Some of the players
Our seats were amazing. First base side, 2 rows off of the field. In the middle of the 3rd inning the skies opened up and it rained HARD. The good news is that it dropped the temperature about 10 degrees. We ran up the stairs and gathered in the concession area. The bad news was a one hour rain delay that meant getting home even later than expected (we are a 3 hour drive from Atlanta).
Here is a picture of the three of us, suffering during the storm.
Three Wet Amigos
Nothing like a cold SIX DOLLAR beer to take the edge off of the rain. SIX FUCKING DOLLARS for a beer. Even though I know that this is normal. Even though I know that the cost will be OUTRAGEOUS, I still balk at reaching into my wallet and paying ONE DOLLAR A SIP for a beer. I mean, I pay $12.00 for a CASE of Corona. Well, at least it's not as bad as Hanson paying SIX AND A HALF DOLLARS FOR A BAG OF PEANUTS - a 12 ounce bag. Next time I bring my OWN peanuts. I get a 5 lb. bag at Sam's Club for less than 5 dollars.
The last picture below is the grounds crew drying out the infield after the rain delay.
Ground Crew
These folks work HARD at what they do. Soaked to the skin, dancing around while lightning strikes all around, these guys pull tarps, scatter drying agent, and rake like crazy little ants while 40,000 people stand around mumbling that the game needs to start.
Great evening. Great ball game. Great friends. It doesn't get any better than this.
Now to get ready for a World Cup match between Germany and Italy. I don't want to be anti host country, but I would love to see an Italy v. France final. With Italy winning and breaking the spectre of the Roberto Baggio shank.
Buy the way, I'll be drinking ONE DOLLAR Corona's and eating CHEAP peanuts.
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