
Great Weekend

The weekend was good, but short. I usually get a three day weekend but this one was Sat and Sun only. Stayed around the house, yard work, cars, doggie. Sat with Jen as she continues to recover from her procedure - she goes to the dr this am for a follow up.

Went to the early service at church. Hanson revisited the story of the rich man and Lazarus. It got me to thinking about the Pharisee's since this is the purpose of the story - that they were indifferent to the marginalized people of the day, the very people that Jesus made an effort to reach. Anyway, what I was thinking was that the Pharisee's wanted to be noticed by others, Jesus said that's why they prayed, fasted, gave, etc. The motive was to be noticed. Not that they cared what others thought, they didn't. In this case you care what others think when you are insecure and other-centered. Instead, they cared about themselves. They loved themselves. In contrast to caring what others think, in this case you want people to notice you when you are insecure and self-centered.

Made me think...do I care what others think, do I care that they notice, or something else - do I care what my attitudes and actions reflect about maintaining and nuturing a relationship with God and others.


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