
My Electric Shaver

OK. I recant. I hated electric shavers.

The truth is that the reason that I hated electric shavers was based on an experience from my adolescent years. Somebody, I can't remember who, bought me a "triple header" electric razor of some sort for Christmas.

I used it and it created such ingrown hair problems on my teenage face that I packed it up and never used it again. So I banned all use of electric razors and told everybody else that electric razors were useless. Years passed and I solved the problem by growing a beard and only shaving around the edges:)

The only break that I took was during Bible College. They didn't allow facial hair beyond mustache's (or jeans in classes). Other than that I had a beard.

That was until UPS came along when I got hired in November. One of the requirements of management for UPS is that there is no facial hair. GREAT. I had to shave every other day (the bare minimum for me). My poor face was chapped and raw. I cut myself. I bleed. I hate shaving. So, I researched and read. I went to www.epinions.com. I went to Amazon.com. I decided on an electric razor and asked SANTA CLAUS to bring me one - OK. It's really my In-laws.

They bought me a Braun. I recant! The freaking thing shaves ALMOST as close as a blade razor. The best thing is that it cleans itself and then sits ready for me to use:)

I have only used the thing for a week but am looking forward to MANY shaves without cuts and rash.


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