
A Little "Scroogy" With The Christmas Decorations

I love Christmas. I love the family time. The smells. The emphasis on the birth of Christ. The giving.


I have decided that HELL for me would be setting up and taking down the Christmas Decorations at The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. I would rather have bamboo shoots driven under my fingernails. No, really.

We took down the tree yesterday, at my insistence - since Jen would keep it up until Easter if she could. We are having some friends over for a Murder Mystery Party tonight and needed the space in the living room. At least that was the absolute best excuse that I could come up with. She bit, I mean agreed, to take it down.

Without going into a lot of detail you instinctively know the horticulture of the Christmas tree - you cut it off at ground level and it starts dying at that minute. They truck it in from whatever place in North Carolina they cut it from and set it up in a lot for you to look at and "oh and ah" during the selection process. You bring it in the house, hang all sorts of things all over it, and, as it dies over the next weeks, it throws needles everywhere.

The best part is that you wrap lights strung together, that are 150 feet in total length, around the tree so that when you unwrap the lights more of the little dry needles get flung all over the house. Same thing goes for ornaments and such. Easy on. Messy off.

OK. I admit that I'm a little OCD. I like things neat and orderly and hate messiness. BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH. I have seriously considered getting a "fake" tree. Notice I said "I". Jen will have nothing of it. "Fake trees are for OLD PEOPLE." she says.

(Side note - her parents got a fake tree ordered and delivered this year for next years Christmas)

The logic in "Jen's World" goes like this;
A = Fake trees are for old people (like my parents).
B = Pete wants a fake tree.
C= I (Jen) can't be married to an old person. That would be creepy.
D = Pete can't have a fake tree.
E through Z = NO FAKE TREE.

I'm screwed.

Back to the point - sort of. I have a ritual for getting the offending, needle throwing tree out of the house with as little damage and mess as possible. Feel free to use this process if you want. I place a tarp next to the tree, after the decorations are off (and more needles are now all over the floor).
  • Get your garden pruning shears - I use hand shears and the longer "branch loppers"
  • Cut the branches off one by one and lay them on the tarp.
  • Once the tarp is full gather the corners and take the tarp outside and dump accordingly.
  • Repeat as needed.
Now you have a bare thick "stick" tree truck to take out instead of a "needle flinging" disaster. Easy! At least easier than trying to drag the stupid tree out of the house and getting a trail of needles everywhere.

All griping and whining aside. We packed all the decorations and I have put all but one storage tub back in the attic (since we always find an overlooked decoration in the house AFTER I put everything up in the attic - one year, it was March before we found the last ornament - sad.)

The really fun part is that next year we get to do it all over again - oh boy!!

My only chance out of this "cycle of torture" is that Jen's parents decide that the FAKE tree that they bought is too heavy (it took two FedEx workers to carry it to the front door - 56 pounds worth) and too much trouble to fluff and set up. Then they may give it to us. I'm already planning, and praying.

Oh yeah, don't tell Jen.



My Electric Shaver

OK. I recant. I hated electric shavers.

The truth is that the reason that I hated electric shavers was based on an experience from my adolescent years. Somebody, I can't remember who, bought me a "triple header" electric razor of some sort for Christmas.

I used it and it created such ingrown hair problems on my teenage face that I packed it up and never used it again. So I banned all use of electric razors and told everybody else that electric razors were useless. Years passed and I solved the problem by growing a beard and only shaving around the edges:)

The only break that I took was during Bible College. They didn't allow facial hair beyond mustache's (or jeans in classes). Other than that I had a beard.

That was until UPS came along when I got hired in November. One of the requirements of management for UPS is that there is no facial hair. GREAT. I had to shave every other day (the bare minimum for me). My poor face was chapped and raw. I cut myself. I bleed. I hate shaving. So, I researched and read. I went to www.epinions.com. I went to Amazon.com. I decided on an electric razor and asked SANTA CLAUS to bring me one - OK. It's really my In-laws.

They bought me a Braun. I recant! The freaking thing shaves ALMOST as close as a blade razor. The best thing is that it cleans itself and then sits ready for me to use:)

I have only used the thing for a week but am looking forward to MANY shaves without cuts and rash.


