
Tuesday Evening In Charleston

Normally, I'm back at home Tuesday evening, but tonight I'm staying in Charleston so I can get into the office early, do some things, and get back home early so we can leave for FL in the afternoon. That sounds so good! We get a long weekend to relax, play, and spend time with Jen's parents.

I have spent the evening watching American Idol, the Braves game and IMing Jen and her Mom as we watch American Idol. That's pretty funny when you think about it - three people, watching TV in three different places, at the same time IMing each other about the show that they are watching on TV!

Oh, Tiger update. It arrived today at the house, via UPS. There are already some reports that it messes with some networking applications so I may hold off on the install until the first update which should be released in the next few weeks...or maybe not:)

Got to talk to and pray with a young lady today. Her father is dying of cancer and is in the end stages - may the last few days. She just needed a place to cry and be heard. Most of the people around her are telling her to "be strong", "trust God", and really helpful information like that. We gave her a place that she didn't have to be strong or "be" anything for that matter. She called about 3 hours after her visit and said that she felt better, and was able to talk to her dad, who is unconscious, and tell him that she would be OK, and that if he wanted to go that was OK with her. That took a lot of courage for her. Sitting with her and watching the Lord give her peace during a really though time was an amazing thing.

Anyway, I'll be blogging from FL next entry. Did I mention that I am excited about the weekend?


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