to me:)
We, at our practice, receive a variety of things from other Dr's offices, especially the ones which we refer to. Today, via, UPS, we received a beautiful Christmas wreath from a major online retailer that is in Maine(hint, hint).
The darn thing is real. A real Maine Balsam Fir wreath, wrapped in plastic and adorned with a big red bow, and pine cones.
Well, along with the wreath came instructions for care: how to keep it from turning brown, etc.
This little booklet had instructions for a variety of balsam products. The instruction that caused me to guffaw and snicker like a Jr. High student was labeled: Balls.
The following are the instructions right from the booklet:
- If hung indoors, water the core twice a week over a sink or bucket. Light misting at this time is advisable.
- If hung outdoors, watering and misting is not necessary as long as the temperture is below freezing.
So, you are to mist your balls depending on if you hang your balls indoors or outdoors, and if it is below freezing or not. Hee-hee-ha-ha-snicker.
Anyway. That should get you started with your own jokes about the situation.
Have a little Christmas humor...