Jason and Candace

Over the holidays, Jason came back to Aiken with his girlfriend Candace.

This was the FIRST girl that Jason called home and said, "I have a girlfriend." This is HUGE! He never even so much as made a direct mention of another girl since early high school - and that was a passing reference.

Anyway, she is a neat person and I see what Jason sees in her. She is fun to be around and I am happy for him.

Jason and Candace
Jason and Candace

The whole break was outstanding and going back to work this past Tuesday was such a relief from the hectic and crazy days before Christmas. We had 8 tractor trailer loads instead of 19+. The facility manager said that our peak day had over 21,000 packages - more than the facility has ever seen in one day.

Total change of subject - I started using an electric shaver this week - a new Christmas gift from my in-laws (Thanks Bob and Jody). Very cool. I may say more later.

Ramping up for the New Year and my wife's birthday - January 1st! How fun is that? There is always a party on your birthday.



Unique Christmas Traditions at the Sonnati's

Strange but true! One of the traditions in the Sonnati household is to give Jen a box of Tampons! What a Christmas tradition.

Here is a picture of the "opening of the Tampons":

Traditional Tampons
Traditional Christmas Tampons

We are on the way home from Florida shortly and we'll open presents with each other and the kids.

I will see you later in the weekend.



"I Was Only Trying To Change Lanes"

So. I get home from work and take the car out to get it gassed up and ready for the Florida trip.

I thought that I would run to the store and check on a present for Jen.

The busiest road near us is called, I kid you not, Whiskey Rd. Four lanes of pure hell this time of year. Inch by painful inch. And, as usual, there are the people who want to make a RIGHT turn 300 yards up the road, but for some reason feel that the best way to get there is to get in the left lane until one is 50 yards away from the turn and THEN get into the right lane - thus saving, I don't know 10 feet of road or maybe 6 seconds of travel time.

My word to those who care and drive like this - DON'T FUCKING DO IT! If you have any questions as to "why not?", just take a look at the picture below.

Boom said the car
Boom said the car

My tail end is crushed. The State Trooper that worked this accident (Or "wreck" if you live in the South), was actually working another "wreck" right next to where I was hit. He actually ran out of accident reports and had to wait for his supervisor to bring him some.

The trunk closes, which is nice since we had to go to Florida and visit Jen's parents - putting things in the trunk is important on a trip.

So I have insurance adjusters to look forward to, and body shops and settlements, and all sorts of fun shit.

Don't be jealous:)


The Peak Season Is Over for Brown

Well, it's over! We officially ended "peak season" at UPS yesterday. 12 loads contrasted to 19 on Thursday and 21 on Wednesday.

I get Monday off and don't have to go in until 5 AM - that means up at 4 AM instead of 2:30 AM. That is reason for CELEBRATION!

We are in Florida for a QUICK two days. Back to Aiken on Christmas Day.

Family time today and yesterday.



Can You Believe It?

On the "WWJT" about the Christmas Day dilemma (see post from a few days ago). I drove past a church this morning and the sign out front said,

"Open For Business Christmas Day."

Cute. I didn't realize that the church was a "business". Maybe that was a slip. Maybe "cute". Either way, I wouldn't be drawn to that church Christmas Day.

Enough of that.

Work at UPS was less busy this morning. We handled 20,000 pieces yesterday - that is, unloaded from tractor trailer's and place in the back of the brown UPS trucks that you see come to your home. All in 4 and 1/2 hours. Today was 19,000. Due to the easing of the loads I get an extra 15 minutes of sleep tomorrow morning - to work at 3:35 AM instead of 3:30. Believe me, at that time of day, 15 minutes is great.

Tomorrow will be another 1,00o less. Next week will be back to about 13,000. Yeah! I am looking forward to starting the computer part of the job that I was hired for.

Jason, my Marine son, and his new girlfriend, Candice, are coming to see the family today. They will be here until December 27th. I will post pictures and some anecdotes from the weekend later.

Jen and I are driving down to Amelia Island, FL to see her parents over the weekend. Back here Christmas Day for fun and presents with the kids.


Christmas is one of my favorite times of year - family and relaxation. I hope that you enjoy your families this season.



My Friend Has Cancer

This past week one of my friends discovered that he has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. That sucks. That sucks really bad.

