
A Little "Scroogy" With The Christmas Decorations

I love Christmas. I love the family time. The smells. The emphasis on the birth of Christ. The giving.


I have decided that HELL for me would be setting up and taking down the Christmas Decorations at The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. I would rather have bamboo shoots driven under my fingernails. No, really.

We took down the tree yesterday, at my insistence - since Jen would keep it up until Easter if she could. We are having some friends over for a Murder Mystery Party tonight and needed the space in the living room. At least that was the absolute best excuse that I could come up with. She bit, I mean agreed, to take it down.

Without going into a lot of detail you instinctively know the horticulture of the Christmas tree - you cut it off at ground level and it starts dying at that minute. They truck it in from whatever place in North Carolina they cut it from and set it up in a lot for you to look at and "oh and ah" during the selection process. You bring it in the house, hang all sorts of things all over it, and, as it dies over the next weeks, it throws needles everywhere.

The best part is that you wrap lights strung together, that are 150 feet in total length, around the tree so that when you unwrap the lights more of the little dry needles get flung all over the house. Same thing goes for ornaments and such. Easy on. Messy off.

OK. I admit that I'm a little OCD. I like things neat and orderly and hate messiness. BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH. I have seriously considered getting a "fake" tree. Notice I said "I". Jen will have nothing of it. "Fake trees are for OLD PEOPLE." she says.

(Side note - her parents got a fake tree ordered and delivered this year for next years Christmas)

The logic in "Jen's World" goes like this;
A = Fake trees are for old people (like my parents).
B = Pete wants a fake tree.
C= I (Jen) can't be married to an old person. That would be creepy.
D = Pete can't have a fake tree.
E through Z = NO FAKE TREE.

I'm screwed.

Back to the point - sort of. I have a ritual for getting the offending, needle throwing tree out of the house with as little damage and mess as possible. Feel free to use this process if you want. I place a tarp next to the tree, after the decorations are off (and more needles are now all over the floor).
  • Get your garden pruning shears - I use hand shears and the longer "branch loppers"
  • Cut the branches off one by one and lay them on the tarp.
  • Once the tarp is full gather the corners and take the tarp outside and dump accordingly.
  • Repeat as needed.
Now you have a bare thick "stick" tree truck to take out instead of a "needle flinging" disaster. Easy! At least easier than trying to drag the stupid tree out of the house and getting a trail of needles everywhere.

All griping and whining aside. We packed all the decorations and I have put all but one storage tub back in the attic (since we always find an overlooked decoration in the house AFTER I put everything up in the attic - one year, it was March before we found the last ornament - sad.)

The really fun part is that next year we get to do it all over again - oh boy!!

My only chance out of this "cycle of torture" is that Jen's parents decide that the FAKE tree that they bought is too heavy (it took two FedEx workers to carry it to the front door - 56 pounds worth) and too much trouble to fluff and set up. Then they may give it to us. I'm already planning, and praying.

Oh yeah, don't tell Jen.



My Electric Shaver

OK. I recant. I hated electric shavers.

The truth is that the reason that I hated electric shavers was based on an experience from my adolescent years. Somebody, I can't remember who, bought me a "triple header" electric razor of some sort for Christmas.

I used it and it created such ingrown hair problems on my teenage face that I packed it up and never used it again. So I banned all use of electric razors and told everybody else that electric razors were useless. Years passed and I solved the problem by growing a beard and only shaving around the edges:)

The only break that I took was during Bible College. They didn't allow facial hair beyond mustache's (or jeans in classes). Other than that I had a beard.

That was until UPS came along when I got hired in November. One of the requirements of management for UPS is that there is no facial hair. GREAT. I had to shave every other day (the bare minimum for me). My poor face was chapped and raw. I cut myself. I bleed. I hate shaving. So, I researched and read. I went to www.epinions.com. I went to Amazon.com. I decided on an electric razor and asked SANTA CLAUS to bring me one - OK. It's really my In-laws.

They bought me a Braun. I recant! The freaking thing shaves ALMOST as close as a blade razor. The best thing is that it cleans itself and then sits ready for me to use:)

I have only used the thing for a week but am looking forward to MANY shaves without cuts and rash.


Jason and Candace

Over the holidays, Jason came back to Aiken with his girlfriend Candace.

This was the FIRST girl that Jason called home and said, "I have a girlfriend." This is HUGE! He never even so much as made a direct mention of another girl since early high school - and that was a passing reference.

Anyway, she is a neat person and I see what Jason sees in her. She is fun to be around and I am happy for him.

Jason and Candace
Jason and Candace

The whole break was outstanding and going back to work this past Tuesday was such a relief from the hectic and crazy days before Christmas. We had 8 tractor trailer loads instead of 19+. The facility manager said that our peak day had over 21,000 packages - more than the facility has ever seen in one day.

Total change of subject - I started using an electric shaver this week - a new Christmas gift from my in-laws (Thanks Bob and Jody). Very cool. I may say more later.

Ramping up for the New Year and my wife's birthday - January 1st! How fun is that? There is always a party on your birthday.



