
Wouldn't It Have Been Amazing?

I often find myself bemoaning the fact that the days of Christ did not have the technology that we have today-like video recorders. I would have given anything to see the actual faces of the people when Lazarus was raised from the dead, of the sneer of the Pharisees when Jesus healed yet another person on the Sabbath, or the reactions of the family of the Gadarene demoniac as he was coming up the hill to the house after Jesus made him whole.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a home movie of the feeding of the 5,000? I think that, for the most part, theater movies today cannot grasp the intensity, flavor, and heart of the experiences that people had when they encountered Jesus and the Kingdom of God. I think that Mel Gibsons' "The Passion" came close, which was why it captivated people so much. It showed the reality of the brutality that Jesus endured, as an innocent man, more graphically than we have dared to realize.

I mean, what would the disciples have expressed when they pulled the huge catch of fish from the sea. Maybe some "sailor" language?

Anyway, next time you read the stories of Jesus, or any stories for that matter. View them from every angle, every persons perspective, the surrounding crowd or non-participants on the fringes, and let your mind go. Imagine the whole scene and let it come alive. Bring life to the page...you will never again see the Scriptures the same way.


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