I hate that people are sick and get cancer. But, I have to admit that I don't think about other people and the struggles they have. It only comes home to me when it is close. I really hate when my friends suffer sickness.

He started chemo yesterday and has at least six months of treatment. Prognosis is good. His spirit's are good. His general health is good.

Pray for his strength. Pray for his spirit. Pray for his faith. His name is Dan.

Fight Dan, fight. I will carry you when you need it. I love you.



WWJT (What Would Jesus Think) - The "we are so petty" Department

Ok. I'm officially lodging a complaint about the entire "Christmas Church Service" debate. If you have been aware of the latest "evangelical news story" you know that there has been great concern about the fact that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year.

It seems that some churches have decided to take the day "off" and let their families stay home and celebrate Christmas or (gasp), attend another church that has morning services.

One example of the debate is in Toledo, OH. Another is Fredericksburg, MD. In fact, much of the media has been aimed at the Mega-churches.

This really isn't fair since the majority of "closed" churches on Christmas Day will be the smaller churches - I speak from experience. Having pastored, or been on a church staff for more than 15 years, this was an issue that I have faced, thankfully, only a few times - 1983, 1988, and 1994. Knowing what to do when you have 10 families and 8 have small children can be a valid issue. I won't say how I handled it. I will say that this is the first Christmas on Sunday that has EVER made "news". And of all of the previous years I mentioned had some churches that closed for Christmas on that day.

Which "side" you choose isn't really the point. Both "sides" have legitimate perspective.

The real point is, "why are followers of Christ even having the discussion, and do they realize the impact on those who watch, namely folks who aren't following Christ?"

I mean, I don't really want to piss on the parade that you have decided to march in, but take a minute and think this through:

1. It makes followers of Christ LOOK LIKE they are aligned like political parties - the "anti's" and "for's" - we have descended into little arguments that make "us" fell better rather than promote Jesus Christ.
2. What effect does this have on people who are "looking in" at the silliness of the "sides"?
3. The "church" gets news coverage for their differences NOT their common love. What a sad thing.
4. Did the early church EVER celebrate the birth of Christ? I mean the church in the first 100 years after Christ? No real evidence exists. The "institutional" church started this celebration. Now, I have no problem with the celebration of Christ's birth, and I even participate in church services celebrations, as well as personal celebration, but should we FIGHT over it? Is it essential to the faith?
5. The church, for the most part, in the Western world, has failed in the primary mission of being light and salt to the world. This gives us more time to debate issues of little importance and allow discipleship to be the "Great Omission".
6. I really wonder what the Lord thinks of the debate? Does He even care if we celebrate His birthday?
7. Self-righteousness NEVER accomplishes productive results.
8. Motivating by guilt NEVER accomplishes productive results.
9. If you "miss" church for ANY reason and are part of the "debate", make sure that you do not have "rocks" in your hands. I know people (I am one of them) who has "skipped" church to travel, to spend time with family, to sleep in, to watch TV, because I am tired, and various other reasons. Do I take solace that at least the CHURCH WAS OPEN even though I decided to stay away? What is the difference? How can I justify myself if I am "taking a side" in this latest "discussion"?

I mean, shit people, let's just enjoy each other, celebrate Christ's birth if you are so inclined, and have a positive experience this year. Why would you allow this to cause a "dis-taste" for you?

One last thought - If you believe in a God and a devil. How do you think that the devil would ruin your celebration and cause division in the church? Cancel services OR exaggerate a "non-issue"?

I'm just saying to think about it.

"..love one another.." 1 Jn. 4:11



OK, Now I'm Spoiled

My last post was about the gadget that my brother-in-law gave me while we were there this past Thanksgiving - a HP iPaq 6315.

WELL that ain't NOTHING! When I spoke to my sister last week she said to look for a "surprise" coming in via UPS (of course). I ventured a guess to Jen and said, "I bet it's a freaking TIVO." They have TIVO and it is amazing. You can miss something on the news and just rewind and replay it. You can record shows that can be searched by actor, content, program, etc. The COOLEST fucking thing is that you can HOME NETWORK the thing so that you can set up your recording schedule via broadband as well as download shows and put them on your iPod!

