

Today has been one of thinking. Mostly due to the fact that I have a good friend who is slowly ruining what he has worked so hard to build. Holding too tightly to something is a sure way to choke the life out of it, and that is what is happening.

There are a number of people who are watching what is happening, just no one as close as I am to being the one to say something. Want to change places? The truth is that it won't get better if __________ (you fill in the blank). Have you played that game? Trying to convince yourself that if left alone long enough, or if just the right circumstances happen, or if you stand on your right foot, jump and slap your thigh, it will be OK. You get the idea. It's foolish to think that it will change if it hasn't so far.

So here I am. Faced with the task. Faced with the possibility of being rejected, or worse. Time to step up to the plate and deal with life.

I will let you know how it goes.


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