What is normally a place where soccer, softball, and various recreational league games take place, has become the temporary home of the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It is called The Wall That Heals and is a half size replica of the Memorial in Washington D.C.. Over 58,000 names reach from one end of the wall to the other...58,000 lives...58,000 sons, dads, loved ones... (there were 8 women who died). Volunteers will be reading these names 12 hours a day, for 6 days.
The day today has been rainy, and the atmosphere was somber as we walked down the almost 250 ft. wall reading names and mementos that have been left at the wall as it travels the country.
Below are some pictures:
The Wall
Flowers and Names
For me, the truth of the matter was that in 1975 I was 17 and convinced that I was going to Canada or find some way to dodge the draft. Anything or anywhere but to fight in Vietnam. I was weaned on the protests against and news of this war - "Hell no we won't go"
As opposed as I was to this war in Vietnam I was even less concerned with the people who had given their lives. I was only concerned with my own skin. For that I am ashamed and embarassed.
I NOW appreciate the sacrifice. I NOW have a greater sense of patriotism and pride in my country. NOT because of the things that I disagree with that our country has participated in BUT in spite of those things. I NOW support those who fight EVEN if I don't support the fight that they are sent to be involved with.
To those who are serving and have served in the Armed Forces, "Thank you." A special "thank you" to the Vietnam Vets out there. Something at The Wall That Heals really hit me. It said that EVERYONE in that war was wounded. That is probably true of all wars and fighting.
A special thanks to my son, Jason, who serves in the 2/2 LAR in the United States Marine Corps. I appreciate what you do and pray for you and all of those who are in harms way.
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