
Long Drive Home

Long Drive Home
Originally uploaded by Macmania Pete.

What a drive back from Amelia Island. The weekend was great. Worked on editing the manuscript. Ran each day. Played games. Relaxed.

But damn, the drive home today was un-freaking-believable. Torrential, driving rain for 2 1/2 hours straight on the interstate and more on the back roads. A 4 hour trip took 5 hours. My shoulders were so tight from concentrating on the road. The picture is indicative of the drive.

Glad to be home:)



Some Pics From the Beach

This is a beautiful place...



"Wait! I have the wrong shoes on!!!"

The car's front tires are literally crossing the threshold of the driveway on the way to FL and my wife shouts, "WAIT, I HAVE THE WRONG SHOES ON!" To put this is context - we are preparing to drive 4 1/2 hours to Amelia Island, FL. We will be sitting in the car, we are not going out to dinner, we are not walking in the park, we are not even hanging our shod feet out of the window - no we are changing into shoes that we will kick off the split second that we are in the car.

The above picture is of the REAL shoes that merited a trip back into the house, after slamming on the brakes following the shriek. We had stopped at the gas station and Jen was at the counter buying snacks when I snapped the picture.

Can you imagine her surprise when the guy behind the counter leaned over and said, "My did you change shoes before you started on your trip? They suit you so much better."

Do you believe that? You tell me...



My Heart Breaks for the Oil Companies

I just think that this is wrong!

I've been waiting for the big oil companies conference calls on quarterly profits. CONOCOPHILLIPS (COP - NYSE) announced last night, that they had a 2nd quarter profit up 51% from the 1st quarter - and a revenue jump of 34%.

Tell me that they are not inflating oil and natural gas prices and sticking the pump nozzle where the sun don't shine to comsumers! Profits of 14%, 20%, maybe 25% on the quarter, BUT 51% during a time that the big oil companies are crying in their beer that they are facing hard times due to crude prices.

Pisses me off it does



Pray For My Son

Jason called about an hour ago and he leaves for Iraq early Thursday morning. My prayers are with the 2nd Marine Division, Delta Company, 2d LAR - Semper Fi

The day that we have been waiting for has come - all of his training and person will be tested.

Keep your head down Boy, keep your head down. I love you more than life itself.


Go, go, go, go...

Gearing up for a weekend with my In-Laws in Amelia Island, FL. We love to visit and Jen and I are taking my daughter Jessie and her boyfriend Jesse with us.

The weather looks to be perfect beach weather - hot, hot, hot - with afternoon thundershowers.

The only plans that I have while on this mini-vacation are to finish up the running goal I set last month (100 miles in a month - I have 13 miles left and two weeks to finish - should knock it out this weekend and pad the total some) prior to my backpacking trip, August 12-16, to the Pacific Northwest, and installing Tiger on my In-law's computers. Now that it has been updated to 10.4.2 I think that it is safe to make the change.

I'll drive 2 hours home Thursday evening and we'll change cars and drive 4+hours to Amelia that night - it's always better to get there the night before and get the driving out of the way. It feels like an extra day to me when we do it this way.

I'll be posting some pics from the visit as they happen.



I Love My Church

This is the lithrograph that hangs over the back of one of the toilets in our church bathroom. It is from Dante's Inferno, Gustave Doré is the artist. This particular print is INFERNO 28, The Severed Head of Bertrand de Born speaks.

A link to his other prints from The Divine Comedy is here

Now that gives you something to think about as one takes care of your personal needs. I guess that it can scare the poo right out of you.



It's Great to be an Old School Rocker

I don't know if you have watched TV lately but there has been a return to '70's rock and roll for advertising - Led Zeppelin doing background music for the Cadillac TV ad's is but one example.

Last night I saw a KFC commercial that used Lynard Skynard's "Sweet Home Alabama" as background music. BUT the best new commercial that uses '70's rock has to be the new Subaru Commercial that uses Kansas' "Dust in The Wind" (once you follow the highlighted link click on the "see ad" box in the right corner). It is one of the best commercials that I have seen in a while.

And they said rock was dead!



The BFE Express

I don't know if you have heard the expression "BFE", as in "They live all the way out in BFE." Now cover your ears kiddies - BFE is an acronym for "Bum-Fuck Egypt" - I really don't know how far that is but it must be WAY OUT THERE.

Anyway, back to the point. Here in Aiken we have a sort of small town transit system. The real fun is that (you know this if you already read the linked page), the system is called "Best Friend Express" - yep, it's the BFE.

In fact here is a picture of one of our public transit buses.

Now you have to admit, that's freaking funny. I almost wet myself the first time I saw the bus with BFE on the side.

