
Jessica Simpson's Breasts

I know, that was a dirty trick. I apologize to all of the "breast seekers" who showed up at this page via a search Google or Yahoo. This is just a test.

You see, I was checking my page stats the other day and much to my surprise, my blog entitled "Men Pissing, I Mean My God" was the most visited blog on my site, by a LARGE margin. Further investigation led me to discover that the search term "men pissing" was used to discover that page via search engines.

"So," I thought to myself, "what would happen if I put something that may be searched more than 'men pissing'?" So the title above was entered. Maybe it actually will not generate many hits, but my theory says that I'll have the stat counter spinning over the weekend. Either way I'll let you know how the experiment turns out.

Oh, just for fun I Googled "Jessica Simpson's Breasts" and got 13,400 hits in .27 seconds. I Googled "Wounded Healer" and got 132,000 pages in .31 seconds. :)

"Men pissing," freaking perverts.


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