
Surviving Another Peak Season

The Christmas Package Rush is over! A big THANK YOU to everyone who ordered gifts online. You helped feed countless temporary workers with UPS - those we call Seasonal Workers. These are the driver helpers, the unloaders, the sorters, etc. who helped move the packages that are now under your tree.

The latest stats are that UPS moved over 100 million packages in the last seven working days before Christmas. The peak day was December 20, when 248 packages per SECOND were moved.

All I can say is that I am glad that it is over. This past Friday was the worst day I have experienced at UPS. Some freaking genius decided that our start time would be 5:30 am since the package volume was projected to be lower by 9 thousand packages from peak day (we started at 3:30 am on peak day). These were the same "bean counters" who stated that our peak would be lower than last year - we were UP from last year, by the way.

Without a bunch of details, we were not down as much as forecasted and we were behind before we started. Add to that we were dealing with pouring rain ALL MORNING LONG.

I am glad that is over. Hopefully, this will be my last peak season. I am working hard at the real estate profession and it looks like it is only a matter of time before I have enough regular income to allow me to quit.

That will be a good day.

I hope that all of you have a great holiday weekend with family and friends. I know that I will.


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