I hope that it brought a smile to your face.



A Bit Hot?

Here is a screen shot from Weather Man X of today's weather in Charleston. That's right sports fans, the heat index is 107.5!


The Drive To Work

On my way to work this morning I snapped this shot as I drove over the I-526 bridge toward Daniel Island:

Ok, the car window is still drippy with dew and I was driving 80 (65 Mom), snapping blind with one hand, but you get the idea. It's a great view.


PS - I really like my new camera


Panic Puppy

Ok, so here is a pic from the new camera. It was perfect timing. I just got home from Charleston, SC at 5:30ish and decided to cut the grass. While I was cutting grass I was charging the battery for the camera - you can't use those things without battery power.

About an hour after cutting the grass a typical summer thunderstorm came rushing through - our dog, Cinnamon, goes a bit mental when she hears thunder - her teeth chatter, she shakes and pants like she's just run 5 miles on three legs. Oh, to add to that trauma, she hates having cameras pointed at her. So here is a picture of her in double meltdown - thunder and camera.

She hides behind the couch and peeks around the corner as she shivers, pants, and chatters her teeth.

Our goal in picking another dog is one that is a touch less mental. But she is our "muppy" and we love her - panic meltdown and all.

You have to admit that she is cute!


Report on My Recent Study

Just a quick report back concerning my little theory and experiment on Jessica Simpson's Breasts.

I was wrong. The "Men Pissing" entry continues to lead the search list by a LARGE MARGIN. Sad really. I think that society has taken a turn here...

More people are looking for men pissing than they are a woman's breasts - we have come to the end of the world my friends, at least my world.

Maybe I have lost touch with the mainstream, BUT if I have a choice to see men pissing or a woman's breast's my choice would be, well... let me just say that I don't spend any more time in the Men's Room at the airport than I have to.



Perfect Timing

As I have bored you with the details of my little gadget escapade over the past week or so, I have been patiently waiting for the new camera to get delivered.

Quick recap: Ordered on the 11th of July. Resisted the extortion of amazon.com to have it shipped next day instead of 3 weeks later. It shipped out on the 15th. Bastards.

So, as the "package delivery gods" would have it, after all of my smirking and poo-pooing amazon.com, after waiting patiently (and checking the web site multiple times per day), the package was delivered to the house THIS AFTERNOON.

"So what's the big deal?" you say. "Thanks for asking"

I'm 120 miles away and spending the night. Poo. Now I have to wait another day. BUT I will have pictures from the new camera posted here by Wednesday night - you can bet your sweet bippy on that (Laugh In nostalgia for those old enough)

So I wait.......



Last Night's Party for Linda

Our pastor's wife was the big five-o yesterday so we had a party. Here are some pics:

Linda is on the right, pink shirt. Happy Birthday Linda!!

The Three Amigos: Hanson, Dan, and Mike

Mike and Karen

It was fun, even though we had some party crashers late - we gave them some cake and let them watch crazy people have fun.



I Finally Cut My Locks

Well, it's done. I've been mulling this one over for the past few months. I have had a pony tail for the past decade. It has gradually gotten grayer as the years have passed - and I have less hair on the front of my head as it has turned "loose".

I woke up this morning thinking about cutting the "mane", and, after some discussion with my stylist, she clipped it off.

She cut off 8 inches of salt and pepper ponytail and it will be donated to Locks of Love.

It is always interesting to see people's reactions and just how long it takes for them to notice the change. We have a party to go to tonight so I'll post a short update afterwards to let you know how reaction times are.

Back in college I cut half of a full beard off - from the middle of my nose to my Adam's apple - one side was as smooth as a baby's butt and the other was bushy with growth. It took people minutes, at least, to notice. This was when they were staring me right in the face, talking to me. It could have been the 55 gallon trash can of Grape and Grain...

Hopefully the crowd tonight will be a bit quicker on the draw.


My Freaky New Contact Lenses

Left, right, left, right. Blink, blink, squint.

I went to the eye doctor yesterday to get my check up. He is a brilliant doc who we do a number of referrals to in Charleston, SC. I had a few questions concerning my eye care and possible options.
  • I have been considering laser surgery and getting rid of my glasses

  • The possibility of "blended" contacts - wearing a close-up contact in one eye and a long vision in the other

  • Extended wear contacts for when I backpack so I don't have to mess with glasses while out in the "bush"

  • The simple answers for me were - don't worry about laser yet, I'll need cataract surgery later anyway and we can put refractive lenses in then - don't wear extended wear contacts, anytime, they don't allow your eyes to breath as you sleep, and let's try the "blended" contacts and see how I do.

