
Sunday Morning Solace...

I lOVE Sunday mornings. One of the only things that was consistent (other than chaos) growing up were Sunday's. We would either pick up doughnuts or make those "in the box" coffee cakes (does anyone remember making those? you would put the egg, milk, and oil in a plastic baggie with the mix, squish it around, and squeeze it out into an aluminum 9x5 pan, put the cinnamon chunks on there and bake it).

I would spread the funnies out on the floor and read them, chortling under my breath - good memories - I can smell the coffee cake as I write. I need those memories of those days. So much other stuff was out of order and fucked up.

Today is good. The present moment is the best time of my life. My family sleeps in. My son and his wife are here. My daughter is back from D.C.. My wife is in the other room.

I read the Sunday paper, listen to music, drink coffee, the dogs at my feet. Our contentment is shared. This moment has no worries. The worries can wait.

It's Sunday. There really is something to a Sabbath - a rest from the "other stuff." Take a Sabbath. Not a religious one but a REAL one. Rest. Separation. Recharge. Chortle at the comics. Whatever it takes to take a break.

You deserve it. Life takes effort.


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