
Recent Threads I am Reading

There are some great discussions taking place with regard to the Church and how there seems to be a transition taking place. I know that personally, I have sensed and experienced the tension of being a Christian moving out of "church".

By "church" I mean whatever this thing is that has become largely social, political, and completely disconnected with people. It is the monolith of meetings with no measurably significant depth or breadth. The following are links to these discussions:





Each one of these sites has a number of other links that can lead you to a vast multitude of thoughts that are a consistent whole - there has to be a better way of doing what many of us have felt is not significant and rewarding - to ourselves and others.

I hope that your journey is not in neutral. I hope that you are moving forward and hanging around others who are trying to make sense of this life and our higher purpose in being here. I do not want my life defined by the amount of carbon that I use and try and offset that with some financial remuneration. There has to be more...


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