Thank you to for linking to this site.
Here she is again. My favorite "go to person" for advice. The "gingerbread man" question is my favorite.
Home For The Holidays
After a whirlwind trip to Amelia Island, FL (we left Friday and returned last night at 10 p.m.), Jen, Jessie, and I, along with our faithful dogs, CInnamon and Lily, are hunkered down for Christmas. This will one of the first years that Jessie has waken up in her home - one of the side effects of divorce. I'm glad for her.
We will drink coffee, make and eat cookies, open presents, watch TV - spend time together. I will post some pictures from Amelia and here this afternoon.
Big surprise. In today's local paper, there was an article about the 2nd LAR in Iraq. This is Jason's battalion. It was about the Marines helping the Iraqi forces put out a fire that had started in the Iraqi mess hall. It was emotional for me just to read about something that he was close to, that I can connect with. Please pray for Jason and the tens of thousands of other men and women serving around the world. It's a lonely place to be - without your family.
"To us a Child is born and a Son is given..."
Merry Christmas.
We will drink coffee, make and eat cookies, open presents, watch TV - spend time together. I will post some pictures from Amelia and here this afternoon.
Big surprise. In today's local paper, there was an article about the 2nd LAR in Iraq. This is Jason's battalion. It was about the Marines helping the Iraqi forces put out a fire that had started in the Iraqi mess hall. It was emotional for me just to read about something that he was close to, that I can connect with. Please pray for Jason and the tens of thousands of other men and women serving around the world. It's a lonely place to be - without your family.
"To us a Child is born and a Son is given..."
Merry Christmas.
Surviving Another Peak Season
The Christmas Package Rush is over! A big THANK YOU to everyone who ordered gifts online. You helped feed countless temporary workers with UPS - those we call Seasonal Workers. These are the driver helpers, the unloaders, the sorters, etc. who helped move the packages that are now under your tree.
The latest stats are that UPS moved over 100 million packages in the last seven working days before Christmas. The peak day was December 20, when 248 packages per SECOND were moved.
All I can say is that I am glad that it is over. This past Friday was the worst day I have experienced at UPS. Some freaking genius decided that our start time would be 5:30 am since the package volume was projected to be lower by 9 thousand packages from peak day (we started at 3:30 am on peak day). These were the same "bean counters" who stated that our peak would be lower than last year - we were UP from last year, by the way.
Without a bunch of details, we were not down as much as forecasted and we were behind before we started. Add to that we were dealing with pouring rain ALL MORNING LONG.
I am glad that is over. Hopefully, this will be my last peak season. I am working hard at the real estate profession and it looks like it is only a matter of time before I have enough regular income to allow me to quit.
That will be a good day.
I hope that all of you have a great holiday weekend with family and friends. I know that I will.
The latest stats are that UPS moved over 100 million packages in the last seven working days before Christmas. The peak day was December 20, when 248 packages per SECOND were moved.
All I can say is that I am glad that it is over. This past Friday was the worst day I have experienced at UPS. Some freaking genius decided that our start time would be 5:30 am since the package volume was projected to be lower by 9 thousand packages from peak day (we started at 3:30 am on peak day). These were the same "bean counters" who stated that our peak would be lower than last year - we were UP from last year, by the way.
Without a bunch of details, we were not down as much as forecasted and we were behind before we started. Add to that we were dealing with pouring rain ALL MORNING LONG.
I am glad that is over. Hopefully, this will be my last peak season. I am working hard at the real estate profession and it looks like it is only a matter of time before I have enough regular income to allow me to quit.
That will be a good day.
I hope that all of you have a great holiday weekend with family and friends. I know that I will.
My Demented Dog
Lily is A Spaz
This is a clip of my hound mix. She was adopted and had NO personality. She has come into her own as you can plainly see.
Here she is seen rolling on her back and chewing her "squeaky".
This is a clip of my hound mix. She was adopted and had NO personality. She has come into her own as you can plainly see.
Here she is seen rolling on her back and chewing her "squeaky".
The Fruitcake Lady
It's the Fruitcake Lady
This lady has passed on but I have to say that she gives advice that many would like to have the balls to give.
This lady has passed on but I have to say that she gives advice that many would like to have the balls to give.
My Daughter, The College Student
My daughter, Jessie, just received her acceptance to The University of Georgia so she will be attending in the Fall.
This was her first and, really, only choice for college so she is very excited that she was accepted and knows what she will be doing in the Fall. She is off for the Christmas break from high school and doesn't have to be back at school until after the new year. She will be relaxing and working at the restaurant as hostess.
We are so proud of her and are looking forward to the next giant step in her life.
This was her first and, really, only choice for college so she is very excited that she was accepted and knows what she will be doing in the Fall. She is off for the Christmas break from high school and doesn't have to be back at school until after the new year. She will be relaxing and working at the restaurant as hostess.
We are so proud of her and are looking forward to the next giant step in her life.
My Daughter The Artist/Writer
This is a picture (sorry about the flash) of a painting that my daughter has done. More than the artwork is the text itself. She is a really good writer and has a way of expressing her thoughts that is concise and emotive.
Have a look:

"Jessie's Painting"
Have a look:
"Jessie's Painting"
Brandon Hits It Out of The Park
One of the blogs that I read is Bad Christian. Brandon expresses much of what I feel and think and he can put it into words that I wish I had said. His post today was particularly insightful.
Have a read - What's A Disciple Really
Maybe tomorrow, when those of us who have a church we attend, attend, we should ask these questions and look into this mirror. We may not like what we find.
Have a read - What's A Disciple Really
Maybe tomorrow, when those of us who have a church we attend, attend, we should ask these questions and look into this mirror. We may not like what we find.
Well There's a F***ing Newsflash
It took James Baker, a few others on the commission, and a rising tide of unhappy people to declare that "we need a new approach". Un-freaking believable!
Bush: "we need a new approach" on Iraq:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Thursday that a new approach was required on Iraq, one day after a scathing report by the Iraq Study Group called for changing U.S. strategy.
Here's a link to Michael Yon's blog and a commentary from Joe Galloway - Duh! He states what is clear and concise. He covers his points quickly and he can, if you take the time to read other items he has written, back up what he says with a tremendous grasp of history, military tactics, and political understanding.
Politically I am a fiscal Republican and a social Democrat BUT the past few years have shown that both parties have strayed from the course that they founded their agendas upon. Somehow, there needs to be a third political party that can actually make a difference and get enough numbers to sway the Congress and Senate to do the job of actually taking care of the country and not covering their own asses.
That being said, my heart goes out to all who have family, or who have lost family, in this seemingly unending fiasco in the Middle East. Every time I hear about a death of a military member I dread the knock at our door and the door of my son's new wife. The fact that the knock hasn't taken place here does not minimize the fact that someone's door is being knocked on by sharply dressed bearers of unimaginable news.
Keep your head down Jason. I love you.
Bush: "we need a new approach" on Iraq:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Thursday that a new approach was required on Iraq, one day after a scathing report by the Iraq Study Group called for changing U.S. strategy.
Here's a link to Michael Yon's blog and a commentary from Joe Galloway - Duh! He states what is clear and concise. He covers his points quickly and he can, if you take the time to read other items he has written, back up what he says with a tremendous grasp of history, military tactics, and political understanding.
Politically I am a fiscal Republican and a social Democrat BUT the past few years have shown that both parties have strayed from the course that they founded their agendas upon. Somehow, there needs to be a third political party that can actually make a difference and get enough numbers to sway the Congress and Senate to do the job of actually taking care of the country and not covering their own asses.
That being said, my heart goes out to all who have family, or who have lost family, in this seemingly unending fiasco in the Middle East. Every time I hear about a death of a military member I dread the knock at our door and the door of my son's new wife. The fact that the knock hasn't taken place here does not minimize the fact that someone's door is being knocked on by sharply dressed bearers of unimaginable news.
Keep your head down Jason. I love you.
Sad and Tragic end to a Great Man's Life
You can read the story at the link below. James Kim was a devoted and committed father and husband. He left them for one reason only - to find help for his family.
The search for James Kim ends: roundup The body of CNET editor has been found, authorities said Wednesday.
Heartfelt thanks go out toward an entire community of law enforcement, search and rescue, and even a company who rerouted their satellite to scan the terrain that James was lost in.
I am sorry for friends and family and my prayers are certainly with is wife and kids.
The search for James Kim ends: roundup The body of CNET editor has been found, authorities said Wednesday.
Heartfelt thanks go out toward an entire community of law enforcement, search and rescue, and even a company who rerouted their satellite to scan the terrain that James was lost in.
I am sorry for friends and family and my prayers are certainly with is wife and kids.
Weekend Over
Well, the end of the Thanksgiving Holiday is here and I have finalized preparations for work in the morning - that is 3 a.m. in the morning.
This has been a VERY relaxing weekend - family, fun, food, serving, crosswords, reading, football, etc.
For those of you in the shipping business - hang on to your butts. This season, like the last 5, looks to set all sorts of records for online shopping. That means MORE shipped packages than last year. I'll come up for air the week after Christmas.
This has been a VERY relaxing weekend - family, fun, food, serving, crosswords, reading, football, etc.
For those of you in the shipping business - hang on to your butts. This season, like the last 5, looks to set all sorts of records for online shopping. That means MORE shipped packages than last year. I'll come up for air the week after Christmas.
It Is About Giving
Jessie, Jen, and I went downtown to One Table - a community-wide Thanksgiving meal that invites anyone and everyone to eat a Thanksgiving meal. Especially important are the people who cannot afford the meal or are unable to prepare the traditional dinner.
The three of us actually delivered meals to 8 people in a nearby city. These folks are shut-ins or just lonely and have no family to eat with. The people we delivered to were very appreciative of the meals.
The first house was an older man who insisted on taking all of the food - a loaf of bread, and two styrofoam meal containers: one with the hot food and the other with cranberry sauce and dessert. We had expected to go in and chat. he would have nothing of that.
The next stop was a small apartment complex. A small elderly woman was sweeping her porch and said as we got out of the car, "I thought that you were going to come yesterday." We brought the food in and she said "thank you and happy thanksgiving." We then went two doors down and dropped off another meal. The man who answered the door was obviously spending the day with the person who we brought the food for - that was a short stop too.
Family filled the next home we arrived at. A happy place with thanksgiving preparations already underway. The woman we went to see was being visited by sisters, brothers, daughters, grands and great grands. They were obviously a close family and actually invited us to stay. Cool. We had other homes to visit and were on our way. I was happy for the elderly woman. Family is what the holidays are about. Being alone would suck.
The stops continued. A middle aged son and daughter, both in motorized wheelchairs, and their mother were in the apartment. A single, thankful elderly lady was at the next house.
Our last visit was the most interesting and saddest. Jen told me the name of the man and it was the same name of a group of grocery stores in the area. Coincidence? We found out that this was, in fact, the same man who owned the stores. That was the interesting part. The sad part was that he told us about his 7 children, 5 sons and 2 daughters, and none of them were there. On the fridge were pictures of grandkids and children but they were absent. In fact he said that his daughter was managing one the the area stores today.
I thought of Harry Chapin's song "Cats in the Cradle" and was thankful for my wife and daughter who were with me in the car. We are family. We were doing something for others. We have memories of this year.
The three of us actually delivered meals to 8 people in a nearby city. These folks are shut-ins or just lonely and have no family to eat with. The people we delivered to were very appreciative of the meals.
The first house was an older man who insisted on taking all of the food - a loaf of bread, and two styrofoam meal containers: one with the hot food and the other with cranberry sauce and dessert. We had expected to go in and chat. he would have nothing of that.
The next stop was a small apartment complex. A small elderly woman was sweeping her porch and said as we got out of the car, "I thought that you were going to come yesterday." We brought the food in and she said "thank you and happy thanksgiving." We then went two doors down and dropped off another meal. The man who answered the door was obviously spending the day with the person who we brought the food for - that was a short stop too.
Family filled the next home we arrived at. A happy place with thanksgiving preparations already underway. The woman we went to see was being visited by sisters, brothers, daughters, grands and great grands. They were obviously a close family and actually invited us to stay. Cool. We had other homes to visit and were on our way. I was happy for the elderly woman. Family is what the holidays are about. Being alone would suck.
The stops continued. A middle aged son and daughter, both in motorized wheelchairs, and their mother were in the apartment. A single, thankful elderly lady was at the next house.
Our last visit was the most interesting and saddest. Jen told me the name of the man and it was the same name of a group of grocery stores in the area. Coincidence? We found out that this was, in fact, the same man who owned the stores. That was the interesting part. The sad part was that he told us about his 7 children, 5 sons and 2 daughters, and none of them were there. On the fridge were pictures of grandkids and children but they were absent. In fact he said that his daughter was managing one the the area stores today.
I thought of Harry Chapin's song "Cats in the Cradle" and was thankful for my wife and daughter who were with me in the car. We are family. We were doing something for others. We have memories of this year.
Thanksgiving Weekend
This is a LONG sought after break. My work week at UPS usually ends on Friday. I don't get to relax completely since we have group that night at 7 p.m. was the end of my workweek on a Wednesday and I don't have to be ANYWHERE at all tonight.
So I am "cubbied" in the house. In fact I told Jen that the only reason that I was going out of the house today was if the freaking thing caught on fire, and even then...
The whole house is full of great smells: lentil soup, a pot of coffee, a pumpkin candle. The fact that the weather outside is rainy and cold makes it all the more appropriate. It's wonderful to think about relaxing for the next few days: movies, reading, football, family, ritual, a holiday constant.
I know that it has been WEEKS since a post and I apologize. There are a number of boring reasons for this, so I will not go into them. Thanks for your patience.
Oops, I'm off to tend to the soup and start the crossword puzzle from the weekend.
I hope that your holiday weekend (those who are reading this who have one) is enjoyable.
So I am "cubbied" in the house. In fact I told Jen that the only reason that I was going out of the house today was if the freaking thing caught on fire, and even then...
The whole house is full of great smells: lentil soup, a pot of coffee, a pumpkin candle. The fact that the weather outside is rainy and cold makes it all the more appropriate. It's wonderful to think about relaxing for the next few days: movies, reading, football, family, ritual, a holiday constant.
I know that it has been WEEKS since a post and I apologize. There are a number of boring reasons for this, so I will not go into them. Thanks for your patience.
Oops, I'm off to tend to the soup and start the crossword puzzle from the weekend.
I hope that your holiday weekend (those who are reading this who have one) is enjoyable.
Getting Chunks Checked
One of the things that I am always reluctant to do is go to a specialist doctor. First, getting the appointment is a bit of a pain since I have to go through my PPO, paying that co-pay, and basically saying to him, "I have to go to a specialist, can you get me a referral?" He says, "yes" and then calls and makes the appointment, which is usually 6 months away.
In this case, thankfully, it was only 3 months. I am going to see my dermatologist this afternoon. The last time I went I had three "areas of concern". He took pictures and then we were scheduled to cut those babies out. My previous insurance sucked. It had a ridiculous deductible. When I went back to get the moles removed I asked how much it would cost to get the three done and the doc said "$700.00".
I left with the growths still intact. Then when I went to Charleston to start the doctors office. I had the docs there remove and get pathology on two of three - negative for baddies (cancer and such).
I still have one left that was on the hit list and am in need of a check up. AND I have GREAT insurance and will be glad to get him to cut away. I may even get some microderm abrasion:)
Off I go...
In this case, thankfully, it was only 3 months. I am going to see my dermatologist this afternoon. The last time I went I had three "areas of concern". He took pictures and then we were scheduled to cut those babies out. My previous insurance sucked. It had a ridiculous deductible. When I went back to get the moles removed I asked how much it would cost to get the three done and the doc said "$700.00".
I left with the growths still intact. Then when I went to Charleston to start the doctors office. I had the docs there remove and get pathology on two of three - negative for baddies (cancer and such).
I still have one left that was on the hit list and am in need of a check up. AND I have GREAT insurance and will be glad to get him to cut away. I may even get some microderm abrasion:)
Off I go...
Proudest Dad Award Goes to ME!
This past Saturday the South Aiken girls cross country team won an unprecedented 6th straight regional championship. The girls showed an amazing amount of heart and courage. This course was a bitch. The first picture is the uphill that they had to climb twice. This was the middle stage of the uphill. It was probably 1/4 mile or longer and went up 1000' feet.


