
Jessie is going to be 16!

My daughter, Jessie, is gettting ready to turn 16 years old. We are planning a rave - a clean, drug-free, water for drinking rave. I have asked a friend, who is a youth minister in Charleston, SC, to do the DJ stuff. He is a bunch of fun and LOVES to mix music. I am hoping that he can do this. Otherwise it will be me, and that may not be pretty:)

I can still remember Jessie being born...she had a hole in her lung and pneumonia. The doctor said that she would be in the hospital for another 7-10 days with anti-biotic therapy, etc. All I can say is that many of us prayed. The next day the doctor came in and said, holding up two x-rays, "I don't understand." He put the x-rays up on the screen. One showed fluid and a shadow where the hole was, taken the day before. The other showed a PERFECT set of lungs. Jessie's name and ID number were on both sets of x-rays. "I don't understand," he said again. "I guess you can take her home, there is nothing wrong with her lungs."

That was her start! Jessie is an energetic, loving, brilliant, and beautiful young woman. I can't wait to see what she will do as she grows into adulthood. Thank you Jessie for 16 wonderful years as your dad.


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