
Happy To Poo!

For those of you who are disgusted with any mention of "poop" this is a good time to STOP reading...

There. I am, however, supremely excited. You see, after a surgery in which they fool around with your guts two oppositional things take place:
  1. Your "innards" say, "Shut down, Shut down." They go into "high alert" and cease, for all practical intents, to operate normally.
  2. The doctor gives you pain killers that are opiate based. These pain killers are ALL known for one very specific side effect - constipation.
These two occurances collide and one is stuck (literally) in the valley of decision - "Do I take the pain killers and get constipated, OR do I suffer abdominal pain and wait until the "system" gets back on line?" (Not to mention that one has to "push" a bit to poo, which componds the pain problem).

Well, yesterday I took a few doses of Senokot and this morning, volia! Now that's how I spell relief. So now I can eat, take pain pills, and have normal bowel movements. Life just doesn't get any better!!

On a related note, since I have some abdominal swelling I thought that I could find a pair of those maternity jeans that have the "expanding" panel in the front. How weird would that be?

Just kidding. I'll just wait it out until I can fit back into my jeans.

Jen is off to church and her 'rents (Bob and Jody) are on the way up for a visit this week. They should arrive in the late afternoon for a 4 day stay. I'm sure that I'll have more to post later in the day.

Last note - for those to whom it applies, change your clocks. It is officially Daylight Savings Time. Here is a link to the time.gov site for the exact time.


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