Annalisa aka "Lily", by Macmania Pete
Well here she is. This is a picture of Annalisa at her foster home just before we picked her up. We found out immediately that she shared another phobia with Cinnamon - CAMERA'S! Great. As I leveled the camera she paused just long enough for me to snap this photo before she ran away.
The ride home was an exciting experience for her as she snuffed and snorted out the windows. Once home Jen stayed outside with the new arrival while I went in and got the "beast". Cinnamon greeted the new dog as a demonic manifestation of a wolverine - great. She snarled, growled, and snapped. I firmly informed her, in Doggy talk, that I, not she, was the ALPHA here and that the demon had to go away.
For the next hour the dogs acclimated themselves - "Lily" promptly baptized the back yard with a double-header - poop and pee - and then they both came in the house and the demon manifested once again - I cast it out once more and we were on our way to communal doggy bliss.
Lily likes to climb on the bed and the couch. I had to remind her that she was not allowed to do this. She does learn quickly and the two dogs are now sleeping away. We have class this evening and I think that we will leave Lily out in the back yard - hopefully it will not thunderstorm. We will have to see how she does this evening at bedtime. Hopefully she will sleep well. I hope to crate train her in the next few days so we have a way of controlling her fears and get her used to the house while we are away.
The weather has been beautiful - humidity is lower than it has been in days and I was able to get most of my home related chores done in the past two days. Ah! Hamburgers on the grill tonight then off to Augusta for class.
[posted with ecto]
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