There is more. You have to go to the TIVO web site and see what's up - I'm stunned...

Yesterday, we got home from our monthly SAMS Club trip, and movie venture (We saw Chronicles of Narnia and I loved it. Very true to the book.) and there was a package outside the front door. I heard Jen grunt as she tumbled the box in through the front door.

We opened it and it was...


SO here I sit in the living room, setting up the box to work with our home stereo system and network. It will probably take the entire afternoon BUT it will be very cool once done. Another gadget. YEAH!

Now I must learn to master the thing because my father-in-law will want one (right Jody?) and I will be the tech support for the basic use.

Oh! It just finished downloading and installing the stuff for our local cable TV. Gotta go!!



After A Few Days With A New Gadget

While we were in Phoenix for Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law who is a "gadget whore" like myself, presented me with a gadget that he didn't use anymore:

An HP iPaq 6315 Pocket PC

The thing rocks! I can now, after some work with various programs, sync this Windows device with my iBook and keep track of all of my contacts, calendar, and tasks. I can also load music form iTunes and photos from iPhoto. And that just starts the COOL.

It can be used as a phone (I have no sim card and do not want one for the thing). The best part, for me, is that I can use it for e-mail and internet surfing. It has wireless and bluetooth capabilities. I can also sync my iBook and the handheld wirelessly.

It's also a camera:) It's just crazy. Now I have a new "toy" and something to play with and keep track of my data on.

I will be using it more in the future when I need to keep track of lots of information while the new office is being built.

Thank you Henry!



I'm Totally Out Of Sync

Sorry for my irregular blogging lately. This new work schedule has me totally out of sync.

I go to bed at 8 PM.

I get up at 3 AM.

I get home at 10 AM.

I eat dinner at 5 - 5:30 PM.

I feel weird. My wife says that I am being weird. I let little details of the day slip by.

All totally unlike me. So I have let blogging slip too. I can't believe that I haven't posted since 11/25. I apologize for those who check in and see what's up and see the same OLD POST.

Here is what's going on:

I am getting more and more stuff to do at UPS and this is peak time. If you can hang in the shipping business during this time of year you can hang. I'm looking forward to getting back to the task that I was hired for.

I have some doctor's interested in the proposal of starting a "state of the art" office here in the area. If that works out it will be a lot of work for the next few years but will eventually be a profitable and rewarding venture. Hopefully, in five years Jen and I will be able to have more time to travel and play.

Our tree is up and we are planning Christmas travel. This is such a great time of year and I am excited about family and spending time together.

I'm teaching this Sunday on one of my favorite books in Scripture - The Song of Songs. The passion of Christ and our love relationship with God and his desire for us - I can't wait.

Thanks for stopping in...



From Arizona With Love

Here are some pictures from Phoenix, as promised!

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Jan, my sister, and Jen

Jen and Glacier
Jan and Glacier

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Henry my brother-in-law

Jen and I also got our Christmas present early. Jan and Henry are flying us to Europe in 2007 for a trip with them. We still have ALOT of planning to go through BUT that is so exciting and we are already looking forward to the time together.

The whole holiday has been excellent and we are sad to go back home - but we have dog who is chewing stuff up in the house and the sitter is going loopy trying to find out what her problem is. We leave in the morning and will be back home Saturday evening. Thankfully, we'll have Sunday to recover and then I go back to work EARLY Monday morning.



On The Way To Phoenix

Jen, Jessie, and I are in the Columbia, SC airport (one of my favorite due to the free wireless internet) waiting to board the flight to Charlotte and then off to Phoenix, AZ to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her husband.

I am looking forward to relaxing and hanging out with Jan and Henry - I'll post some pics here over the next few days of the town, the house, the "spread" on Thanksgiving Day and various other things. What ever my Flickr bandwidth will allow.

As you know, the trips always start out uneventful for me and always end up with some excitement - so far the flights are all on time and going West seems to be the best direction for travelers. A few years ago we went to NY City for Christmas and to see my parents - if we had chosen that direction this time we would be looking at 2 hour delays in the New York airports.

I hope that Charlotte has NO delays. They have been buffeted with wind and rain last night and this morning. We'll see and I will report.

Happy holiday to all of you and may you be thankful for the things which are most important.



