
Ok, We're Here

Quick update. We are here in NJ and the sun did come out I swear! I didn't take a picture and the clouds returned this evening. OH, and here's a shock - it's supposed to fucking RAIN tomorrow. I'm not bitter at all...noooooooooo.

Anyway, the flight was uneventful and I have to say that internet check-in rocks. We got to Atlanta, parked, got the bus to curb-side check-in, went through security - all as easy as pie. The lines at the check-in were HUGE and we passed right on by! Other than the two guys seated behind us trying to "outbrag" each other - thank God for my iPod to drown them out - the flight was smooth.

Once at the airport we shuttled to the rental car place and they didn't have the car so, shucks and damn, they upgraded us to the next level car - a Grand Marquis - now that's the shit!! We could fit the luggage and Jen and Jessie in the truck, that's a New Jersey car, plenty of room for bodies in the trunk:)

After checking in at the hotel we met my parents for dinner and are now back at the hotel getting ready for bed after day of travel.

Hopefully, I'll have some pictures to post tomorrow or the next day.

Family is fun...


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