It had TWO sinks - separate as in HIS and HERS - separate as in MY SPACE AND YOUR SPACE - separate as in I will have room to brush my teeth and put my contacts in. Yeah!!!
That was the idea. The reality however, is that Jen just got more room where she could spread her shit! Below are two pictures from the other day. These are not unusual pictures, or some type of set-up. This is a regular occurrence. I didn't wait until one particularly disastrous evening of "primping" before snapping the shot.
Who's Sink Is It?
The sink on the left is "mine". The truth is that Jen allows me to place some of my toiletries to the back and far left edge of the sink. I have toyed with the idea of a thick magic marker line right down the middle - like you might do in the back seat of the car when traveling with a sibling, except then it was imaginary. The other thought was a "wall" built up between the two sinks. Both, however, would be exercises in futility.
Room To Do What?
Notice the open drawer. It is there so that I can rip my kneecap off and thereby require the use of another bathroom which would be wheelchair accessible, taking me entirely out of the picture.
The only real answer will be when we move to another house, there has to be SPACE between the sinks. The greater the space the better, as any surface will be occupied with various items.
[posted with ecto]
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