Pictures and Song Set from the U2 Concert in Atlanta

Sorry for the quality of the pictures. I was not using a flash since my camera may have been confiscated. Click on a photo for a bigger picture

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The Phillips Arena is a great place to see a show - not many bad seats in the house. The show has great lights and technology, and using a stage that has the "loop" around an infield crowd is an excellent idea.

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Here is the song list for the concert. Two encores at the end -

City of Blinding Lights
I Will Follow
Still Haven’t Found
Beautiful Day
Original of the Species
Sometimes you Can’t Make it On Your Own
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet The Blue Sky
Miss Sarajevo
Pride in the Name of Love
Where the Streets Have no Name

Until the End of the World
Mysterious Ways
With or Without You

First Time
Stuck in a Moment

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Can't wait until the next show. We will try and get infield tickets.



Ready For U2

Jen and I are here in Atlanta and ready for the concert tonight. We're going out to one of my favorite areas, LIttle 5 Points on off of South Moreland. There is a place called the Flatiron that has good food and a coffee shop that has killer deserts.

We plan on getting back to the hotel and then taking a taxi to the concert. That saves all of the hassle with parking and such. We should be back inthe room by midnight.

The sets for the concerts have been amazing. I'll post the song set tomorrow and maybe some pictures.



I'm A Little Tired:)

What Can Brown Do For You?

How about give me a little nap:) I started with UPS this past Monday. Started at 4:30 am. Yesterday, I was asked to get into the office at 4 am, That meant that I would need to get up at 3:00 am. That's just not normal...

So I'm trying to find a new balance in my sleep schedule. I tried to take a nap this afternoon for a few hours and that seemed to help. I'm going to try and come right home from work tomorrow and go to bed. That would be 10 am or so. We have small group tomorrow night and I'm afraid that if I don't get some rest I'll end doing a Garfield in my lasagna.

The job is pretty easy so far. I am moving through a 44 page report, line by line, and checking ALL of the active businesses in our UPS delivery area against all of the inactive, suspended, and closed accounts. That's about 1500 accounts. I also have to check the outside yard in the morning to make sure that the trailers that are supposed to be delivered are actually there. Pretty easy.

I feel very fortunate to have the job. I also am looking forward to this weekend. SLEEP in on Saturday.

Then Jen and I are off to Atlanta to see U2. How freaking cool is that?! Next week I work on Monday, maybe Tuesday and then Jen, Jessie, and I are off to see my sister and her husband in Phoenix. That will be fun and relaxing.



Up Early!!

Tomorrow at 3:30 am I will get up and start the process of learning a new job at UPS. I will blog tomorrow evening and fill you in on the details of the new responsibilities and possibilities.

Oh, and I have to shave my beard for the job - that will be weird. The last time I shaved the beard was Halloween 2004 for my Steven Segal imitation. I grew it back in two days. This time it stays off for as long as I am with BROWN.



A Job!

I remember saying that, at least for me, doors of opportunity tend to open LATE in the game. From the perspective of one who is a "Christ Follower" I would say that God generally waits until the last minute to provide - not when I am lazy or uninvolved - but when I am working hard to find the answer or direction.

Well - I HAVE A JOB! It's part-time BUT has potential and is ideal for what I need right now. I will explain more later.

At the request of my wife, I went on line and signed up for a Seasonal Delivery Helper with UPS. There were NO appointments available at the time but I filled out all of the stuff. That was the last week of October. On Wednesday, November 2nd, I get an email saying that the interviews for the Augusta area were upcoming. I HATE spam so I called the number to double check so that it wasn't the result of some web-bot spider that had harvested my address.

The guy said that it was for real and that he would be in Augusta starting on November 7th to hire 50 seasonal helpers. I took the first available slot, 11/7 at Noon. I had to fill out a bunch more online forms and releases for background checks, etc before the appointment, but that was easy and I eagerly awaited my Monday meeting. Hell, just the chance at an INTERVIEW was exciting.

I showed up at the interview and the HR guy said, "Are you interested in being a supervisor? Your resume gives you more options than just helping with the packages."