    So here I sit without reading glasses, for the first time in a year or so, typing away. My one eye, the right one, is my long vision; my left is the close vision one. It's kind of weird. Doing close up work my right side is a bit blurry, and the opposite is true when looking far away.

    Since it takes the brain a week or so to adjust fully to this dilemma I will wait before ordering more contacts. So far I like the idea of not carrying my reading glasses around - one less thing to lose:)

    But I do find myself closing one eye then the other, just to see how the view changes.



    It Wasn't Three Weeks

    In my post of July 11, I confessed to being a gadget whore. I was also calling Amazon.com on the carpet for stating that they wouldn't be able to send my camera for three weeks.

    I just checked the web site (OK, OK, I've been checking 20 times a day but who's counting) and the item is shipping out today - 5 days after ordering.

    Rat Jackals. There, now I feel better.


    You Have Got To Read This

    I stumbled across this blog the other day and the post is very insightful. Have you been here? I have - on both sides of the equation - may God free us from this type of shit: either as victims or abusers.

    Bridget Jones Goes to Seminary: Fundy Sunday

    Thanks for the post Meg.



    Our Visit to The CF Clinic In Charleston

    Jen and I went to the CF clinic at MUSC in Charleston, SC this past week. We were very impressed with the doctor and his staff. They are caring, competent, and aggressive in the treatment of CF.

    It is exactly what we were hoping for - the clinic is also a Phase 1, 2, and 3 center for trials regarding new treatments for CF. The staff and Dr spent a great deal of time answering questions and interviewing Jen. Treatments were mentioned that we hadn't even heard of (which was a bit irritating since we had been at another clinic for 4 years without any mention of these methods).

    We are very thankful for people who have a passion to help others.



    Jessica Simpson's Breasts

    I know, that was a dirty trick. I apologize to all of the "breast seekers" who showed up at this page via a search Google or Yahoo. This is just a test.

    You see, I was checking my page stats the other day and much to my surprise, my blog entitled "Men Pissing, I Mean My God" was the most visited blog on my site, by a LARGE margin. Further investigation led me to discover that the search term "men pissing" was used to discover that page via search engines.

    "So," I thought to myself, "what would happen if I put something that may be searched more than 'men pissing'?" So the title above was entered. Maybe it actually will not generate many hits, but my theory says that I'll have the stat counter spinning over the weekend. Either way I'll let you know how the experiment turns out.

    Oh, just for fun I Googled "Jessica Simpson's Breasts" and got 13,400 hits in .27 seconds. I Googled "Wounded Healer" and got 132,000 pages in .31 seconds. :)

    "Men pissing," freaking perverts.



    I Am A Gadget Whore

    It's true. I love gadgets. But not just for gadgets sake. They do have to be useful...sure they do.

    I have owned four iPods - two I still have, a 4th Generation click wheel and a Shuffle, 20+ mac computers, Handspring Visors, various stereos, 8 track players, speakers, DVD players, an Escort radar detector, etc. You get the idea.

    I am getting a NEW gadget! I decided to get this little guy on my latest backpacking trip. I sorely wanted to take pictures but was not about to lug around the digital camera that we have - an Olympus C-4000 Zoom. It tales great pictures and we love it BUT it is cumbersome. So I did some research and some price checking and found a reasonable, small, and high quality camera. It's the Canon Powershot S410. I ordered it yesterday and hopefully it will be here next week.

    Small Aside - You know how when you order from Amazon they try and extort shipping charges by saying that if you use the Super Saver Shipping they will try and ship it in the next three weeks - bastards.

    I've never succumbed to the extortion and have always had the items shipped two weeks earlier than they threaten to. No matter what, it, the spare battery, and a larger memory card will be here in the next few weeks...yeah!

    I'll get pictures posted as soon as I figure out how to use the camera. My idea is that it will be small enough and easy enough to use that I will be more apt to photograph stuff.

    Oh, we have a new printer too (I told you I was a gadget whore), a Canon PIXMA iP3000 it will work seamlessly with the new camera. The little booger prints GREAT pictures.

    Stay tuned for updates and PICTURES!


    PS - What set up do you have for digital photos? Share your thoughts and experiences.

    I've Decided on A Definition of Successful Parenting

    Not THE definition, but a definition. I was talking with a friend last night and realized, that once your kids are grown up and are able to get as far away as possible, and don't, that's good parenting.

    I mean, if your kids don't just do the obligatory now and then phone call and holiday visit, only one holiday per year mind you, then they feel comfortable and able to be themselves around you - that's a good thing.

    I've wanted to be that type of parent - I will let you know how it goes over the next few years.



