
In Country

Deployment. The words sounded so far away months ago. They are yesterday now. My Son has left again for the Mideast. This departure is different in many ways:

  • Last time was a for few months - now it's 8 months
  • Last time he was part of a team on an LAV - now he leads the vehicle team and is responsible for the lives of 8 other men
  • Last time he was far away from any specific activity - this time his platoon enters an area that has been fairly unstable for months
  • Last time he had not even finished his School of Infantry - this time he has been to Squad Leaders School, 29 Palms, and DM training
  • Last time he was 19 - now he is 20
  • Last time he was single - now he is married
  • Last time he was a young man - now he is the type of man that all of you hope your sons become
Here are some pictures that his bride sent to us yesterday. She called last night. Her house is quieter without Jason there. Our lives are now focused on every word that comes out of Iraq. I think about my Son many, many times in an hour.

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Jason and Candace

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I left work today irritated that there are grown men working there who act like babies when they don't get exactly what they want. Thirty year old men. Forty year old men. Fifty year old men. I am angry that they act like this and my 20 year old son is putting his life on the line and taking responsibility for the lives of other men who will look to him for leadership, direction, and dependability.

Keep your head down Son. I love you.


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