
Looking Forward To A "Normal" Weekend

After 4 weekends that were somewhat different from the norm, I am back on schedule this weekend. Home this evening and then Friday - Sunday with regular activities.

The usual list of stuff greets me - washing cars, home maintenance, pick up dog shit, cut grass (much needed - I may need a bush hog), and other various duties. In addition Jen and I may actually get a DATE NIGHT! Yeah! We go out and sit and talk and don't answer phones and get "goo-goo" eyes and stuff like that - married couples, if you don't have a date night, GET ONE - they rock.

But the BIG news this weekend is the "trial run" of a dog that may be our newest addition to the "fambly". I introduced her a few blogs back. Her name is Annalisa.

The crate and bowl came yesterday and we'll pick her up tomorrow morning and bring her back home to see how she and "psycho" Cinnamon get along. I hope that all goes well.

If she stays, we will change her name to "Lily" - Jason always thought that Lily would be a good name for a dog, and Annalisa is just too long of a name for a dog.

As I mentioned, I'll have pictures tomorrow. My hope is to get pictures of her present family - 22 dogs and then some of her and Cinnamon in a more sedate environment, our home.

To work for now!! Hope you and yours are well. Oh, this was by far the coolest temp morning in Charleston in the past 3 months - Aiken should be VERY comfortable this weekend.


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