Giving Your All
Above are some of the girls after finishing. They were spent. Having pushed through pain and the demons in their heads. Jessie was disheartened since she finished 16th. The top 15 finishers get All-Region, and that was one of her goals this year. Poo.
But as the things in life work out she was the one who actually won the district crown for the team by finishing in that spot. One place less and there would have been a different outcome. So in complete contrast to the entire concept that running distance is all about running for yourself, Jessie's race actually garnered the team trophy. The picture below shows the reward...

Do your best. The rest will come.
Giving Your All
Above are some of the girls after finishing. They were spent. Having pushed through pain and the demons in their heads. Jessie was disheartened since she finished 16th. The top 15 finishers get All-Region, and that was one of her goals this year. Poo.
But as the things in life work out she was the one who actually won the district crown for the team by finishing in that spot. One place less and there would have been a different outcome. So in complete contrast to the entire concept that running distance is all about running for yourself, Jessie's race actually garnered the team trophy. The picture below shows the reward...
Do your best. The rest will come.
This Is The Reason I Love My Kids
Hanging Around The House
Yeah! Incredibly Jen, Jessie, and I all have an easy Saturday today. No big plans that require us to BE anywhere. I cannot remember the last time that this was the case. I think that we are all looking forward to hang out time.
I plan on doing some basic yard work and puttering around the house in the morning and watching some sports in the afternoon. We may go and see a friend play tonight a R. Gabriels in Augusta, GA and have dinner beforehand.
Jen and Jessie are going to D.C. Sunday - Tuesday for The Peace Within Reach lobby for the Invisible Children of Uganda. I will be staying here doing the UPS thing, real estate and taking care of the doggies.
Final note. The display of forgiveness and mercy shown by the Amish community in the past days has been confounding to both the media and those looking on. proves the point that the Amish are demonstrating. If you live a life of forgiving and being forgiven you can have peace. This disturbed man killed these girls and himself because he could not forgive himself or receive forgiveness for something that he had done 20 years before. The only way to take the power to destroy out of his actions is to forgive him. The redemptive act of going to his family and forgiving them and letting them know that the Amish families affected by this tragedy hold no grudges is THE MOST powerful thing that can happen and is really the only hope that they have in moving on with their lives.
Stunning. Bewildering. Lifegiving.
I plan on doing some basic yard work and puttering around the house in the morning and watching some sports in the afternoon. We may go and see a friend play tonight a R. Gabriels in Augusta, GA and have dinner beforehand.
Jen and Jessie are going to D.C. Sunday - Tuesday for The Peace Within Reach lobby for the Invisible Children of Uganda. I will be staying here doing the UPS thing, real estate and taking care of the doggies.
Final note. The display of forgiveness and mercy shown by the Amish community in the past days has been confounding to both the media and those looking on. proves the point that the Amish are demonstrating. If you live a life of forgiving and being forgiven you can have peace. This disturbed man killed these girls and himself because he could not forgive himself or receive forgiveness for something that he had done 20 years before. The only way to take the power to destroy out of his actions is to forgive him. The redemptive act of going to his family and forgiving them and letting them know that the Amish families affected by this tragedy hold no grudges is THE MOST powerful thing that can happen and is really the only hope that they have in moving on with their lives.
Stunning. Bewildering. Lifegiving.
Ok Already
It's pretty bad when my sister has to email me and ask why I haven't posted to this blog since September 18th. So, sis, thanks for the prod.
Here goes...
I'm busy as shit. I am still at UPS (working from 4 am - 9:30 am) weekdays. I get home, shower, read the papers and head off to the realty office. I am learning, researching, showing properties, etc. We are pretty busy these days in spite of the "slump" in housing. My client base grows each week and it will be a few more months before I feel comfortable. I start classes on October 14th for more real estate. I am going to get my final sales class so I can get my full license.
Additionally, Jessie is running cross country and we attend her meets - she ran her new personal record yesterday 21:46 for a 5k. She is improving each meet.
The Evening of Miracles Gala is coming up on October 20th so we are ramping up for that. I am chairing the committee and Jen is in charge of the auction items - silent and live auction. We drive to Columbia for each meeting and have two meetings in 3 days next weekend.
Candace, Jason's wife has been with us for a few days as she is on the way to Alabama so she can stay with her family while Jason is in Iraq. It's always great to have her here and we are glad to have her in the family.
Anyway, I will try and post more often. I really have no excuse since I have time for other things.
Here goes...
I'm busy as shit. I am still at UPS (working from 4 am - 9:30 am) weekdays. I get home, shower, read the papers and head off to the realty office. I am learning, researching, showing properties, etc. We are pretty busy these days in spite of the "slump" in housing. My client base grows each week and it will be a few more months before I feel comfortable. I start classes on October 14th for more real estate. I am going to get my final sales class so I can get my full license.
Additionally, Jessie is running cross country and we attend her meets - she ran her new personal record yesterday 21:46 for a 5k. She is improving each meet.
The Evening of Miracles Gala is coming up on October 20th so we are ramping up for that. I am chairing the committee and Jen is in charge of the auction items - silent and live auction. We drive to Columbia for each meeting and have two meetings in 3 days next weekend.
Candace, Jason's wife has been with us for a few days as she is on the way to Alabama so she can stay with her family while Jason is in Iraq. It's always great to have her here and we are glad to have her in the family.
Anyway, I will try and post more often. I really have no excuse since I have time for other things.
Getting Involved At The Office
I have finally started "doing the stuff" in the real estate office here is Aiken and I find that I actually like what I am doing...initially. I say that guardedly. It may change over time but there are some obvious benefits that I am already enjoying.
There are other benefits but right now I have to get to my FIRST closing. Later...
- There is an actual FINISH to things. I am a fairly goal driven person. I like seeing things checked off of the To-Do list. Finding sellers and buyers for property and getting to the closing, sealing the deal, and getting compensated for that has finality. You close the folder and move on. Needless to say working at UPS is the exact opposite. You are only as good as that day's numbers. This morning we unloaded 13,000 packages in a little over 3.5 hours. I will find out how we did in the morning. Let's say that we blew off the doors and ran GREAT numbers. It means NOTHING for the next day. It's like chasing the carrot (or your own tail). I like real estate so far since there is a series of finalities.
- Self-discipline - I like being self motivated. I like the idea that I am the one who decides how hard I work and just how successful I can be - depending on how I define success. I haven't needed people to follow me around and check up on me and tell me what and how to do life for some time now. This career seems to fit my personality better than the big corporate mindset.
- Flexibility - While it is true that you have to be ready when your clients are, there is also a benefit in having a partner so that I can do things that I really enjoy - referee or coach soccer, backpack, workout, etc.
There are other benefits but right now I have to get to my FIRST closing. Later...
The Mongoose In The Drain
I mentioned that I had to clear the bathtub drain last week. Symptom was SLOWWWW draining. I tried some drain cleaner to no avail so the only options were to call a plumber or attack the offending clog solo.
I chose solo as I can always call a plumber:)
Employing my usual handyman technique I "Googled" tub drains and found our style. Taking off the drain I reached down the drain and grabbed some obvious strands of hair which were hooked over the cross support in the drain. As I pulled a WHOLE clump ripped out. It was about 10 inches long and foul smelling.
Notice I said "ripped". That meant that there was more in there. I couldn't get a plier or even a screwdriver down there to hook the offending culprit so I retrieved the small snake from the garage. Proceeding to insert the end in the drain I twisted the snake a few times and started to pull.
I was met with great resistance. I pulled HARDER and made progress inch by inch. As the end of the snake started to come out of the drain I almost threw up. It was a matted mess of hair that was about 1/2 inch thick. I continued to pull and I saw a rubber band in the matted mess. It took some time but eventually the mass was out.
I thought about taking a picture AFTER it was in the trash and just couldn't bring myself to get it back out of the plastic shopping bag I had tied it in.
The whole thing was about 14 inches long, moldy, stinky, and putrid. It looked like a dead mongoose - albeit a small one.
I'm glad that I didn't call a plumber since I am cheap. But I am still fighting the images in my head of the fetid mass.
I chose solo as I can always call a plumber:)
Employing my usual handyman technique I "Googled" tub drains and found our style. Taking off the drain I reached down the drain and grabbed some obvious strands of hair which were hooked over the cross support in the drain. As I pulled a WHOLE clump ripped out. It was about 10 inches long and foul smelling.
Notice I said "ripped". That meant that there was more in there. I couldn't get a plier or even a screwdriver down there to hook the offending culprit so I retrieved the small snake from the garage. Proceeding to insert the end in the drain I twisted the snake a few times and started to pull.
I was met with great resistance. I pulled HARDER and made progress inch by inch. As the end of the snake started to come out of the drain I almost threw up. It was a matted mess of hair that was about 1/2 inch thick. I continued to pull and I saw a rubber band in the matted mess. It took some time but eventually the mass was out.
I thought about taking a picture AFTER it was in the trash and just couldn't bring myself to get it back out of the plastic shopping bag I had tied it in.
The whole thing was about 14 inches long, moldy, stinky, and putrid. It looked like a dead mongoose - albeit a small one.
I'm glad that I didn't call a plumber since I am cheap. But I am still fighting the images in my head of the fetid mass.
So, today I was up at 5:45 am (It's pretty sad when you think that 5:45 am is sleeping in) and started studying for my South Carolina Real Estate Sales Associate Exam in Columbia, SC.
I plodded along in the book and left at 10:45. Went in to the exam site, sat down, proved my identity with TWO forms of ID, and sat in front of a computer to take the test.
Forty five minutes, and 115 questions later, I hit the END key and received the news - PASSED on both sections of the exam (General and State).
Thank God. The past six weeks of my life have been engrossed in the class and the book. Now I can get to the business of actually DOING real estate. Tom Caniglia has agreed to make me his partner so we are off and running...well not quite yet.
I need to get the form signed by the Broker in Charge at Eulalie Salley and mail MORE MONEY off to the Real Estate Commission to get my license. I also have to get 30 more hours of instruction so I can get my full license (I will have a provisional until then).
Today will be spent relaxing and watching football. Tomorrow Dan, Tony, his son, and I are off to "Hotlanta" for the Braves game.
Maybe later I will post about my adventure in clearing the tub drain in Jessie's bathroom. get your barf bags ready for that one.
I plodded along in the book and left at 10:45. Went in to the exam site, sat down, proved my identity with TWO forms of ID, and sat in front of a computer to take the test.
Forty five minutes, and 115 questions later, I hit the END key and received the news - PASSED on both sections of the exam (General and State).
Thank God. The past six weeks of my life have been engrossed in the class and the book. Now I can get to the business of actually DOING real estate. Tom Caniglia has agreed to make me his partner so we are off and running...well not quite yet.
I need to get the form signed by the Broker in Charge at Eulalie Salley and mail MORE MONEY off to the Real Estate Commission to get my license. I also have to get 30 more hours of instruction so I can get my full license (I will have a provisional until then).
Today will be spent relaxing and watching football. Tomorrow Dan, Tony, his son, and I are off to "Hotlanta" for the Braves game.
Maybe later I will post about my adventure in clearing the tub drain in Jessie's bathroom. get your barf bags ready for that one.
In Country
Deployment. The words sounded so far away months ago. They are yesterday now. My Son has left again for the Mideast. This departure is different in many ways:

