
Crazy Week - 800 miles of driving

This past week was a bit wild...

It started with a normal Monday. Tuesday Jen and I went to Charleston, SC for her quarterly check up with her CF doctor at MUSC. The news from the doctor was that she was due for a "clean out." This is a heavy duty regimen of antibiotics which are administered IV via a PICC line. We returned to Aiken that night and prepared to return to the hospital Wednesday for the PICC line and admittance to the hospital.

That night I found out that our real estate company was purchased by a Century 21 group out of Columbia, SC. We are now called Century 21 Eulalie Salley & Co. You can imagine that the buzz in the office was at an all time high as everyone was trying to figure out what may lie in store for all of the agents.

Jen and I returned to Charleston, SC Wednesday morning for her procedure. I will not go into a bunch of details about the day - it SUCKED. They tried 15 times to start the PICC line. No go. Jen had 15 holes in her arms and no line for antibiotics. I left to come back to Aiken at 3:30 pm with the assurance that she would get a room shortly. Jen called at 8 pm and said that she still had no room!! Thankfully she had one shortly afterwards. This was a day to forget but couldn't. Thankfully the next day was better and Jen's parents came up for a visit Thursday and Friday. I went back Saturday and brought Jen home. Ahhhhhhh! There is no place like home. She is able to get her routine established and do her IV therapy here. The treatment will probably last for 2 - 3 weeks and she will be done.

Other news...

Jessie turned 18 April 28th and Jason and Candace arrived for a surprise visit. Jessie got her tattoo this past Friday. I'll try and have some pics posted after it heals.

Group has been good and we are always trying to demystify the Kingdom of God and move toward practical ways of expressing God's mercy and love to others. I have such a long way to go in walking together with God but am so appreciative of the people in our group. They are the best and have become our church family.