
It IS a relaxing Sunday

As I had hoped, the three day weekend has been welcomed and appreciated. I have been able to get work around the house done, restocked the larder (went to Sams Club), and some relaxation.

I have also been able to run the past three days, a total of 13 miles, and that always feels good. I HATE to run but hate even more to be out of shape - the cardio benefits are what I am really concerned with, as a 46 year old male, I don't want to "pop-off" due to heart problems. I have been satisfied with the progress - I am able to do 5 miles at a 8 mph pace. My long range goal is to be able to have more stamina for the hike that I take in the late summer out in Washington State. Last year I was a bit winded and sore due to my lack of conditioning. I would like to change that. Next step, since my cardio is getting up to snuff, is to start weight training and develop more lean muscle mass - gain 3-5 more pounds of muscle - so the engine stays running even at rest.

Hanson's talk today was one of his best in a long while. From Rm. 8:28-30 - The suffering that we experience, what the passage doesn't mean, as well as what it means to us as followers of Christ. Way to go Hanson. Well done.

I'm planning on doing some work on my class material this afternoon, doing a crossword puzzle, updating some playlists for my iPod Shuffle, and watching the Braves/Phillies game tonight on ESPN. Nice.

One final, but important, note...Jen has been sleeping so much better the past few nights. Actually, she had someone pray for her the other night, specfically for good rest, and the next two nights were so much different. I am grateful for that.

Hope your weekend was a good one also.


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