Jason and Candace

I left work today irritated that there are grown men working there who act like babies when they don't get exactly what they want. Thirty year old men. Forty year old men. Fifty year old men. I am angry that they act like this and my 20 year old son is putting his life on the line and taking responsibility for the lives of other men who will look to him for leadership, direction, and dependability.
Keep your head down Son. I love you.
- Last time was a for few months - now it's 8 months
- Last time he was part of a team on an LAV - now he leads the vehicle team and is responsible for the lives of 8 other men
- Last time he was far away from any specific activity - this time his platoon enters an area that has been fairly unstable for months
- Last time he had not even finished his School of Infantry - this time he has been to Squad Leaders School, 29 Palms, and DM training
- Last time he was 19 - now he is 20
- Last time he was single - now he is married
- Last time he was a young man - now he is the type of man that all of you hope your sons become
Jason and Candace
I left work today irritated that there are grown men working there who act like babies when they don't get exactly what they want. Thirty year old men. Forty year old men. Fifty year old men. I am angry that they act like this and my 20 year old son is putting his life on the line and taking responsibility for the lives of other men who will look to him for leadership, direction, and dependability.
Keep your head down Son. I love you.
Visiting In Jacksonville, NC
Jen and I are with Jason and Candace for a few days in Jacksonville, NC. He is stationed at Camp Lejeune with the 2nd LAR. He deploys shortly and asked if we could come visit before he left. He'll probably be gone for 8 months or so. That sucks for his new bride. He also lost a friend in a car wreck yesterday as the two Marines drove home for vacation. One guy was killed, another injured. The injured Marine won't be deploying with the company. Rough times for guys who are planning on laying their lives on the line. You just don't expect to lose one of your own at home. These are moments when life blows.
Jason and Candace are settled in their new duplex. It's cute. Good place to start. I have spent the better part of the morning getting their house set up with an encrypted wireless network so they can surf the net and play Xbox live without having to plug and unplug the laptop and Xbox, while restarting the modem.
As usual, there were some problems, but it seems now that they are up and running. In fact I'm posting this blog via the wireless connection in the living room. Jason is sleeping on the couch, Jen and Candace are out shopping - scary!
I hope that your Labor Day weekend goes well. I have off Monday and am VERY excited about that. I study all week, and my final SC state real estate exam is Saturday the 9th.
Jason and Candace are settled in their new duplex. It's cute. Good place to start. I have spent the better part of the morning getting their house set up with an encrypted wireless network so they can surf the net and play Xbox live without having to plug and unplug the laptop and Xbox, while restarting the modem.
As usual, there were some problems, but it seems now that they are up and running. In fact I'm posting this blog via the wireless connection in the living room. Jason is sleeping on the couch, Jen and Candace are out shopping - scary!
I hope that your Labor Day weekend goes well. I have off Monday and am VERY excited about that. I study all week, and my final SC state real estate exam is Saturday the 9th.
Praise The Lord And Pass The Pizza...Stage One Is Over
YEAH!! I just returned home from the FOURTH weekend in a row at Real Estate School.
I passed the class exam this afternoon so the next step is to apply with the state commission, get approved, and schedule the state exam. If all goes well I should be through in the next few weeks. Once that test is passed I need to take the final sales course (30 hours - two more weekends) and I will have my full license.
My brain is sort of mushy right now, and I am looking forward to getting my weekends back. We are going to visit Jason next weekend before he deploys.
I passed the class exam this afternoon so the next step is to apply with the state commission, get approved, and schedule the state exam. If all goes well I should be through in the next few weeks. Once that test is passed I need to take the final sales course (30 hours - two more weekends) and I will have my full license.
My brain is sort of mushy right now, and I am looking forward to getting my weekends back. We are going to visit Jason next weekend before he deploys.
Broken link to bloggger
I just realized that my link to my blogger account has been broken for some time. The short is that I thought that I was posting to the blog and it wasn't.
Days and Days and Days...
As you can see my last post was July 30th. That was when it all started. School that is.
I am a student again. In an official capacity that is, going to class and such.
The friend that I have been working for in the real estate office came over to the house at the end of July and offered to pay for my license if I went. You don't have to ask me stuff like that more than once. I accepted.
Mind you. Real estate wasn't my first choice of employment. Not even my second.
Life and situations have a way of getting you to take the hand dealt when such things happen. I need work. Jen and I are making it but unable to do some of the things (Hell, none of the things) that we had planned to do once the doctor's accepted the offer to build the office. That didn't turn out so well through a turn of events.
So through another turn of events I am in school. I know the name is pretty corny (Real Estate School For Success) but the instructors are great. I am in the "do 60 hours in four weekends" class, so that means that I work during the week and drive to Columbia, SC (50 miles) on Saturday and Sunday for class from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Needless to say that I don't have a lot of free time. Well, I must admit that I am a bit compulsive about the reading and have set out to read the 400 page book ONCE PER WEEK. There are two weeks down and two weeks to go and I am on schedule for the reading.
The class basically has two purposes: 1) To enable you to pass the State Real Estate Exam, and, 2) To keep you from doing stupid shit and going to jail.
That's nice:)
Anyway, the reason that I have some free time is that I am doing a reinstall of software on a Windoze machine in the office where I did the deployment three months ago. Funny thing, PC's having problems. Hummm.
Anyway, gotta go the machine is rebooting and I need to get done and get to bed!
UPDATE - As usual, the machine has some sort of issue and I cannot log in under the designated user. I'll be up for a while:)
I am a student again. In an official capacity that is, going to class and such.
The friend that I have been working for in the real estate office came over to the house at the end of July and offered to pay for my license if I went. You don't have to ask me stuff like that more than once. I accepted.
Mind you. Real estate wasn't my first choice of employment. Not even my second.
Life and situations have a way of getting you to take the hand dealt when such things happen. I need work. Jen and I are making it but unable to do some of the things (Hell, none of the things) that we had planned to do once the doctor's accepted the offer to build the office. That didn't turn out so well through a turn of events.
So through another turn of events I am in school. I know the name is pretty corny (Real Estate School For Success) but the instructors are great. I am in the "do 60 hours in four weekends" class, so that means that I work during the week and drive to Columbia, SC (50 miles) on Saturday and Sunday for class from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Needless to say that I don't have a lot of free time. Well, I must admit that I am a bit compulsive about the reading and have set out to read the 400 page book ONCE PER WEEK. There are two weeks down and two weeks to go and I am on schedule for the reading.
The class basically has two purposes: 1) To enable you to pass the State Real Estate Exam, and, 2) To keep you from doing stupid shit and going to jail.
That's nice:)
Anyway, the reason that I have some free time is that I am doing a reinstall of software on a Windoze machine in the office where I did the deployment three months ago. Funny thing, PC's having problems. Hummm.
Anyway, gotta go the machine is rebooting and I need to get done and get to bed!
UPDATE - As usual, the machine has some sort of issue and I cannot log in under the designated user. I'll be up for a while:)
It's A Good Time To Be A Mac Geek...
I work in a two platform world - PC and Mac. I love my Macs and my Apple "stuff". I tolerate the PC's. Don't you just LOVE the new commercials that Apple has? They capture the reality of the difference between the two worlds.
I am patiently waiting for the day in the future when I can afford to get my new MacBook and run the two platforms on the same computer, at the same time - God it feels SO GOOD to say that and know that it's true!!
eWeek had an article this week on Apple possibly having "The Perfect Storm". Great reading, and possibly true. The World Wide Developers Conference is in a few weeks, and the announcements will be AWESOME - Leopard, new chips, new computers, new applications.
It's a good time to be a Mac geek. The patience and near evangelistic fervor has paid off - Apple is ON THE MAP. Everyone else is playing catch up.
I am patiently waiting for the day in the future when I can afford to get my new MacBook and run the two platforms on the same computer, at the same time - God it feels SO GOOD to say that and know that it's true!!
eWeek had an article this week on Apple possibly having "The Perfect Storm". Great reading, and possibly true. The World Wide Developers Conference is in a few weeks, and the announcements will be AWESOME - Leopard, new chips, new computers, new applications.
It's a good time to be a Mac geek. The patience and near evangelistic fervor has paid off - Apple is ON THE MAP. Everyone else is playing catch up.
Sunday Morning Solace...
I lOVE Sunday mornings. One of the only things that was consistent (other than chaos) growing up were Sunday's. We would either pick up doughnuts or make those "in the box" coffee cakes (does anyone remember making those? you would put the egg, milk, and oil in a plastic baggie with the mix, squish it around, and squeeze it out into an aluminum 9x5 pan, put the cinnamon chunks on there and bake it).
I would spread the funnies out on the floor and read them, chortling under my breath - good memories - I can smell the coffee cake as I write. I need those memories of those days. So much other stuff was out of order and fucked up.
Today is good. The present moment is the best time of my life. My family sleeps in. My son and his wife are here. My daughter is back from D.C.. My wife is in the other room.
I read the Sunday paper, listen to music, drink coffee, the dogs at my feet. Our contentment is shared. This moment has no worries. The worries can wait.
It's Sunday. There really is something to a Sabbath - a rest from the "other stuff." Take a Sabbath. Not a religious one but a REAL one. Rest. Separation. Recharge. Chortle at the comics. Whatever it takes to take a break.
You deserve it. Life takes effort.
I would spread the funnies out on the floor and read them, chortling under my breath - good memories - I can smell the coffee cake as I write. I need those memories of those days. So much other stuff was out of order and fucked up.
Today is good. The present moment is the best time of my life. My family sleeps in. My son and his wife are here. My daughter is back from D.C.. My wife is in the other room.
I read the Sunday paper, listen to music, drink coffee, the dogs at my feet. Our contentment is shared. This moment has no worries. The worries can wait.
It's Sunday. There really is something to a Sabbath - a rest from the "other stuff." Take a Sabbath. Not a religious one but a REAL one. Rest. Separation. Recharge. Chortle at the comics. Whatever it takes to take a break.
You deserve it. Life takes effort.
The Upcoming Weekend...
Well, Jessie is finishing her week at Girls Nation in Washington D.C. She called last night (of course I was asleep since it was after 8 p.m.) and said that she was having a good time, but was tired and misses being home. I get her at the airport Saturday. Her travel isn't over yet as she fly's to Indiana to visit her cousins, Aunt's, Uncles, and Grandparents. She is really looking forward to the trip.
It seems that she has decided on a college - UGA - now she wants to retake her ACT since she hopes to get a better score on her math and science section (she got a freakin' 32 on the test). Once that is done she will then begin the process of application, etc. It will be a great process to experience with her. She is such a great young lady and has so much to look forward to in life. This will be a good year.
Other news...
JASON AND CANDACE are coming to visit. They have been in Alabama for the past few days and are actually on the way as I write. Of course, I will be IN BED when they get here (since I go to bed at 8 p.m.[I'm not bitter]). They will be here for a number of days and then they will head back to Jacksonville, NC. He then deploys "in country" for 7 months with the 2nd LAR. Please say a prayer for him and his squad as they place themselves in harms way. Here is a letter from his CO covering some of his activity.
As always, I look forward to hanging out and RELAXING this weekend - with family and friends. As usual I can think of a million things to blog about until I get in front of the computer. I have to get better about jotting down thoughts and topics so you don't always have to read family stuff...
I hope that your weekend goes well.
It seems that she has decided on a college - UGA - now she wants to retake her ACT since she hopes to get a better score on her math and science section (she got a freakin' 32 on the test). Once that is done she will then begin the process of application, etc. It will be a great process to experience with her. She is such a great young lady and has so much to look forward to in life. This will be a good year.
Other news...
JASON AND CANDACE are coming to visit. They have been in Alabama for the past few days and are actually on the way as I write. Of course, I will be IN BED when they get here (since I go to bed at 8 p.m.[I'm not bitter]). They will be here for a number of days and then they will head back to Jacksonville, NC. He then deploys "in country" for 7 months with the 2nd LAR. Please say a prayer for him and his squad as they place themselves in harms way. Here is a letter from his CO covering some of his activity.
As always, I look forward to hanging out and RELAXING this weekend - with family and friends. As usual I can think of a million things to blog about until I get in front of the computer. I have to get better about jotting down thoughts and topics so you don't always have to read family stuff...
I hope that your weekend goes well.
Oops, I Forgot...
We have a game here in the Eisenmann home. It's called, "what did I forget."
You know, when you get into the car to go somewhere, put the transmission in reverse, and then it comes, "wait! I forgot...." You fill in the blank.
Yesterday morning was the culmination of a LONG week of travel and running around. We got up at 6 a.m. to leave for Athens, GA so that we could attend the Explore Georgia event at UGA. This was our second visit and it would hopefully serve to solidify Jessie's choice of where she wanted to go to college. We packed some snacks and drinks and were off.
We were about an hour into the trip and Jen wanted a drink. She leaned over the back seat to get a drink from the cooler and said, "did you get the coke that I put in the freezer?" I remembered. There were not enough cold drinks and Jen put one in the freezer for a "quick cool." What I didn't remember was that it was my job to REMEMBER to get the coke out of the freezer. Missed that one. In fact, I wasn't asked. Woopsie...
We would not be back to Aiken until about 5 p.m. that evening. More than enough time for the Coke to EXPLODE all over the inside of the freezer (ever had that happen?). I was really looking forward to cleaning up that mess after a long day.
So, Jen leapt into action and called her friend to see if she could stop by the house on the way to work and rescue us from disaster. She could and would. Thanks Suz!!
The rest of the day went as planned and we returned exhausted but glad we went. It seems like Jessie has made her choice. Her first selection will be UGA. It does seem like a better fit for her than Emory. I'm glad for her. Now, we just have to pay for school.
Anybody want to buy a watch?
Oh, and I didn't need to clean the freezer:)
You know, when you get into the car to go somewhere, put the transmission in reverse, and then it comes, "wait! I forgot...." You fill in the blank.
Yesterday morning was the culmination of a LONG week of travel and running around. We got up at 6 a.m. to leave for Athens, GA so that we could attend the Explore Georgia event at UGA. This was our second visit and it would hopefully serve to solidify Jessie's choice of where she wanted to go to college. We packed some snacks and drinks and were off.
We were about an hour into the trip and Jen wanted a drink. She leaned over the back seat to get a drink from the cooler and said, "did you get the coke that I put in the freezer?" I remembered. There were not enough cold drinks and Jen put one in the freezer for a "quick cool." What I didn't remember was that it was my job to REMEMBER to get the coke out of the freezer. Missed that one. In fact, I wasn't asked. Woopsie...
We would not be back to Aiken until about 5 p.m. that evening. More than enough time for the Coke to EXPLODE all over the inside of the freezer (ever had that happen?). I was really looking forward to cleaning up that mess after a long day.
So, Jen leapt into action and called her friend to see if she could stop by the house on the way to work and rescue us from disaster. She could and would. Thanks Suz!!
The rest of the day went as planned and we returned exhausted but glad we went. It seems like Jessie has made her choice. Her first selection will be UGA. It does seem like a better fit for her than Emory. I'm glad for her. Now, we just have to pay for school.
Anybody want to buy a watch?
Oh, and I didn't need to clean the freezer:)
The past week has been full of travel and stuff and more is yet to come. Additionally, my work schedule changed - my boss went nuts last week.
First he says, on Monday, "You are going to be off the unload FOREVER next Monday."
That means that I go in a 6 am each day and work on the new system that is going in.
THEN, on Thursday he says, "You're back on the unload until after Christmas."
That means I go in at 4 am each day and do the unload and DO NOT get to work on the new system.
So, the bottom line I am TIRED. Bone tired.
My schedule has been all franked up since the beginning of the week - I have to eat at 4 pm so I can digest before bedtime - 9 pm.
The good news is that tomorrow is my last day this week. Friday we go to Athens, GA again for the second visit to UGA. This one is an invite from them to Jessie my daughter. We leave at 6:30 am. I get to SLEEP IN and everyone else has to get up early.
I am going to relax the rest of the evening and watch my favorite old TV show - Homicide Life on The Street. IMHO, one the the best dramas that TV has ever spawned. Check it out if you want. Start with season one.
First he says, on Monday, "You are going to be off the unload FOREVER next Monday."
That means that I go in a 6 am each day and work on the new system that is going in.
THEN, on Thursday he says, "You're back on the unload until after Christmas."
That means I go in at 4 am each day and do the unload and DO NOT get to work on the new system.
So, the bottom line I am TIRED. Bone tired.
My schedule has been all franked up since the beginning of the week - I have to eat at 4 pm so I can digest before bedtime - 9 pm.
The good news is that tomorrow is my last day this week. Friday we go to Athens, GA again for the second visit to UGA. This one is an invite from them to Jessie my daughter. We leave at 6:30 am. I get to SLEEP IN and everyone else has to get up early.
I am going to relax the rest of the evening and watch my favorite old TV show - Homicide Life on The Street. IMHO, one the the best dramas that TV has ever spawned. Check it out if you want. Start with season one.
End Time Idiots Couldn't Be Happier
The latest news from the Middle East will only serve to fuel the "prophetic panic" that certain folks seem to LOVE. How can people killing each other be used to "prove" that we are in the End Times, and that Jesus is coming back soon.
My greatest beef is that these "ministries" play on the fear and fascination people have and VERY FEW if any actually do ANYTHING to alleviate poverty, prejudice, greed, etc. The REAL issues of what God seems to be involved in are the lives of people who need love and the alleviation of suffering.
Thing I'm kidding, take a look:
Jack Van Impe - check the news links
End Time Ministries
Hal Lindsey - The original
That's about enough of that.
My greatest beef is that these "ministries" play on the fear and fascination people have and VERY FEW if any actually do ANYTHING to alleviate poverty, prejudice, greed, etc. The REAL issues of what God seems to be involved in are the lives of people who need love and the alleviation of suffering.
Thing I'm kidding, take a look:
Jack Van Impe - check the news links
End Time Ministries
Hal Lindsey - The original
That's about enough of that.
More On Loneliness...
"Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinking alone."
Piano Man - Billy Joel
Yesterday evening I was planning on meeting Jen and Suz at a local micro-brewery, Aiken Brewing Company. They were performing some building renovations and the kitchen was closed. The bar however was open and since I was already there and didn't need to meet on the other side of town for another hour, I decided to get a cold, fresh, home brewed beer.
I sat at the bar, asked for a Thoroughbred Red, and relaxed.
Then it hit me. It had been YEARS since I have been at a bar, by myself, sitting with others who were at a bar.
After a few minutes I started a conversation with the bartender about the Mug Club and that initiated a conversation with the fellow on my right. He left after a few minutes and I then had some conversation with the two guys to my left.
We talked about Northerners (all of us were transplants), pizza, hoagies (subs), sports, heat, beer, and whatever. After about 45 minutes I needed to leave. I said my thanks, goodbyes and drove off to the other side of town.
On the drive a few things occurred to me:
- The guys were regulars. They had spent many hours and evenings at the bar. They were familiar with all that was going on and knew others who were also regulars.
- I realized that in all of the conversation which we had just participated in, not one of the guys whom I spoke with looked me in the eye. All of the eye contact was "out there" somewhere. There was a distance. There was a separation. There was a detachment. I get that as it related to me since I was the new guy on the block. BUT they didn't even look EACH OTHER in the eye.
How about today you and I look someone in the eyes. Affirm them with a look and a smile. Let the life and love that is in you touch another and let it lift their hearts and spirits.
I think that's what had to make such a difference in the life and experience of Jesus. When he looked into your eyes you were affirmed and accepted. He did not come to condemn people but to love and rescue them...from loneliness, among other things.
Need I Say More?
So we pulled UP to the wedding and dude here is standing at the front of the church, with a CORSAGE on.
Meaning what? He is actually PART of the service. Polo shirt, not tucked in, and blue. I am so styling.

Well not really. It turns out that he is a former student of the bride from Oregon, and is only 17. BUT, never fear, after the wedding was over, I snapped the picture below:

There he was. Middle aged, respectable, no suit. AH-HA! Did you think I was going up to him and ask if the baby had thrown up on his suit? NO WAY! I was relishing in the fact that there was nat least ONE OTHER PERSON who had dared to swim against the prevailing tide of fashion and "dressed down" for the wedding.
We had a great time, and Jen ALWAYS loves to get together with her Furman friends and reminisce. The wedding was off of the hook - probably $60,000 - 70,000 to put on....Ackkkkkkkk. Are you reading this Jessie? (My daughter)
I'll save some of the anecdotes from the wedding for some subsequent blogs.
Meaning what? He is actually PART of the service. Polo shirt, not tucked in, and blue. I am so styling.
Well not really. It turns out that he is a former student of the bride from Oregon, and is only 17. BUT, never fear, after the wedding was over, I snapped the picture below:
There he was. Middle aged, respectable, no suit. AH-HA! Did you think I was going up to him and ask if the baby had thrown up on his suit? NO WAY! I was relishing in the fact that there was nat least ONE OTHER PERSON who had dared to swim against the prevailing tide of fashion and "dressed down" for the wedding.
We had a great time, and Jen ALWAYS loves to get together with her Furman friends and reminisce. The wedding was off of the hook - probably $60,000 - 70,000 to put on....Ackkkkkkkk. Are you reading this Jessie? (My daughter)
I'll save some of the anecdotes from the wedding for some subsequent blogs.
Quick Trip To Amelia Island
Hello! Writing from Amelia Island, FL. Jen, Jessie, and I loaded the car and flew down after I got off of work yesterday. The trip was right at 4.5 hours.
One amazing thing is that we seem to bring the rain. The Sunshine State becomes Liquid Love when we arrive. True to form, as we approached the state we hit one GREAT BIG storm. We got through that one. However, as we pulled into Amelia Island the rain was heavy and persistent. As we parked in the driveway, Jody, peeking out from the garage (opening the garage door provides a quick entrance to those not wanting to get wet), declared, "I can't believe it. It's been raining all day."
So, if you want rain in your area, invite us to visit and we can do more than an entire tribe of Hopi indian rain dancers.
But, alas, Saturday morning I woke to a typical, disgusting, beautiful Amelia Island day. The picture below is from another visit, but you can get the idea.

