
Oh, Here's A Mystery...Not!

Ok. No surprise. I am somewhat of an organizational freak. I have need to be able to place my hands on any number of pieces of information at work. I have a filing system. My e-mails have folders, rules, and organization flags. My contacts are sorted. Blah, blah, blah...you get the idea.

One of my great quandaries and challenges (translated FRUSTRATIONS) is the inability to get my head, and hands around the 97 item to-do lists that my boss lays on my desk after an evening (or early morning) of swirling and making shit up.

He emails it to me, I sort it, try to put it into categories, and email it back. He makes notes and emails it back, and the thing begins to get a life of it's own - BIG, UGLY, AND UNTAMED.

So yesterday morning I do a Google search for project managment software - cross platform, web-based software.

Here is what I found - Simple software to help you get organized: 37signals. Amazing is all that I can say. I'm using the free Basecamp and now he and I can look at, add to, organize, communicate and update the same list without having to spend time sorting through 20 emails to find the latest one, and all other sorts of shit.

In addition, changes and additions can be configured to send out emails and RSS updates (I use NetNewsWire Lite), so you can keep track of completed items and the like.

Check it out. They have three types of FREE (some levels cost) organizational, web-based, cross-platform software. I am not a paid advertiser, just and amazed and satisfied person. Oh, and organized.


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