
Hang On To Your Butts

Ok. Ok. I admit it. I am a geek when it comes to my computers. I couldn't resist the temptation. I woke up this morning and installed Tiger - the newest Apple operating system - on my everyday, totally dependent upon, if anything goes wrong my ass is in a sling, iBook laptop computer.

And.............CRASH!!! No, just kidding. Everything seems pretty stable after a few hours. I want to take it on a test drive over the weekend and see how it works when I am going through the normal paces of my day. I took all of the precautions and fixed permissions, backed up, installed (update install vs. archive or clean install) OS10.4, and away I went. If things go FUBAR, I can reinstall over the weekend and back up from my back up.

First impressions:
1. Spotlight ROCKS. You can check out what it's about here Spotlight
2. The Dashboard Widgets are cool and I may use some of them.
3. Things seem a bit "snappier" on my 800mhz, iBook. Pretty good programming if you ask me.
4. So far, all of my applications work as expected. I use Word, Excel, Entourage, Safari, Powerpoint, QuickBooks, and MYOB extensively. They seem to be OK.

So, I will give a report back this weekend regarding how the day-to-day stuff on the computer goes. Still no install on our family iMac - too risky. Update 10.4.1 should be out in a few weeks, if not sooner.


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