We are here in Amelia to attend the wedding of a friend of Jen's from Furman University. Well, not really. The truth is that we are here because the wedding is where Jen's parents live and it makes it easy to attend at LOW COST, and see family and friends. In fact, she hopes to see friends whom she knew in school, especially ones who were not at the 2002 10 year reunion.
It should be a blast. The reception is at The Ritz, which is right down the street from Jen's parents, so if we get snockered we can just walk [stagger]a mile or so down the beach back to the house (hi, Jody, just kidding).
I'll take pictures and fill in some of the details sometime over the weekend. (While doing so may seem to have motives that are primarily fun, I have ulterior motives in that there has been a "fashion discussion" regarding my NOT wearing a suit to the wedding - my contention is that the wedding is at the beach, in the summer, and a dress shirt, pants, and a tie [OK I wavered on the tie too] should be suitable dress for me - others in the immediate vicinity do not feel this way. This created a "lively" discussion at the dinner table last night, which will be the reason for the pictures that are forthcoming. All I need to find is ONE SCHLEP at the wedding who is ANY WAY UNDERDRESSED compared to me and, BINGO, he is in my photo album. I KNOW that everyone has a slob in the family, you know, the one whom you must invite because he is married to cousin "Debby", or something like that. Now that you are on pins and needles, you MUST check back in the next few days to see how this turned out)
Oh, a sidelight. All of the discussion about my attire may be in vain since Jen has developed a condition in her eye - a small broken blood vessel, which has created a BIG RED area just above her right pupil. She may be so obsessed with the eye, and seeing how others see her that my clothing has the potential to be a non-issue (I offered to get a patch at the local CVS but she declined). On the other hand, maybe I'll just wear jeans and a wife-beater t-shirt to the wedding and let the talk take over the event:)
Disclaimer: By using the term "wife-beater" I am in no way minimizing, glorifying, or downplaying the issue of Domestic Violence. It is a very real and destructive problem. For more information concerning what you can do click here - Domestic Violence or here Boys Into Men.
One amazing thing is that we seem to bring the rain. The Sunshine State becomes Liquid Love when we arrive. True to form, as we approached the state we hit one GREAT BIG storm. We got through that one. However, as we pulled into Amelia Island the rain was heavy and persistent. As we parked in the driveway, Jody, peeking out from the garage (opening the garage door provides a quick entrance to those not wanting to get wet), declared, "I can't believe it. It's been raining all day."
So, if you want rain in your area, invite us to visit and we can do more than an entire tribe of Hopi indian rain dancers.
But, alas, Saturday morning I woke to a typical, disgusting, beautiful Amelia Island day. The picture below is from another visit, but you can get the idea.
We are here in Amelia to attend the wedding of a friend of Jen's from Furman University. Well, not really. The truth is that we are here because the wedding is where Jen's parents live and it makes it easy to attend at LOW COST, and see family and friends. In fact, she hopes to see friends whom she knew in school, especially ones who were not at the 2002 10 year reunion.
It should be a blast. The reception is at The Ritz, which is right down the street from Jen's parents, so if we get snockered we can just walk [stagger]a mile or so down the beach back to the house (hi, Jody, just kidding).
I'll take pictures and fill in some of the details sometime over the weekend. (While doing so may seem to have motives that are primarily fun, I have ulterior motives in that there has been a "fashion discussion" regarding my NOT wearing a suit to the wedding - my contention is that the wedding is at the beach, in the summer, and a dress shirt, pants, and a tie [OK I wavered on the tie too] should be suitable dress for me - others in the immediate vicinity do not feel this way. This created a "lively" discussion at the dinner table last night, which will be the reason for the pictures that are forthcoming. All I need to find is ONE SCHLEP at the wedding who is ANY WAY UNDERDRESSED compared to me and, BINGO, he is in my photo album. I KNOW that everyone has a slob in the family, you know, the one whom you must invite because he is married to cousin "Debby", or something like that. Now that you are on pins and needles, you MUST check back in the next few days to see how this turned out)
Oh, a sidelight. All of the discussion about my attire may be in vain since Jen has developed a condition in her eye - a small broken blood vessel, which has created a BIG RED area just above her right pupil. She may be so obsessed with the eye, and seeing how others see her that my clothing has the potential to be a non-issue (I offered to get a patch at the local CVS but she declined). On the other hand, maybe I'll just wear jeans and a wife-beater t-shirt to the wedding and let the talk take over the event:)
Disclaimer: By using the term "wife-beater" I am in no way minimizing, glorifying, or downplaying the issue of Domestic Violence. It is a very real and destructive problem. For more information concerning what you can do click here - Domestic Violence or here Boys Into Men.
Those Lost Will Not Be Forgotten
Jen and I went out this afternoon to make a visit to a special memorial that will be in Aiken for the next four days.
What is normally a place where soccer, softball, and various recreational league games take place, has become the temporary home of the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It is called The Wall That Heals and is a half size replica of the Memorial in Washington D.C.. Over 58,000 names reach from one end of the wall to the other...58,000 lives...58,000 sons, dads, loved ones... (there were 8 women who died). Volunteers will be reading these names 12 hours a day, for 6 days.
The day today has been rainy, and the atmosphere was somber as we walked down the almost 250 ft. wall reading names and mementos that have been left at the wall as it travels the country.
Below are some pictures:

The Wall



Flowers and Names
For me, the truth of the matter was that in 1975 I was 17 and convinced that I was going to Canada or find some way to dodge the draft. Anything or anywhere but to fight in Vietnam. I was weaned on the protests against and news of this war - "Hell no we won't go"
As opposed as I was to this war in Vietnam I was even less concerned with the people who had given their lives. I was only concerned with my own skin. For that I am ashamed and embarassed.
I NOW appreciate the sacrifice. I NOW have a greater sense of patriotism and pride in my country. NOT because of the things that I disagree with that our country has participated in BUT in spite of those things. I NOW support those who fight EVEN if I don't support the fight that they are sent to be involved with.
To those who are serving and have served in the Armed Forces, "Thank you." A special "thank you" to the Vietnam Vets out there. Something at The Wall That Heals really hit me. It said that EVERYONE in that war was wounded. That is probably true of all wars and fighting.
A special thanks to my son, Jason, who serves in the 2/2 LAR in the United States Marine Corps. I appreciate what you do and pray for you and all of those who are in harms way.
What is normally a place where soccer, softball, and various recreational league games take place, has become the temporary home of the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It is called The Wall That Heals and is a half size replica of the Memorial in Washington D.C.. Over 58,000 names reach from one end of the wall to the other...58,000 lives...58,000 sons, dads, loved ones... (there were 8 women who died). Volunteers will be reading these names 12 hours a day, for 6 days.
The day today has been rainy, and the atmosphere was somber as we walked down the almost 250 ft. wall reading names and mementos that have been left at the wall as it travels the country.
Below are some pictures:
The Wall
Flowers and Names
For me, the truth of the matter was that in 1975 I was 17 and convinced that I was going to Canada or find some way to dodge the draft. Anything or anywhere but to fight in Vietnam. I was weaned on the protests against and news of this war - "Hell no we won't go"
As opposed as I was to this war in Vietnam I was even less concerned with the people who had given their lives. I was only concerned with my own skin. For that I am ashamed and embarassed.
I NOW appreciate the sacrifice. I NOW have a greater sense of patriotism and pride in my country. NOT because of the things that I disagree with that our country has participated in BUT in spite of those things. I NOW support those who fight EVEN if I don't support the fight that they are sent to be involved with.
To those who are serving and have served in the Armed Forces, "Thank you." A special "thank you" to the Vietnam Vets out there. Something at The Wall That Heals really hit me. It said that EVERYONE in that war was wounded. That is probably true of all wars and fighting.
A special thanks to my son, Jason, who serves in the 2/2 LAR in the United States Marine Corps. I appreciate what you do and pray for you and all of those who are in harms way.
This is only a test
I have been having some problems with my blog editor. At least I think that I have been having some problems.
It seems that over the past few days, when I post a blog entry it takes FOREVER to update at Blogger. I see the new post when I log into Blogger, I can read and edit it in Blogger, but it takes some time before it refreshes and is available online.
It didn't used to take any time at all. In fact, I could post a blog entry via Ecto and refresh my blog page and the new post would be there instantly.
So, I am testing this with this post. Hopefully, it was a Blogger problem.
Update: Immediately after I posted this entry I checked and it was available. I'll keep my eye on this issue.
It seems that over the past few days, when I post a blog entry it takes FOREVER to update at Blogger. I see the new post when I log into Blogger, I can read and edit it in Blogger, but it takes some time before it refreshes and is available online.
It didn't used to take any time at all. In fact, I could post a blog entry via Ecto and refresh my blog page and the new post would be there instantly.
So, I am testing this with this post. Hopefully, it was a Blogger problem.
Update: Immediately after I posted this entry I checked and it was available. I'll keep my eye on this issue.
Slip Sliding Away...or Another Bad Movie
I have suffered through enough bad movies to know when one is coming out, just based on the title alone. Let me clarify. I am NOT saying that I can tell if a movie is going to be bad or good depending on the title. For instance, who knew that Ishtar would be one of the biggest busts in movie history? Dustin, Warren, what were you thinking?
However, I do think that I can tell when a BAD title reveals a BAD MOVIE.
Case in point - remember "8 Legged Freaks"? You don't need a degree in cinematography to figure out that this was going to be a stinky movie. The title alone will tell you. The previews just confirmed the fact.
Well, there is a new ad on the TV that has all of the earmarks of a BAD movie -
Have you seen the ads? This movie will blow. The title isn't very inspiring is it? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should explain the plot to those of you who haven't seen the trailer. You see, it's about, well...snakes on a plane. Surprised? Oooooooo, I'm already scared.
One question that I have is, "How does someone like Samuel L. Jackson read a script like this and decide, "Wow, sign me up. Sounds like a great flick."? Maybe he just HAS to make a certain amount of movies to honor a contract.
I could be wrong. If it turns out to be a blockbuster, I will formally apologize here on this site. Don't hold your breath.
However, I do think that I can tell when a BAD title reveals a BAD MOVIE.
Case in point - remember "8 Legged Freaks"? You don't need a degree in cinematography to figure out that this was going to be a stinky movie. The title alone will tell you. The previews just confirmed the fact.
Well, there is a new ad on the TV that has all of the earmarks of a BAD movie -
Have you seen the ads? This movie will blow. The title isn't very inspiring is it? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should explain the plot to those of you who haven't seen the trailer. You see, it's about, well...snakes on a plane. Surprised? Oooooooo, I'm already scared.
One question that I have is, "How does someone like Samuel L. Jackson read a script like this and decide, "Wow, sign me up. Sounds like a great flick."? Maybe he just HAS to make a certain amount of movies to honor a contract.
I could be wrong. If it turns out to be a blockbuster, I will formally apologize here on this site. Don't hold your breath.
Yeah Bravos! Boo Beer Prices.
Here are some pictures from last nights game. The braves actually WON (they were 6-21 in June), coming back from a 3-0 deficit to score 6 unanswered runs.

Some of the players
Our seats were amazing. First base side, 2 rows off of the field. In the middle of the 3rd inning the skies opened up and it rained HARD. The good news is that it dropped the temperature about 10 degrees. We ran up the stairs and gathered in the concession area. The bad news was a one hour rain delay that meant getting home even later than expected (we are a 3 hour drive from Atlanta).
Here is a picture of the three of us, suffering during the storm.

Three Wet Amigos
Nothing like a cold SIX DOLLAR beer to take the edge off of the rain. SIX FUCKING DOLLARS for a beer. Even though I know that this is normal. Even though I know that the cost will be OUTRAGEOUS, I still balk at reaching into my wallet and paying ONE DOLLAR A SIP for a beer. I mean, I pay $12.00 for a CASE of Corona. Well, at least it's not as bad as Hanson paying SIX AND A HALF DOLLARS FOR A BAG OF PEANUTS - a 12 ounce bag. Next time I bring my OWN peanuts. I get a 5 lb. bag at Sam's Club for less than 5 dollars.
The last picture below is the grounds crew drying out the infield after the rain delay.

