
OK, Now I'm Spoiled

My last post was about the gadget that my brother-in-law gave me while we were there this past Thanksgiving - a HP iPaq 6315.

WELL that ain't NOTHING! When I spoke to my sister last week she said to look for a "surprise" coming in via UPS (of course). I ventured a guess to Jen and said, "I bet it's a freaking TIVO." They have TIVO and it is amazing. You can miss something on the news and just rewind and replay it. You can record shows that can be searched by actor, content, program, etc. The COOLEST fucking thing is that you can HOME NETWORK the thing so that you can set up your recording schedule via broadband as well as download shows and put them on your iPod!

There is more. You have to go to the TIVO web site and see what's up - I'm stunned...

Yesterday, we got home from our monthly SAMS Club trip, and movie venture (We saw Chronicles of Narnia and I loved it. Very true to the book.) and there was a package outside the front door. I heard Jen grunt as she tumbled the box in through the front door.

We opened it and it was...


SO here I sit in the living room, setting up the box to work with our home stereo system and network. It will probably take the entire afternoon BUT it will be very cool once done. Another gadget. YEAH!

Now I must learn to master the thing because my father-in-law will want one (right Jody?) and I will be the tech support for the basic use.

Oh! It just finished downloading and installing the stuff for our local cable TV. Gotta go!!


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