Unique Christmas Traditions at the Sonnati's

Strange but true! One of the traditions in the Sonnati household is to give Jen a box of Tampons! What a Christmas tradition.

Here is a picture of the "opening of the Tampons":

Traditional Tampons
Traditional Christmas Tampons

We are on the way home from Florida shortly and we'll open presents with each other and the kids.

I will see you later in the weekend.



"I Was Only Trying To Change Lanes"

So. I get home from work and take the car out to get it gassed up and ready for the Florida trip.

I thought that I would run to the store and check on a present for Jen.

The busiest road near us is called, I kid you not, Whiskey Rd. Four lanes of pure hell this time of year. Inch by painful inch. And, as usual, there are the people who want to make a RIGHT turn 300 yards up the road, but for some reason feel that the best way to get there is to get in the left lane until one is 50 yards away from the turn and THEN get into the right lane - thus saving, I don't know 10 feet of road or maybe 6 seconds of travel time.

My word to those who care and drive like this - DON'T FUCKING DO IT! If you have any questions as to "why not?", just take a look at the picture below.

Boom said the car
Boom said the car

My tail end is crushed. The State Trooper that worked this accident (Or "wreck" if you live in the South), was actually working another "wreck" right next to where I was hit. He actually ran out of accident reports and had to wait for his supervisor to bring him some.

The trunk closes, which is nice since we had to go to Florida and visit Jen's parents - putting things in the trunk is important on a trip.

So I have insurance adjusters to look forward to, and body shops and settlements, and all sorts of fun shit.

Don't be jealous:)


The Peak Season Is Over for Brown

Well, it's over! We officially ended "peak season" at UPS yesterday. 12 loads contrasted to 19 on Thursday and 21 on Wednesday.

I get Monday off and don't have to go in until 5 AM - that means up at 4 AM instead of 2:30 AM. That is reason for CELEBRATION!

We are in Florida for a QUICK two days. Back to Aiken on Christmas Day.

Family time today and yesterday.



Can You Believe It?

On the "WWJT" about the Christmas Day dilemma (see post from a few days ago). I drove past a church this morning and the sign out front said,

"Open For Business Christmas Day."

Cute. I didn't realize that the church was a "business". Maybe that was a slip. Maybe "cute". Either way, I wouldn't be drawn to that church Christmas Day.

Enough of that.

Work at UPS was less busy this morning. We handled 20,000 pieces yesterday - that is, unloaded from tractor trailer's and place in the back of the brown UPS trucks that you see come to your home. All in 4 and 1/2 hours. Today was 19,000. Due to the easing of the loads I get an extra 15 minutes of sleep tomorrow morning - to work at 3:35 AM instead of 3:30. Believe me, at that time of day, 15 minutes is great.

Tomorrow will be another 1,00o less. Next week will be back to about 13,000. Yeah! I am looking forward to starting the computer part of the job that I was hired for.

Jason, my Marine son, and his new girlfriend, Candice, are coming to see the family today. They will be here until December 27th. I will post pictures and some anecdotes from the weekend later.

Jen and I are driving down to Amelia Island, FL to see her parents over the weekend. Back here Christmas Day for fun and presents with the kids.


Christmas is one of my favorite times of year - family and relaxation. I hope that you enjoy your families this season.



My Friend Has Cancer

This past week one of my friends discovered that he has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. That sucks. That sucks really bad.

I hate that people are sick and get cancer. But, I have to admit that I don't think about other people and the struggles they have. It only comes home to me when it is close. I really hate when my friends suffer sickness.

He started chemo yesterday and has at least six months of treatment. Prognosis is good. His spirit's are good. His general health is good.

Pray for his strength. Pray for his spirit. Pray for his faith. His name is Dan.

Fight Dan, fight. I will carry you when you need it. I love you.



WWJT (What Would Jesus Think) - The "we are so petty" Department

Ok. I'm officially lodging a complaint about the entire "Christmas Church Service" debate. If you have been aware of the latest "evangelical news story" you know that there has been great concern about the fact that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year.

It seems that some churches have decided to take the day "off" and let their families stay home and celebrate Christmas or (gasp), attend another church that has morning services.

One example of the debate is in Toledo, OH. Another is Fredericksburg, MD. In fact, much of the media has been aimed at the Mega-churches.

This really isn't fair since the majority of "closed" churches on Christmas Day will be the smaller churches - I speak from experience. Having pastored, or been on a church staff for more than 15 years, this was an issue that I have faced, thankfully, only a few times - 1983, 1988, and 1994. Knowing what to do when you have 10 families and 8 have small children can be a valid issue. I won't say how I handled it. I will say that this is the first Christmas on Sunday that has EVER made "news". And of all of the previous years I mentioned had some churches that closed for Christmas on that day.

Which "side" you choose isn't really the point. Both "sides" have legitimate perspective.

The real point is, "why are followers of Christ even having the discussion, and do they realize the impact on those who watch, namely folks who aren't following Christ?"