Ground Crew
These folks work HARD at what they do. Soaked to the skin, dancing around while lightning strikes all around, these guys pull tarps, scatter drying agent, and rake like crazy little ants while 40,000 people stand around mumbling that the game needs to start.
Great evening. Great ball game. Great friends. It doesn't get any better than this.
Now to get ready for a World Cup match between Germany and Italy. I don't want to be anti host country, but I would love to see an Italy v. France final. With Italy winning and breaking the spectre of the Roberto Baggio shank.
Buy the way, I'll be drinking ONE DOLLAR Corona's and eating CHEAP peanuts.
Some of the players
Our seats were amazing. First base side, 2 rows off of the field. In the middle of the 3rd inning the skies opened up and it rained HARD. The good news is that it dropped the temperature about 10 degrees. We ran up the stairs and gathered in the concession area. The bad news was a one hour rain delay that meant getting home even later than expected (we are a 3 hour drive from Atlanta).
Here is a picture of the three of us, suffering during the storm.
Three Wet Amigos
Nothing like a cold SIX DOLLAR beer to take the edge off of the rain. SIX FUCKING DOLLARS for a beer. Even though I know that this is normal. Even though I know that the cost will be OUTRAGEOUS, I still balk at reaching into my wallet and paying ONE DOLLAR A SIP for a beer. I mean, I pay $12.00 for a CASE of Corona. Well, at least it's not as bad as Hanson paying SIX AND A HALF DOLLARS FOR A BAG OF PEANUTS - a 12 ounce bag. Next time I bring my OWN peanuts. I get a 5 lb. bag at Sam's Club for less than 5 dollars.
The last picture below is the grounds crew drying out the infield after the rain delay.
Ground Crew
These folks work HARD at what they do. Soaked to the skin, dancing around while lightning strikes all around, these guys pull tarps, scatter drying agent, and rake like crazy little ants while 40,000 people stand around mumbling that the game needs to start.
Great evening. Great ball game. Great friends. It doesn't get any better than this.
Now to get ready for a World Cup match between Germany and Italy. I don't want to be anti host country, but I would love to see an Italy v. France final. With Italy winning and breaking the spectre of the Roberto Baggio shank.
Buy the way, I'll be drinking ONE DOLLAR Corona's and eating CHEAP peanuts.
A Night Out With The Boys...
I have the day off tomorrow SO I can accept the invitation from Dan to attend the Braves game in Atlanta tonight. Normally I decline these invitations due to the early hour I need to get up for work.
The are playing the St. Louis Cardinals and John Smoltz is starting. In addition to that, it's televised on ESPN. I was going to say look for me in the top of the third as I will run out onto the field, BUT that would create all sorts of problems since I am driving and need to be at work the next day. The Atlanta-Fulton County jail will just have to do without me:)
I know that Hanson will be going and there may be one more bloke. I'll take the camera and should get some good shots. Dan says that the seats are on the third base side, two rows off of the field.
Jen is going out with Erin to karaoke at Argos. Maybe that will be another story for later.
Tomorrow, we'll relax, cook out, and go see the fireworks in Augusta. Happy 4th to everyone!!
I have the day off tomorrow SO I can accept the invitation from Dan to attend the Braves game in Atlanta tonight. Normally I decline these invitations due to the early hour I need to get up for work.
The are playing the St. Louis Cardinals and John Smoltz is starting. In addition to that, it's televised on ESPN. I was going to say look for me in the top of the third as I will run out onto the field, BUT that would create all sorts of problems since I am driving and need to be at work the next day. The Atlanta-Fulton County jail will just have to do without me:)
I know that Hanson will be going and there may be one more bloke. I'll take the camera and should get some good shots. Dan says that the seats are on the third base side, two rows off of the field.
Jen is going out with Erin to karaoke at Argos. Maybe that will be another story for later.
Tomorrow, we'll relax, cook out, and go see the fireworks in Augusta. Happy 4th to everyone!!
From The NYT: The Lonely American Just Got a Bit Lonelier
Now, just to reiterate a point which I have made before - the challenge that the "church" has in this part of the world (Western Society and Culture). We, as people, HAVE TO connect with each other.
I can't fund the research, or get the grants to fund the study, BUT my money would be on this idea:
The reason that we are, as a whole, an angry society (and gettting angrier), is that we lack real relationship and are lonely and hurting. That PAIN and sense of isolation creates stress, which leads to a lot of anger.
Have a quick read of this article...
Ideas & Trends: The Lonely American Just Got a Bit Lonelier:
Americans are not only lacking in bowling partners, now they're lacking in people to tell their deepest, darkest secrets.
Be honest. Be open. Make and keep a friend today.
I can't fund the research, or get the grants to fund the study, BUT my money would be on this idea:
The reason that we are, as a whole, an angry society (and gettting angrier), is that we lack real relationship and are lonely and hurting. That PAIN and sense of isolation creates stress, which leads to a lot of anger.
Have a quick read of this article...
Ideas & Trends: The Lonely American Just Got a Bit Lonelier:
Americans are not only lacking in bowling partners, now they're lacking in people to tell their deepest, darkest secrets.
Be honest. Be open. Make and keep a friend today.
Life is A Trip...
I am sitting here getting ready for bed.
Jen is out with some "girls" playing Bunco and winning the hearts and minds of doctors wives. They don't have a chance. I don't know Bunco BUT I do know Jen and she will probably come home with stories of conquest and hilarity.
Jessie came home with news that was startling. I can't mention it here as it is personal. These years as a parent are some of the best and hardest. You really have to WATCH and see how your kids respond to life and the various shit that it throws them. I am proud of Jessie and her desire to mature and experience life at a level that few people reach for.
Oh, she also got her ACT scores today - a 32! Off the fucking chart. That's the 99th percentile of ALL the kids who took the test. College bound and sought after - that's where that score puts her. She was really pumped and it was great news on the heels of earlier stuff...
I am looking forward to the weekend, the World Cup, and, thanks to Dan, a trip to the Braves game on July 3rd at the "Ted" in Atlanta. We will be on the 3rd base line about two rows off of the field, behind the tarp - it's an ESPN game too. John Smoltz is pitching for Atlanta so it will be an exciting game.
It's time to go to "beddies". One more day of work this week...
Jen is out with some "girls" playing Bunco and winning the hearts and minds of doctors wives. They don't have a chance. I don't know Bunco BUT I do know Jen and she will probably come home with stories of conquest and hilarity.
Jessie came home with news that was startling. I can't mention it here as it is personal. These years as a parent are some of the best and hardest. You really have to WATCH and see how your kids respond to life and the various shit that it throws them. I am proud of Jessie and her desire to mature and experience life at a level that few people reach for.
Oh, she also got her ACT scores today - a 32! Off the fucking chart. That's the 99th percentile of ALL the kids who took the test. College bound and sought after - that's where that score puts her. She was really pumped and it was great news on the heels of earlier stuff...
I am looking forward to the weekend, the World Cup, and, thanks to Dan, a trip to the Braves game on July 3rd at the "Ted" in Atlanta. We will be on the 3rd base line about two rows off of the field, behind the tarp - it's an ESPN game too. John Smoltz is pitching for Atlanta so it will be an exciting game.
It's time to go to "beddies". One more day of work this week...
My "Job" Blog - Part 2
A few posts ago I endeavored to record the jobs that I have had over the years - part one is here.
This is Part 2 -
(Side light - Jen got back from Orlando - tired but tanned - on Friday evening. Yesterday was Jenn and Seth's wedding here in Aiken at Hopeland Gardens. She is bushed, so today will be a "cubby" day. REST. REST. REST.)
OK, I left off in the year 1981. In 1982 I encountered God in a dramatic and powerful way. The following year I moved to Toccoa Falls, GA to attend Toccoa Falls College. Here the job list picks up -
I am thankful that I have a job - or actually more than one.
This is Part 2 -
(Side light - Jen got back from Orlando - tired but tanned - on Friday evening. Yesterday was Jenn and Seth's wedding here in Aiken at Hopeland Gardens. She is bushed, so today will be a "cubby" day. REST. REST. REST.)
OK, I left off in the year 1981. In 1982 I encountered God in a dramatic and powerful way. The following year I moved to Toccoa Falls, GA to attend Toccoa Falls College. Here the job list picks up -
- While at TFC I was part of the Work Study program and worked with the heating and air conditioning department.
- A year and a half later I was hired as a part time youth minister at Return Baptist Church in Seneca, SC
- After graduating from TFC I stayed on at Return but, since it was part-time started working at Winn-Dixie as a stocker. That entailed going in at 10 p.m. and staying until about 3 or 4 am filling the shelves with groceries. I stocked the cereal and canned meat isles.
- Those were some long days. I applied, and was hired, by The Tribble Center, working as a Recreational TherapistThe Tribble Center was a vocational rehab center for those with special needs and disabilities. That was a blast.
- In 1988 I sent a request to a church in AIken, SC that was looking for a pastor. After the process that Baptist churches go through in calling a pastor, I began a full-time pastorate in September 1988, at North Aiken Baptist Church.
- While there I was introduced to Apple computers and purchased my first computer - an Apple Lisa. I bring this up here because it led me into buying, selling, and servicing Mac computers. This was part-time but fulfilling. I actually made a killing on a whole bunch of LC II and LC III Macs. We all have our "my first computer purchase" stories. Mine favorite is that I bought an 5 MB external hard drive for $800.00. I thought that that was a bargain. I now carry a 1 GB thumb drive in my pocket that was $39.99 after rebates.
- In 1995 I resigned the Baptist Church and planted The Vineyard Christian Fellowship, still in Aiken. We were part of The Vineyard USA. This was a breath of fresh air and I found a home. Even though the church disbanded following my resignation in 2000, I am still a part of the Vineyard in Augusta, GA.
- Next on the job list was personal training. I have a friend who opened a health club - Heartbeats Health and Fitness. I was working out there and asked if he could use some help training. He said "yes" so I pursued certification. In three months I had studied and passed my certification with ACSM to be a Heath and Fitness Instructor. I did this for a while and my friend asked if I would manage the Club. I agreed.
- This continued until June of 2004. I started working in Charleston, SC. I helped set-up and run HealthFirst, a state of the art medical office. That too was an amazing experience. In September 2005 I had to leave for personal reasons - integrity and such. Scary as hell that was (to be Yodaish), since I was quitting without a job to fall back on.
- Since the Holiday season was quickly coming my wife suggested that I try and find a job as a drivers helper with UPS. I applied and went in for an interview. During the interview the HR guy was looking at my resume and asked, "do you want to be a supervisor?" Short story - I said, "yes" and started in mid-November 2005. So I am presently Part-time Dispatch Supervisor at UPS in Augusta, GA.
- During that time I also administrated a complete computer hardware deployment at Dogwood Stable.
- And, finally, to bring us up to the present time, the friend who owned the health club closed the business and got his real estate license. He asked me to be his assistant and help him organize him and his office. After a month or so he approached me and said that he would pay for me to get my real estate license so I could be more involved in showing his listed properties and such. I said "yes" again and will be attending Real Estate School in August and should have my license in September. The whole market is BOOMING in Aiken so this may turn out to be a great opportunity.
I am thankful that I have a job - or actually more than one.
Too Good To Be True
Are you STILL being bothered by telemarketers? Even though we are on the "Do not call" lists with credit card companies and the government Do Not Call site we still get a few calls a week. In fact, yesterday I received one of the most obnoxious telemarketing calls I have EVER answered. The person just would not take "NO" for an answer.
You probably get more than we do.
The good news is that there is a very clever way to throw those bastards a curve. Check out these instructions and downloadable .wav file for you to use - No Telemarketers Site.
Let me know if it works for you.
You probably get more than we do.
The good news is that there is a very clever way to throw those bastards a curve. Check out these instructions and downloadable .wav file for you to use - No Telemarketers Site.
Let me know if it works for you.
My "Job" Blog
OK, to start with, the US National soccer team lost to Ghana today which puts them out of the world cup this year - only 4 more years until the next chance. Look for a new coach and a new style of play. Some of the "stars" never even showed up although they were on the field. My pick is Argentina.
Someone said to me the other day, "You've done a little bit of everything, haven't you?" Well, in response to that I decided to list the actual jobs that I have had over the years. I am trying to do this chronologically, starting from "the old days."
Jen gets back from Orlando tomorrow and I can't wait to see her:) Hopefully, she'll get some great rest this weekend.
Someone said to me the other day, "You've done a little bit of everything, haven't you?" Well, in response to that I decided to list the actual jobs that I have had over the years. I am trying to do this chronologically, starting from "the old days."
- Fed baby raccoons and skunks at a pet store in the Levittown, PA area.
- Newspaper Sales - Two actually. I delivered, by foot, then by bike, the Bucks County Courier Times in the afternoon and stood by the intersection of New Falls and Tyburn Road and sold the Trentonian in the morning.
- LIfeguard - I was mercifully delivered from the paper routes after being old enough to get my Red Cross Lifesaving Certificate. That was a great job working in the pool at the apartment complex that I lived in. I went on to get my Water Safety Instructor accreditation and taught swimming lessons the second summer I worked there.
- I then went away to college at WVU and while there worked as a cook at Long John Silver's for two years.
- After Long John's I had a short stint at Arby's in Star City, WV. I quit after two weeks when I just couldn't, with a clear conscience, serve people that meat "stuff." You can do the research if you want to. Can you say, "puke?"