Long story short. UPS just called and offered me the job about an hour ago. The hours are perfect for me right now - 4:30 am - 9:30 am. The REAL shit is that I get FULL BENEFITS. The exact same benefits that management would get after 20 years in the company (other than time off for paid vacation). Benefits start immediately - and after 30 days they really kick in. Full medical, dental, vision, earn and learn, and more. The pay is pretty awesome too - for a part-time position.

Thank God. I went from seasonal help to management in less than one interview. The other thing is that the project that I will be working on is helping the Augusta facility set up the next generation of package delivery systems. No one there really knows more about the system in that facility than anyone else. It will involve problem solving, critical thinking skills, team work, and other things that are my strengths. For those of you getting packages it will mean quicker delivery times and better tracking.

I start Monday morning. How cool is that? Go Brown!

Oh, this Friday I also have a meeting with a group of investors about the doctors office. If they agree on this, the hours and jobs may be the perfect fit for me over the next few years. Keep praying for this idea. It could revolutionize medicine and the way doctors offices do business, as well as help me with retirement:)

I will keep you all informed.



Cover Your Ears Kiddies

OK. Let's give another WARNING. I will be using some "salty" language. Don't go on if you don't want to read BAD WORDS.


You are not going to believe this one.

How much do you like ambulance chasing lawyers? Would you have any choice words for someone who would come to a hospital room and hand out a business card to a family member who has just experienced trauma? Read on...

The phone rang today and it said BLAKE HART, (803-641-9609), on the Caller ID. I picked up and it was for Jen. I took the message and asked what it was concerning. He said the article that was in the paper (You can read about that in the last post). I asked if he had a lung disease and he said "no" but that he would like to call her back, or have her call him.


He called back later today and Jen took the call. She came back and said that she had a conference call with him and another person who used RELIV and wanted to talk to her about taking nutritional supplements for her CF. He was a FUCKING SALESMAN who saw the article in the paper and used it for a MARKETING OPPORTUNITY to sell my wife some super expensive, awful tasting shit in a MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING SCHEME.

What a low down, shit eating, belly crawling, scum sucking, pathetic bastard. To invade our home and try and capitalize on an illness that is killing my wife to sell some bullshit. There is a special place in hell for people like him.

Jen said that she really didn't want to do the conference call so I called him back and told him that she wouldn't be taking the call. I was polite to him and let him know that she wasn't interested. Call the bastard if you want to and give him hell - that is really his number listed above.

There, now I feel better. Oh, and don't fuck with my wife. It tends to get my dander up.



Busy Week Coming Up

This will be a busy week for us. There is an Evening of Miracles meeting tomorrow night in Lexington, SC. Then Jen's parents are coming up for the weekend to attend the actual event.

We all go to Columbia, SC on Friday night so Jen can do a live TV interview for the event and then we are going to one of our favorite restaurants, Villa Tronco, on Blanding St. - incredible Italian food. We'll be home late that night.

Then we go BACK to Columbia for the Evening of Miracles on Saturday.

Today, Jen had a story about her personal experience with cystic fibrosis published in the local paper, but I can't link to the article because they are potty heads and require COST to log in and view anything other than the basic page. How freaking stupid is that? The New York Times has a free log in. The LA Times has a free log in. The Aiken Standard CHARGES money so you can read the local news - out of touch.

So if you want to read the story use this log in:
User name: darbycopeland
Password: carter
consider that my rebellious reaction to a ridiculous charge:)

Once you log in you will need to use the News Finder Search on the left sidebar - put in "Jennifer Eisenmann" and the story will be near the top. The title is "Aiken resident won't let cystic fibrosis rob her of normalcy"

Anyway, the article was awesome. Jen liked everything but the pictures - but of course!

Hope you are all well. I hope to write some more in a day or two.



Jessie Running Cross Country

This morning we went to the Regional Cross Country Meet to watch Jessie run, and boy did she run.

Remember that this run is just 16 days after she got hit by a car at cross-country practice. Her previous best time was 23:21. Today's time smashed that time. She ran 22:35 (corrected), finished fourth in the race and first for South AIken.

This was such a great experience for her because the coaching was OUTSTANDING. This stands in contrast to her softball team last year. She is looking forward to track and more cross country next year.

Below is a picture of Jessie, very focused and in a great rhythm, as she gets ready to run the last stretch.