    We're Back From Our "Hike"

    Holy Schnikes! as Chris Farley would say. Dan and I are back from the woods. I have to confess, the hike was rated as "moderately difficult" and I kind of poo-pooed that having been on the AT and PCT. What? This was just a trail along the Chattooga River. Yeah right.

    Well, it was hard. Tons of switchbacks, steep climbs, trees across the trail, run-off coming across the trail, HUMID AS HELL, and the last third of the trail going in to the campground had overhanging branches from laurels in regular and repeated intervals. I kept having to bend, twist, kneel, step over, and otherwise negotiate these trees - all with 40+ pounds on my back.

    At the end of the day on Friday I was drenched from head to toe with sweat from the humidity - so much different than backpacking out west where the humidity is so much less. Thankfully I had my polyester clothes that dried quickly on my body. The smell we won't discuss. After getting some freeze-dried chicken and rice I was feeling so much better.

    Anyway, yesterday morning, Saturday, Dan and I decided to hike out the 13 miles that we had hiked in and get home Saturday evening instead of doing another day, and getting home on Sunday. 26 miles in two days was a good tune up for my trip next month. I was so hungry when I got home last night that I even at he hamburger helper that Jen had made - I usually stay away from the stuff but IT WAS SO GOOD. I was pretty wupped, but it wasn't anything a hot shower, a cold Corona, and a fat belly couldn't handle.

    I'm sore but satisfied. I promise to never minimize a trail rating again. Oh, and the great surprise was that when I got home Jason was here - he bought a truck and drove from Camp LeJeune. He's in bed right now so we haven't spoken very much yet, and he has to go back today. But it is good to see him before he goes to Iraq next week.



    Glad to Get To The Woods

    I'll be gone for a few days backpacking with Dan. Need to clear my head and enjoy the outdoors.

    I'll be posting back here Sunday evening or Monday.

    Grace to all.



    Well, The Phone Call Came

    As you may know, if you have been reading this blog, my son is a Marine. He graduated Boot Camp in December 2004 and has been training in NC for the past few months with the LAR.

    His planned departure to Iraq was March 2006. That left plenty of time for us to see each other before he left - Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas. March was also out "there" somewhere - months away.

    Fuck. He just called and told me that his platoon will be going to Iraq in 10 days or so. 10 days! He was pretty somber and we just sat on the phone for a few minutes, quiet, stunned, thinking. My best friend is going to Iraq. My son. My flesh and blood. My hero.

    Anyway, pray for him, his platoon, as well as all the Armed Services around the world who put themselves in harms way. Pray for his family too.

    Semper Fidelis.



    Wanting to Waste Some Time? Do This Thingy!

    What a fun way to pass the time. At the end of this paragraph you will find the link to go to the page that will generate the code for you after you answer one of the three questions for each state.

    Instructions are as follows: bold the states you've been to, underline the states you've lived in and italicize the state you're in now...

    Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / Washington D.C. /

    Go HERE to have a form generate the HTML for you.

    Now wasn't that fun!?


    Why I Have Macs For My Personal Computers

    I'm not going to get into a bunch of trivial arguments concerning Windows vs. Mac but as I write I sit next to a friends computer that I am trying to purge evil ad-ware, spyware, and viruses from. He had McAfee, Ad-Aware, SpyBot, and CW Shredder installed and STILL got bit. I'm presently, as I type, installing Corporate Symantec Anti-Virus to try and get the thing straightened out.

    I read the other day that the average time it takes for 50 % of unprotected Windows computers, connected to the internet, to be compromised is 12 minutes. While the Dell next to me chugs through a deep scan for viruses, I'm typing away on my iBook that doesn't even have anti-virus software installed. That has to say something for the platform. Now, let me stop and give props to effective protection. Properly protected, and maintained, your Windows computer is safe and secure - I administrate over 25 computers at work and we have had two compromises in the past year - both forwarded e-mail viruses from a workers home computer to their account at work. Both were detected and quarantined by Symantec.

    I like my Acer Tablet PC, I LOVE my iBook. It just works. Simple.

    I have my favorite add-on programs which I use regularly. They make my life easier and my computing pleasurable. Here they are:

    Two are from the same company: Ranchero.
  • NetNewsWireLite 2.0 is a RSS reader. I have 107 feeds at present that I can view and peruse without visiting each and every website or blog. Slick, fast, and free.
  • MarsEdit 1.0 is the program that I am now using to manage my blog - It rocks. You can read about the features at the website.
  • Here are some others:
  • SpamSieve - what I use to keep Entourage clean and free of spam. It's trainable and scriptable. Need I say more?
  • Recently I have been using Sync-Entourtage and AddressBook to keep my contacts between my two main applications up to date. This enables me to use Spotlight for contacts and lets my .mac back-up stay current also
  • Acquisition is a mainstay for all of my P2P file sharing needs.