- I then moved further south to Clarksville, GA and was a staff member at Mountain View Development Program. The program was designed to take mentally handicapped men and women who had been institutionalized and integrate them into a natural, healthy environment. We grew our food, built fences, ground wheat, and did a lot a farm related activities. We were out in the middle of freaking NOWHERE. It was very rewarding and life changing for everyone who was involved. There are WAY too many stories about this experience.
- Upon returning back north to civilization in Doylestown, PA I started working as an ancillary therapist at Delaware Valley Mental Health Foundation. Here is a New York Times review of a movie of the treatment there - Other Voices. Another amazing experience that was just adding to the mix being around people and helping them get whole.
- I then moved back south to Athens, GA, (Yes, the UGA Athens) and started my own Volkswagen repair business. You see, while I was in Doylestown I purchased a VW bug and began fixing it up. I've always been somewhat mechanical and unafraid to take things apart and put them back together (ask my Mom about the vacuum cleaner incident). I had a guy at the parts place tell me that a good VW mechanic was worth his weight in gold. So I did it. I named my business "The Organic Mechanic." I was somewhat of a throwback hippy type so this fit in nicely with my bushy hair and carefree lifestyle (can you say recreational drugs and Rolling Rock?).
- While in Athens, GA I also worked weekends in a group home for retarded man with Georgia Mental Health/Retardation. They have since changed the name to be more politically correct.
Jen gets back from Orlando tomorrow and I can't wait to see her:) Hopefully, she'll get some great rest this weekend.
Some Follow Up...
Just an update from the other day. Yesterday, Jessie and I returned to the ER as requested by the doctor and off we went. More prepared than the last visit, I with my crossword puzzle and Jessie with her book. Both of us dressed like it was Fall since the ER is kept at, what seems to be, 62 degrees. I guess that's to slow down the death process as you wait in the lounge.
This hospital has a "quick see" ER and they promise to "see you" in 15 minutes. Now, see you means that you fill out a form in the triage area and someone says, "Jessie." Jessie says, "yes" and volia, you have been seen. Not by a doctor, mind you, but by the lady at the front desk. But that counts for something.
In actuality, the hospital there has done a great job in speeding up the process and we didn't have to wait that long. Jessie's feet looked so much better just before we went, BUT after she got up, walked to the car (all of 15 feet), walked into the ER after I dropped her off and sat for an hour or so, the redness returned. The pain did also. The swelling went down,so that was good.
Now we have more drugs to take - a steroid and an antihistamine. As of this morning her feet looked better than they have in a few days. She is to stay off of her feet for the week and take all her meds.
Tonight we go out to eat Thai at the new restaurant in the area. The dogs gave me a gift certificate for Father's Day! I love my dogs.
Back to work at UPS today and off to the real estate office to help Tom get organized and his accounting software set up.
This hospital has a "quick see" ER and they promise to "see you" in 15 minutes. Now, see you means that you fill out a form in the triage area and someone says, "Jessie." Jessie says, "yes" and volia, you have been seen. Not by a doctor, mind you, but by the lady at the front desk. But that counts for something.
In actuality, the hospital there has done a great job in speeding up the process and we didn't have to wait that long. Jessie's feet looked so much better just before we went, BUT after she got up, walked to the car (all of 15 feet), walked into the ER after I dropped her off and sat for an hour or so, the redness returned. The pain did also. The swelling went down,so that was good.
Now we have more drugs to take - a steroid and an antihistamine. As of this morning her feet looked better than they have in a few days. She is to stay off of her feet for the week and take all her meds.
Tonight we go out to eat Thai at the new restaurant in the area. The dogs gave me a gift certificate for Father's Day! I love my dogs.
Back to work at UPS today and off to the real estate office to help Tom get organized and his accounting software set up.
Unplanned Visit...
I dropped Jen off at Suz's house this morning for their jaunt to Orlando and Mickey World. After that I went home and watched the first game of the day from the World Cup. It was a good game.
I left for Columbia to pick Jessie up from Palmetto Girls State. She had a great week and was elected as President of The Senate for the week - she was selected by her peers to do the job. Once we got in the car she was just a bundle of information and couldn't talk fast enough to tell me all that she had learned and experienced. She is so glad that she went. The first few days she was wondering what she had gotten herself into, but after it got ramped up she was really into it.
The biggest surprise and honor was that she was selected to attend Girls Nation. Two girls from the state of South Carolina were selected and Jessie was one of them. 96 girls out of 25,000 are selected each year to attend. They will go to Washington DC for a week in July and get to experience the insiders view of politics. She is humbled and totally excited about the privilege.
Now for the unplanned visit. She had some weird swelling and pain in her feet - kind of like an insect bite but it was both feet at the same time. We called the doctor and he wanted to prescribe some antibiotics but I insisted that she be seen due to the symptoms. He said to go ahead to the ER. We did and have been here since 2:30 p.m.. It is now 6:30 p.m. and the are running all sorts of blood tests and she is getting some hardcore antibiotics to cover a broad range of possibilities. Her feet hurt so badly that to stand was crying painful. They gave her some pain meds and she is snoozing away.
It looks like we're here for the long haul and maybe even an admission to the hospital. The doctors will have a better idea once the blood work comes back. So here I sit....
More later...
UPDATE: We just got home, it's 8:20 p.m. They really don't know what was the deal but we go back in the afternoon to get the follow up. Hopefully Jessie will get some rest tonight.
I left for Columbia to pick Jessie up from Palmetto Girls State. She had a great week and was elected as President of The Senate for the week - she was selected by her peers to do the job. Once we got in the car she was just a bundle of information and couldn't talk fast enough to tell me all that she had learned and experienced. She is so glad that she went. The first few days she was wondering what she had gotten herself into, but after it got ramped up she was really into it.
The biggest surprise and honor was that she was selected to attend Girls Nation. Two girls from the state of South Carolina were selected and Jessie was one of them. 96 girls out of 25,000 are selected each year to attend. They will go to Washington DC for a week in July and get to experience the insiders view of politics. She is humbled and totally excited about the privilege.
Now for the unplanned visit. She had some weird swelling and pain in her feet - kind of like an insect bite but it was both feet at the same time. We called the doctor and he wanted to prescribe some antibiotics but I insisted that she be seen due to the symptoms. He said to go ahead to the ER. We did and have been here since 2:30 p.m.. It is now 6:30 p.m. and the are running all sorts of blood tests and she is getting some hardcore antibiotics to cover a broad range of possibilities. Her feet hurt so badly that to stand was crying painful. They gave her some pain meds and she is snoozing away.
It looks like we're here for the long haul and maybe even an admission to the hospital. The doctors will have a better idea once the blood work comes back. So here I sit....
More later...
UPDATE: We just got home, it's 8:20 p.m. They really don't know what was the deal but we go back in the afternoon to get the follow up. Hopefully Jessie will get some rest tonight.
I Am Enjoying Myself
Having survived Tropical Storm Alberto we once again enjoying the Florida weather.
I am TOTALLY enjoying the World Cup. Despite a dismal showing by the US team, the games have been incredible.
My favorite so far has been Saudi Arabia v. Tunisia. The game has been filled with emotion and passion. The final 35 minutes were amazing!
I am TOTALLY enjoying the World Cup. Despite a dismal showing by the US team, the games have been incredible.
My favorite so far has been Saudi Arabia v. Tunisia. The game has been filled with emotion and passion. The final 35 minutes were amazing!
Vacationing in The Rain - Jen's Bain
So, here we are in Amelia Island, Fl on our vacation - I have a paid week from UPS and Jen has been looking forward to getting some sun in preparation for her trip to Orlando/Mickeyworld the following week.
We have had some bad luck on our past few trips down here with regard to the weather. Well GUESS WHAT?!
Can you say ALBERTO?! Or as Jen may so succinctly put it, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
We are in the direct path of the 1st tropical storm of the season. The clouds started to gather yesterday when we arrived and there is NO sun forecast for the next few days. NONE! The storm will be through on Wednesday and we leave...let me see...Thursday.
Now Jen and her mother are "sun-goddesses", they love to lay in the sun and talk. Not going to happen on this trip. Looks like a shopping spree is in order. I like it when the sun comes out. It's definitely cheaper.
Actually, the storm has SLOWED DOWN and will now dump 3-5 inches of rain on us here in Amelia. How cool. Ugh.
I didn't come to lay in the sun. At this point in my life I am starting to sprout bumps and such from all of my early years on the Jersey Shore and by the pool - I should be scheduling another dermatologist appointment soon to harvest the next crop of skin anomalies. So I try and stay out of the hot Florida sun and be nice to my skin.
Do I care about ALBERTO? Not one bit. I am watching the World Cup. I love that it is in Europe and I get to watch it at normal hours. The US plays today and I will be stuck to the TV for the duration - all three games. Jen is a soccer widow for the next few weeks.
Family Update:
We dropped off Jessie at Palmetto Girls State yesterday, so she is going to be having all sorts of fun. My chance to brag on her a bit - she is the only one from her high school who was selected to attend the program, and she received a scholarship from the local American Legion. It will be interesting ti hear how things are going when she gets home.
In fact, she and I will be spending Father's Day together this year as Jen will be in Orlando.
Jason is off at 29 Palms for training and will be back in July. He then gets a few weeks leave and prepares for his next deployment in the Mideast. He and his new bride Candace will be here for a few weeks during that leave. His deployment will be 8 months - ugh.
That's the update for now...
We have had some bad luck on our past few trips down here with regard to the weather. Well GUESS WHAT?!
Can you say ALBERTO?! Or as Jen may so succinctly put it, "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
We are in the direct path of the 1st tropical storm of the season. The clouds started to gather yesterday when we arrived and there is NO sun forecast for the next few days. NONE! The storm will be through on Wednesday and we leave...let me see...Thursday.
Now Jen and her mother are "sun-goddesses", they love to lay in the sun and talk. Not going to happen on this trip. Looks like a shopping spree is in order. I like it when the sun comes out. It's definitely cheaper.
Actually, the storm has SLOWED DOWN and will now dump 3-5 inches of rain on us here in Amelia. How cool. Ugh.
I didn't come to lay in the sun. At this point in my life I am starting to sprout bumps and such from all of my early years on the Jersey Shore and by the pool - I should be scheduling another dermatologist appointment soon to harvest the next crop of skin anomalies. So I try and stay out of the hot Florida sun and be nice to my skin.
Do I care about ALBERTO? Not one bit. I am watching the World Cup. I love that it is in Europe and I get to watch it at normal hours. The US plays today and I will be stuck to the TV for the duration - all three games. Jen is a soccer widow for the next few weeks.
Family Update:
We dropped off Jessie at Palmetto Girls State yesterday, so she is going to be having all sorts of fun. My chance to brag on her a bit - she is the only one from her high school who was selected to attend the program, and she received a scholarship from the local American Legion. It will be interesting ti hear how things are going when she gets home.
In fact, she and I will be spending Father's Day together this year as Jen will be in Orlando.
Jason is off at 29 Palms for training and will be back in July. He then gets a few weeks leave and prepares for his next deployment in the Mideast. He and his new bride Candace will be here for a few weeks during that leave. His deployment will be 8 months - ugh.
That's the update for now...
Staying In Tonight
After a great weekend with Jason and Candace visiting we are all relaxing and getting ready for a busy month.
Jessie is enjoying NOT having school - she is hanging out with friends at the pool, working a few days a week, and sleeping in. She deserves it after finishing her junior year. Ah, the summer between junior and senior years...that is supposed to be one of the best times of your high school life. I hope that she has the best one ever.
Jen and I are planning on traveling a little and then she goes on a trip to Florida with a friend and her kids - Disneyworld! I will be holding down the fort here in Aiken while she's gone.
I'm stoked about the World Cup. I'm even more excited than four years ago because I have TIVO and will not miss a game. The games are during the day here since Germany is six hours ahead. I won't miss a game!
We made Pizza tonight and are watching Pretty In Pink. A flashback moment.
Jessie is enjoying NOT having school - she is hanging out with friends at the pool, working a few days a week, and sleeping in. She deserves it after finishing her junior year. Ah, the summer between junior and senior years...that is supposed to be one of the best times of your high school life. I hope that she has the best one ever.
Jen and I are planning on traveling a little and then she goes on a trip to Florida with a friend and her kids - Disneyworld! I will be holding down the fort here in Aiken while she's gone.
I'm stoked about the World Cup. I'm even more excited than four years ago because I have TIVO and will not miss a game. The games are during the day here since Germany is six hours ahead. I won't miss a game!
We made Pizza tonight and are watching Pretty In Pink. A flashback moment.
I Think That I Am Going To Be Sick
What the hell were they thinking?
In response to a survey that KFC conducted concerning the poor lunchtime eating habits of American workers, they have created the NEW Famous Bowl(TM). Below is a picture of this new "hearty meal, just like Mom used to make." (That is a quote from the press release for the Famous Bowl.)
It is layers of mashed potatoes, sweet corn and bite sized crispy chicken, drizzled with signature home style gravy and topped off with a three- cheese blend -- in one convenient bowl. Mummmm.
Here is a picture of this yummy meal, like someone's MOM used to make.

