I thought that I would run to the store and check on a present for Jen.
The busiest road near us is called, I kid you not, Whiskey Rd. Four lanes of pure hell this time of year. Inch by painful inch. And, as usual, there are the people who want to make a RIGHT turn 300 yards up the road, but for some reason feel that the best way to get there is to get in the left lane until one is 50 yards away from the turn and THEN get into the right lane - thus saving, I don't know 10 feet of road or maybe 6 seconds of travel time.
My word to those who care and drive like this - DON'T FUCKING DO IT! If you have any questions as to "why not?", just take a look at the picture below.
Boom said the car
My tail end is crushed. The State Trooper that worked this accident (Or "wreck" if you live in the South), was actually working another "wreck" right next to where I was hit. He actually ran out of accident reports and had to wait for his supervisor to bring him some.
The trunk closes, which is nice since we had to go to Florida and visit Jen's parents - putting things in the trunk is important on a trip.
So I have insurance adjusters to look forward to, and body shops and settlements, and all sorts of fun shit.
Don't be jealous:)
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