I mean, I don't really want to piss on the parade that you have decided to march in, but take a minute and think this through:

1. It makes followers of Christ LOOK LIKE they are aligned like political parties - the "anti's" and "for's" - we have descended into little arguments that make "us" fell better rather than promote Jesus Christ.
2. What effect does this have on people who are "looking in" at the silliness of the "sides"?
3. The "church" gets news coverage for their differences NOT their common love. What a sad thing.
4. Did the early church EVER celebrate the birth of Christ? I mean the church in the first 100 years after Christ? No real evidence exists. The "institutional" church started this celebration. Now, I have no problem with the celebration of Christ's birth, and I even participate in church services celebrations, as well as personal celebration, but should we FIGHT over it? Is it essential to the faith?
5. The church, for the most part, in the Western world, has failed in the primary mission of being light and salt to the world. This gives us more time to debate issues of little importance and allow discipleship to be the "Great Omission".
6. I really wonder what the Lord thinks of the debate? Does He even care if we celebrate His birthday?
7. Self-righteousness NEVER accomplishes productive results.
8. Motivating by guilt NEVER accomplishes productive results.
9. If you "miss" church for ANY reason and are part of the "debate", make sure that you do not have "rocks" in your hands. I know people (I am one of them) who has "skipped" church to travel, to spend time with family, to sleep in, to watch TV, because I am tired, and various other reasons. Do I take solace that at least the CHURCH WAS OPEN even though I decided to stay away? What is the difference? How can I justify myself if I am "taking a side" in this latest "discussion"?

I mean, shit people, let's just enjoy each other, celebrate Christ's birth if you are so inclined, and have a positive experience this year. Why would you allow this to cause a "dis-taste" for you?

One last thought - If you believe in a God and a devil. How do you think that the devil would ruin your celebration and cause division in the church? Cancel services OR exaggerate a "non-issue"?

I'm just saying to think about it.

"..love one another.." 1 Jn. 4:11



OK, Now I'm Spoiled

My last post was about the gadget that my brother-in-law gave me while we were there this past Thanksgiving - a HP iPaq 6315.

WELL that ain't NOTHING! When I spoke to my sister last week she said to look for a "surprise" coming in via UPS (of course). I ventured a guess to Jen and said, "I bet it's a freaking TIVO." They have TIVO and it is amazing. You can miss something on the news and just rewind and replay it. You can record shows that can be searched by actor, content, program, etc. The COOLEST fucking thing is that you can HOME NETWORK the thing so that you can set up your recording schedule via broadband as well as download shows and put them on your iPod!

There is more. You have to go to the TIVO web site and see what's up - I'm stunned...

Yesterday, we got home from our monthly SAMS Club trip, and movie venture (We saw Chronicles of Narnia and I loved it. Very true to the book.) and there was a package outside the front door. I heard Jen grunt as she tumbled the box in through the front door.

We opened it and it was...


SO here I sit in the living room, setting up the box to work with our home stereo system and network. It will probably take the entire afternoon BUT it will be very cool once done. Another gadget. YEAH!

Now I must learn to master the thing because my father-in-law will want one (right Jody?) and I will be the tech support for the basic use.

Oh! It just finished downloading and installing the stuff for our local cable TV. Gotta go!!



After A Few Days With A New Gadget

While we were in Phoenix for Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law who is a "gadget whore" like myself, presented me with a gadget that he didn't use anymore:

An HP iPaq 6315 Pocket PC

The thing rocks! I can now, after some work with various programs, sync this Windows device with my iBook and keep track of all of my contacts, calendar, and tasks. I can also load music form iTunes and photos from iPhoto. And that just starts the COOL.

It can be used as a phone (I have no sim card and do not want one for the thing). The best part, for me, is that I can use it for e-mail and internet surfing. It has wireless and bluetooth capabilities. I can also sync my iBook and the handheld wirelessly.

It's also a camera:) It's just crazy. Now I have a new "toy" and something to play with and keep track of my data on.

I will be using it more in the future when I need to keep track of lots of information while the new office is being built.

Thank you Henry!



I'm Totally Out Of Sync

Sorry for my irregular blogging lately. This new work schedule has me totally out of sync.

I go to bed at 8 PM.

I get up at 3 AM.

I get home at 10 AM.

I eat dinner at 5 - 5:30 PM.

I feel weird. My wife says that I am being weird. I let little details of the day slip by.

All totally unlike me. So I have let blogging slip too. I can't believe that I haven't posted since 11/25. I apologize for those who check in and see what's up and see the same OLD POST.

Here is what's going on:

I am getting more and more stuff to do at UPS and this is peak time. If you can hang in the shipping business during this time of year you can hang. I'm looking forward to getting back to the task that I was hired for.

I have some doctor's interested in the proposal of starting a "state of the art" office here in the area. If that works out it will be a lot of work for the next few years but will eventually be a profitable and rewarding venture. Hopefully, in five years Jen and I will be able to have more time to travel and play.

Our tree is up and we are planning Christmas travel. This is such a great time of year and I am excited about family and spending time together.

I'm teaching this Sunday on one of my favorite books in Scripture - The Song of Songs. The passion of Christ and our love relationship with God and his desire for us - I can't wait.

Thanks for stopping in...