Why DO People DO This
The other day at work, the doc who was there brought one of the salesman to me and said, "Hey Pete this guy has a son in the Army and has served in the Middle East you should talk to him."He seemed nice enough and as we talked he told me that his son was serving as a Ranger and was now at a desk job due to injuries which he received while in Afghanistan. This guy then proceeds to tell me how his son came under fire and was injured by shrapnel, and that if he had turned one way or another, he would be dead right now - then he proceeds to theologize and states, "God turned him at the last minute. You know that nothing ever happens unless God allows it."
I walked away. I wasn't rude. I shook his hand, thanked him, turned my back and walked away - oh, he hadn't stopped talking yet, but he may have gone on for another 10 minutes and I didn't want to hear any more.
Maybe, I'm just sensitive, but why would you tell someone who has just informed you that he was struggling with how his son was stationed in Iraq, sent over months earlier than planned, and involved in an active operation - that your son took fire and could have been killed?
That's what I wanted to hear. RIGHT. That's like telling someone who just mentioned that they are pregnant, that you had a miscarriage and lost your first baby - but that was God's will.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Anyway, don't do that. Please. If you have someone tell you that they are struggling just listen to them - don't say stupid stuff. Don't give bad theology. Just listen.
Oh, and the theology thing. Maybe some of you can help me here. Can you find me a passage, a theme, a verse, a solid concept in the Bible that states that NOTHING happens unless God allows it?
I know that not a sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing - he knows what happens. I know that He knows the hairs on your head - He knows things. He even knows words that are on our mind before we speak them. BUT does He allow everything? You have got to be kidding me!
If this is so why in the world - or universe for that matter - would Jesus ask us to pray, "thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven" if it was already taking place?
The whole idea that God allows everything that happens has implications that are too repugnant and awful in relation to who God seems to be in the Scriptures, that I cannot entertain the concept. He then becomes an abuser and manipulator. He allows things to happen so we will be drawn to His compassion and life? I don't think so. I have had some theological shifts in my short 46 years but that one would be too much - and does not reflect a God who gives his all to have relationship with us.
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