
Last of the "Gifts"

In two previous posts I mentioned two evident "gifts" that I have. One is the ability to have an assigned airplane seat within 1 row of a crying baby or screaming child. The second has to do with lines in department stores (9/25/03).

The last one that I will speak of is another "shared" gift. Meaning that I frequently talk to others who experience the same thing.

I can find the slowest driver on any particular two lane road. We have a by-pass around our fair city here in South Carolina. This by-pass, in theory, enables you to get from one side of town to the other without going through the main residential areas and traffic signals. A real time saver.

I say in theory. Time isn't saved. It seems that where ever I find myself on the by-pass I will get behind a driver that is driving 10 - 15 miles under the posted speed limit. The miracle of proportionality demonstrated here is amazing. The speed limit on this roadway ranges between 35 and 55 MPH. Why the drivers aren't going 45 in the 35 I really can't explain.

Again, my wife is a witness to this, and she frequently looks over at me says, "unbelievable".

The by-pass is but one example, any two lane road will do. Frequently I get stuck behind logging trucks, garbage haulers, smokey, battered vehicles (we have no vehicle inspection or emmisions control in SC), mobile homes being taken to their destination, or funeral processions.

Anyone else? Do you share my pain?

Have a great weekend.


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