  • That's it for now. If you have a Windows machine I feel your pain, especially if you get invaded, infected, or compromised. I just prefer the OS X platform. In a year or so, now that Apple is moving to Intel chips, we may be able to run both platforms on one machine - that would be so freaking cool! We'll wait and see.



    Getting Ready For The Weekend

    This will be a short, but busy, week. The office is hammered so far today, and we expect the next few days to be as busy as today. One of the docs goes on vacation at the end of the week so that adds to the load a little.

    This weekend I'm planning on going backpacking with my friend Dan. Were doing a short hike in the northwest corner of SC. The trail is called the Chattooga and it is located in Sumter National Forest. We're both pretty excited and I'm ready to do some stream fishing for trout, hike, and relax. The only snafu is a little Tropical Storm named Cindy. She is bearing down on the corner of the state where we will be. We'll be watching the weather closely - the latest map puts the eye of the storm past us at our starting time Friday morning.



    I'm Totally Stunned

    I have been watching Live 8 all day today and am stunned in many ways. The truth that 30,000 kids are dying each day in Africa, preventable deaths for the most part - due to lack of basic medications - is sad and sobering. This whole series of concerts is for awareness - not to raise $, but to get the 8 richest nations to step up to the plate and address this issue. Not to soapbox, but President Bush's appeal to forgive the debt that these African nations have was a good step in leading the way. I have no doubt that this nation will offer and provide aid for this particular cause.

    Next, and not even close to the importance of the issue, I am watching Pink Floyd play together - Roger Waters and David Gilmore on stage for the first time in many years. I'm glad that something this important could cause them to put whatever differences they had behind - in my words, "they grew the fuck up and put whatever petty shit they had aside." There are more important things that artist's egos.

    Anyway, the real issue is poverty. You can read more here - Make Poverty History.



    I Live With Heros

    There are people in my family and they are all heros to me. Let me introduce you to my personal Hall Of Fame:
  • Jen - My wife and one of my biggest heros. Jen has Cystic Fibrosis. She lives with more crap each day than anyone I know. She has to do two breathing treatments each day hooked up to a machine that occilates her chest and breaks up the mucus and infection that collects which makes it hard to breathe. Jen loves life and is so full of "vinegar". She is so much bigger on the inside than her 5'3/4" stature. She is a great step-mom(I hate that term) and loves Jason and Jessie. She makes birthdays and special occasions so much fun. Jen loves animals and is presently on a mission to get another dog. We fight about this - I want another dog too, just not right now. Counseling anyone? I love my wife more than life itself and love how she loves me. She is my best friend, my soul mate, and my hero.
  • Jessie - My daughter is another of my heros. Jessie is 16 and courageously negotiating life right now. Do YOU remember 16? I mean shit! I don't know if being a teenager now is actually harder than when we were that age but it sure seems like it to me. Jessie has a job at a local restaurant, has a boyfriend(His name is Jesse, which makes things really fun), she plays softball, wants to run cross-country this year, is in Student Government - TIRED YET?, excels in school, has a social life with friends, takes care of her cats and shuttles back and forth between her mother's house and here. I admire and love my daughter. She is one of those kids that everybody wants as their own - I'm proud to be her Daddy.
  • Jason - My son is a Marine. He is still in training at Camp Lejeune, NC. His chosen job is Infantry and, through some interesting circumstances, is now training with LAR - Light Armored Reconnaissance. Jason is 19, loves to play poker, plays with his iBook and iPod, loves music, has a great sense of humor, and is a man of integrity. He is my closest male friend (see Jen above for my closest female friend). You should thank your fucking stars that we have Marines like Jason - he will represent his Division, Battalion, and Company well. He will be in Iraq next March. He is my hero. Oh, and he will be with us this weekend for the holiday. I can't wait to see him and catch up on what's going on.
  • I hope that you are fortunate enough to have heros. They spur you on. They make you think. They show you truth and set the bar. I have hero's in my home. I am most thankful and fortunate.

    Have a great 4th of July Weekend.


    Take This You Stupid Ass, or How Brooke Shields Roasted Tom's Butt

    Tom Cruise hasn't been the most stable of actors recently. A few days ago he really stuck his foot in his mouth, NO both feet in his mouth, when he decided to pontificate on medication and depression. Dumb ass.

    Well Brooke has an response to Tom that she put in the NY Times: Read it here.

    Oh, and Tom - Shut up, please.
