
The Upcoming Weekend...

Well, Jessie is finishing her week at Girls Nation in Washington D.C. She called last night (of course I was asleep since it was after 8 p.m.) and said that she was having a good time, but was tired and misses being home. I get her at the airport Saturday. Her travel isn't over yet as she fly's to Indiana to visit her cousins, Aunt's, Uncles, and Grandparents. She is really looking forward to the trip.

It seems that she has decided on a college - UGA - now she wants to retake her ACT since she hopes to get a better score on her math and science section (she got a freakin' 32 on the test). Once that is done she will then begin the process of application, etc. It will be a great process to experience with her. She is such a great young lady and has so much to look forward to in life. This will be a good year.

Other news...

JASON AND CANDACE are coming to visit. They have been in Alabama for the past few days and are actually on the way as I write. Of course, I will be IN BED when they get here (since I go to bed at 8 p.m.[I'm not bitter]). They will be here for a number of days and then they will head back to Jacksonville, NC. He then deploys "in country" for 7 months with the 2nd LAR. Please say a prayer for him and his squad as they place themselves in harms way. Here is a letter from his CO covering some of his activity.

As always, I look forward to hanging out and RELAXING this weekend - with family and friends. As usual I can think of a million things to blog about until I get in front of the computer. I have to get better about jotting down thoughts and topics so you don't always have to read family stuff...

I hope that your weekend goes well.


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