Really. It looks like what you would scrape INTO the garbage disposal AFTER the meal is OVER, not what one would pay for and eat at lunch - in the car.
Now, I can get the dry heaves from the smell of fast food in the car - that is after I have gotten out of the car and get back in. So I'm not a fan of the smells. My own fast food smells.
Can you imagine what this baby will smell like? Think poo.
Ok. What are the odds that this is THE answer to KFC's market share? Are you buying stock on this offering?
Ok. Let me get to the point. It looks like someone shit in the little black bowl. There. I said it. I feel better.
In response to a survey that KFC conducted concerning the poor lunchtime eating habits of American workers, they have created the NEW Famous Bowl(TM). Below is a picture of this new "hearty meal, just like Mom used to make." (That is a quote from the press release for the Famous Bowl.)
It is layers of mashed potatoes, sweet corn and bite sized crispy chicken, drizzled with signature home style gravy and topped off with a three- cheese blend -- in one convenient bowl. Mummmm.
Here is a picture of this yummy meal, like someone's MOM used to make.
Really. It looks like what you would scrape INTO the garbage disposal AFTER the meal is OVER, not what one would pay for and eat at lunch - in the car.
Now, I can get the dry heaves from the smell of fast food in the car - that is after I have gotten out of the car and get back in. So I'm not a fan of the smells. My own fast food smells.
Can you imagine what this baby will smell like? Think poo.
Ok. What are the odds that this is THE answer to KFC's market share? Are you buying stock on this offering?
Ok. Let me get to the point. It looks like someone shit in the little black bowl. There. I said it. I feel better.
Second Big Update
Yesterday I updated you on some of the big happenings of our weekend at the beach.
Today I want to update you on the BIGGEST news of the weekend.
My son, Jason, and his fiance decided to get married. They had just obtained a marriage license and were at dinner and said, "So when do you want to get married?" They decided to get married THAT NIGHT!
So they called some friends, Candace borrowed a dress from a friend, and they went to the magistrate and got married!
Here is a picture from a previous post:

