
I'm Totally Out Of Sync

Sorry for my irregular blogging lately. This new work schedule has me totally out of sync.

I go to bed at 8 PM.

I get up at 3 AM.

I get home at 10 AM.

I eat dinner at 5 - 5:30 PM.

I feel weird. My wife says that I am being weird. I let little details of the day slip by.

All totally unlike me. So I have let blogging slip too. I can't believe that I haven't posted since 11/25. I apologize for those who check in and see what's up and see the same OLD POST.

Here is what's going on:

I am getting more and more stuff to do at UPS and this is peak time. If you can hang in the shipping business during this time of year you can hang. I'm looking forward to getting back to the task that I was hired for.

I have some doctor's interested in the proposal of starting a "state of the art" office here in the area. If that works out it will be a lot of work for the next few years but will eventually be a profitable and rewarding venture. Hopefully, in five years Jen and I will be able to have more time to travel and play.

Our tree is up and we are planning Christmas travel. This is such a great time of year and I am excited about family and spending time together.

I'm teaching this Sunday on one of my favorite books in Scripture - The Song of Songs. The passion of Christ and our love relationship with God and his desire for us - I can't wait.

Thanks for stopping in...


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