
Star Wars

Jen and I went out tonight and saw the new Star Wars movie. In my opinion, the best of the first three "prequels" to the original Star Wars that came out in 1977.

However, the real reason that I was motivated to write about the movie was the 2 year old who was next to us in the sold out theater. Ok, before you say, "why did you sit near a baby?", I have to say that we took our seats BEFORE Mom and child returned from where ever they were. And to be fair the kid was pretty good for a 2 1/2 hour movie, so my rant is really about the parent(s).

This poor kid just sat on Mom's lap almost the entire time - he did kick the seat in front of him a few times, and slap the seat too. But the most disturbing part was at the end of the movie when (don't read this if you want the surprise) Darth Vadar has just finished fighting with Obe Wan - I say finished since he has just had both of his legs cut off at the knees, and one arm disintegrated by the lava that he was laying upon. He was also on fire, screaming, as his flesh burned off of his face and body. Why in the hell would anyone bring a child that young to a movie like this, let alone sit there and not get a freaking clue as this scene played out and take your kid out of the movie? It was evident that the child was disturbed by the scene as he stared transfixed at the screaming amputee and then started whining and buried his face in his Mom's shoulder.

Anyway, it bothered me. 'nuff said.


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