
After A Few Days With A New Gadget

While we were in Phoenix for Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law who is a "gadget whore" like myself, presented me with a gadget that he didn't use anymore:

An HP iPaq 6315 Pocket PC

The thing rocks! I can now, after some work with various programs, sync this Windows device with my iBook and keep track of all of my contacts, calendar, and tasks. I can also load music form iTunes and photos from iPhoto. And that just starts the COOL.

It can be used as a phone (I have no sim card and do not want one for the thing). The best part, for me, is that I can use it for e-mail and internet surfing. It has wireless and bluetooth capabilities. I can also sync my iBook and the handheld wirelessly.

It's also a camera:) It's just crazy. Now I have a new "toy" and something to play with and keep track of my data on.

I will be using it more in the future when I need to keep track of lots of information while the new office is being built.

Thank you Henry!


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