Jason and Candace
My best wishes go out to the newlyweds as they prepare to spend their life together.
Hopefully we'll get to see them this weekend as Jason gets a 96 hour leave for the holiday weekend. That would be great.
Today I want to update you on the BIGGEST news of the weekend.
My son, Jason, and his fiance decided to get married. They had just obtained a marriage license and were at dinner and said, "So when do you want to get married?" They decided to get married THAT NIGHT!
So they called some friends, Candace borrowed a dress from a friend, and they went to the magistrate and got married!
Here is a picture from a previous post:
Jason and Candace
My best wishes go out to the newlyweds as they prepare to spend their life together.
Hopefully we'll get to see them this weekend as Jason gets a 96 hour leave for the holiday weekend. That would be great.
Update From The Past Few Weeks
Quick overview of the past few chronological order.
I started back at UPS on May 12th after 6 weeks off for recovering from my hernia surgery. The good news is that I get to start training and using the system that I was hired to learn - The Center of The Future.
The REALLY GOOD NEWS is that I don't have to be in until 6 AM, which means that I get up at 5 AM, instead of 3:15 AM. That is a huge bonus.
We just returned from a weekend trip to Hunting Island, SC. Below is a photo that my daughter took this morning. What an amazing sunrise. The island is a state park which is preserved in it's natural condition - just like hundreds of years ago. Very interesting and beautiful. One of the guys that I backpack the PCT with rented a cabin for the week and invited us down. Thanks Jim.

Hunting Island Sunrise
One of the big deals of the island is that it is a nesting site for loggerhead turtles. These gentle giants come ashore, lay eggs, and lumber back to the ocean in the early morning hours. Few people have actually seen many of these, in fact one of the guys on the island has worked "turtle patrol" for 6 years and never seen a turtle. That is until today.
Jessie went down to the water to see the sunrise as Jim and I were getting ready for a walk. As we approached the beach Jessie came running over a dune waving her arms like a crazy woman and mouthing something. As we came closer I realized that she was saying "turtle!" We came over the rise and saw a 350 lb. loggerhead turtle just making her way back to the water. She had come up the beach, laid eggs (137 of them), and as she turned to go back, was caught on the top of her shell by some dune fence. Jessie freed her and we all stood around as she made her way 300 yards back to the ocean. Below are two pictures of the event.

Looking Around

Back To The Ocean
It was a pretty cool way to start the week.
I started back at UPS on May 12th after 6 weeks off for recovering from my hernia surgery. The good news is that I get to start training and using the system that I was hired to learn - The Center of The Future.
The REALLY GOOD NEWS is that I don't have to be in until 6 AM, which means that I get up at 5 AM, instead of 3:15 AM. That is a huge bonus.
We just returned from a weekend trip to Hunting Island, SC. Below is a photo that my daughter took this morning. What an amazing sunrise. The island is a state park which is preserved in it's natural condition - just like hundreds of years ago. Very interesting and beautiful. One of the guys that I backpack the PCT with rented a cabin for the week and invited us down. Thanks Jim.
Hunting Island Sunrise
One of the big deals of the island is that it is a nesting site for loggerhead turtles. These gentle giants come ashore, lay eggs, and lumber back to the ocean in the early morning hours. Few people have actually seen many of these, in fact one of the guys on the island has worked "turtle patrol" for 6 years and never seen a turtle. That is until today.
Jessie went down to the water to see the sunrise as Jim and I were getting ready for a walk. As we approached the beach Jessie came running over a dune waving her arms like a crazy woman and mouthing something. As we came closer I realized that she was saying "turtle!" We came over the rise and saw a 350 lb. loggerhead turtle just making her way back to the water. She had come up the beach, laid eggs (137 of them), and as she turned to go back, was caught on the top of her shell by some dune fence. Jessie freed her and we all stood around as she made her way 300 yards back to the ocean. Below are two pictures of the event.
Looking Around
Back To The Ocean
It was a pretty cool way to start the week.
Has It Been That Long?
I just realized that I haven't posted since WAY BACK on April 26th. Sorry:(
I'm up to my butt in Dell Computers. I got a project installing and upgrading the computer systems in the office where Jen used to work, Dogwood Stable. They have been using a patchwork of various computers to run their office and things have degraded to the point that they were having daily problems and the support that they were getting was a guy that was already stretched - sometimes it took DAYS to call back and longer to service.
Now I have 6 Dell Dimension 5150's in the extra room and I am upgrading them all to XP Pro and installing the various software that each person uses.
The plan is to get the computers as upgraded as possible prior to the deployment so that day can be spent hooking up the and configuring the network.
The server is off at the Network folks place getting the install done and upgraded.
I'll be busy for the next few weeks but it beats sitting on my butt:)
The biggest problem is that it smells like new, hot, computers in the room.
I do get to take some time as I wait for the UMTEEN install patches to do their thing - about two hours per machine.
Thank God for TIVO.
I'm up to my butt in Dell Computers. I got a project installing and upgrading the computer systems in the office where Jen used to work, Dogwood Stable. They have been using a patchwork of various computers to run their office and things have degraded to the point that they were having daily problems and the support that they were getting was a guy that was already stretched - sometimes it took DAYS to call back and longer to service.
Now I have 6 Dell Dimension 5150's in the extra room and I am upgrading them all to XP Pro and installing the various software that each person uses.
The plan is to get the computers as upgraded as possible prior to the deployment so that day can be spent hooking up the and configuring the network.
The server is off at the Network folks place getting the install done and upgraded.
I'll be busy for the next few weeks but it beats sitting on my butt:)
The biggest problem is that it smells like new, hot, computers in the room.
I do get to take some time as I wait for the UMTEEN install patches to do their thing - about two hours per machine.
Thank God for TIVO.
Off To The Doctor's Again
I am sitting in the Urologist's office recording this post with my favorite web blog editor ecto.
I went back to the surgeon this morning due to an unusual occurrence with my "schlong." Without going into any detail at all, to keep what's private, private, the surgeon took a look and decided that I should be referred to another specialist. He managed to get me an appointment today - the same day - which is great, but as you may know has it's own particular drawbacks. The biggest is that they have to "fit you in, " which being interpreted means, WAIT...
After a time the pee-pee doctor comes in and lets me know that what I have is a thrombosis of a vein. That means that the blood has clotted and will just have to be reabsorbed into my system - it may be months. Great.
I love surgery and the resultant complications.
I went back to the surgeon this morning due to an unusual occurrence with my "schlong." Without going into any detail at all, to keep what's private, private, the surgeon took a look and decided that I should be referred to another specialist. He managed to get me an appointment today - the same day - which is great, but as you may know has it's own particular drawbacks. The biggest is that they have to "fit you in, " which being interpreted means, WAIT...
After a time the pee-pee doctor comes in and lets me know that what I have is a thrombosis of a vein. That means that the blood has clotted and will just have to be reabsorbed into my system - it may be months. Great.
I love surgery and the resultant complications.
Prom Night
It's prom night in Aiken. Both high schools, Aiken High School and South Aiken High School, have prom on the same night. It's actually a good idea for a community BUT a bad idea if prom dates go to different high schools, which is the case with our daughter and her boyfriend. If you are new to the blog I have to explain that they have the same name - Jessie and Jesse. The "ie" Jessie is my daughter.
The weather here in Aiken has been scattered thunderstorms all day long. The weather broke long enough to take these pictures. I have to say that they are a sharp couple, and the black prom dress really "pops" alongside the cream colored tux.

Ready for Prom

It's been a crazy day. I had to take the dogs to get them microchipped and registered with the city of Aiken. It was interesting to see how the dogs reacted to a WHOLE BUNCH of other dogs. They actually did well, except for the guys sticking a large hypodermic needle under their skin on the back of the neck for the microchip. Both dogs had to be muzzled and Cinnamon (our Chow mix) showed teeth to a 13 year old who was helping by scanning the chips once they were implanted. He kept pointing his finger in the other dogs faces if they reacted to his passing a beeping hand-held scanner over their back. Cinnamon took issue with his challenge (as did I) of the pointed finger. I instructed him to back off and not point the finger in her face - I really wanted Cinnamon to teach him but that wouldn't have gone over too well - teeth in his hand and all.
Anyway, Jen is at a Mary Kay make up party tonight - hahahahaha - and I am home taking care of two traumatized dogs.
The weather here in Aiken has been scattered thunderstorms all day long. The weather broke long enough to take these pictures. I have to say that they are a sharp couple, and the black prom dress really "pops" alongside the cream colored tux.
Ready for Prom
It's been a crazy day. I had to take the dogs to get them microchipped and registered with the city of Aiken. It was interesting to see how the dogs reacted to a WHOLE BUNCH of other dogs. They actually did well, except for the guys sticking a large hypodermic needle under their skin on the back of the neck for the microchip. Both dogs had to be muzzled and Cinnamon (our Chow mix) showed teeth to a 13 year old who was helping by scanning the chips once they were implanted. He kept pointing his finger in the other dogs faces if they reacted to his passing a beeping hand-held scanner over their back. Cinnamon took issue with his challenge (as did I) of the pointed finger. I instructed him to back off and not point the finger in her face - I really wanted Cinnamon to teach him but that wouldn't have gone over too well - teeth in his hand and all.
Anyway, Jen is at a Mary Kay make up party tonight - hahahahaha - and I am home taking care of two traumatized dogs.
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