Last Lap

Last Lap

Great job Jessie! We are so proud of you.

[posted with ecto]


Stuck In A Moment

Just a short note.

I've been discouraged by the lack of responses to my attempts to find employment.

I've been encouraged by those who are encouraging me to do something bigger than I have ever imagined that I could do.

I'm stuck in the middle of those places and finding it hard to move in ANY direction.

My own words come ringing back in my ears - "discipline leads to freedom"

Make a move - one foot in front of the other, one idea, one concept, one letter typed on the page of a business plan. One phone call.

Pray as if it all depends on God. Work as if it all depends on you.

[posted with ecto]


A Poem By My Daughter

My Daughter wrote this poem yesterday. After I heard it I told her that I would love to put it on my blog - here it is


youth sprawls around a café table,
blessing me with his self-entitled, so-called Wisdom—
glowing, god-like, in the sun.

(in his own mind, he thinks that truth comes from books
[and my is he well-read for his age])

but i shake my head and laugh
as he babbles on about totalitarianism and technicalities.

(the flipside of his raison d’etre is the ever-present fear of being found
out—it’s only a matter of time, anyway)

youth gives off an air not unlike a doomed superhero—
fully aware of his tragic flaw,
sick and tired of being his own god
but too afraid to leave the telephone booth without a mask.

youth makes grand gestures with beautifully smooth hands,

(are they manicured?)

but pauses abruptly, his words faltering—

(hands still in the air, mind you)

as Death saunters by in a red dress—
carrying roses

(i didn’t know flowers could be black)

and a crooked crimson smile.

youth is silent, and looks away quickly—
then, with a sudden urgency, he pulls out a pack of Kools,

(maybe he has come to a resolution)

and i quietly wonder if he’ll speak again soon,
while he sucks on a cigarette

(as if he is giving his hatred head).

Jessie Eisenmann



[posted with ecto]


My Birthday Card From My In-Law's

Just for a laugh I thought that you would like to see just HOW funny my In-Law's are. The following is the text from my birthday card - we did birthday's (My Father-In-Law's birthday is 10/16) in Amelia Island tonight.

A Birthday Poem Just For You

Your brain cells still are working,
your teeth remain intact,
And you can still go dancing 'cause
your hip bones haven't cracked...

You pee without assistance,
Your walk is ever brisk,
And you haven't gotten wrinkled,
grown a hump, or slipped a disk...

Your follicles aren't white yet,
your glands are kicking ass,
And if you choose, you can still can keep
yourself from passing gas...

You don't crank up the thermostat
because you're always cold,
And though you've aged another year...

You're far from being old

Love Jody and Bob

Now that's fun:)

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'laxing At The In-Laws

One of Jen and my favorite getaway places is in Amelia Island, FL. Her parents have a rockin' house just over the dune from the ocean. We can relax and do whatever. In fact, right now Jen is taking a nap and I am catching up with writing and reading.

We usually do some things around the house here - I help Jen's Dad with stuff. This visit we put in motion sensitive outside lights in the back yard and front drive.

The weather is beautiful and my run this morning was pleasant. I love Amelia:)

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Off To The Schoolhouse

This morning I have a SCORE workshop to attend at our local Chamber of Commerce.

The topic is on "Developing a Business Plan" and will last from 8:30 - 12 Noon. My reasons for going are to get some insight from retired executives on developing a business plan as well as network with business owners from the community. The two plans that I have for small businesses are viable and I want to bounce them off of some experienced people, especially local people, who can give feedback and insight.

Tomorrow we will be leaving to spend a few days with Jen's parents in Amelia Island, FL. That should be relaxing and fun. I love the beach in the Fall.

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Planning The Next House

When we moved from a SMALL apartment to a larger house after Jen and I were married I was most excited about the bathroom. It was large, has a garden tub, a shower, and a separate room for the toilet! But the real bonus was the sink, or SINKS!

It had TWO sinks - separate as in HIS and HERS - separate as in MY SPACE AND YOUR SPACE - separate as in I will have room to brush my teeth and put my contacts in. Yeah!!!

That was the idea. The reality however, is that Jen just got more room where she could spread her shit! Below are two pictures from the other day. These are not unusual pictures, or some type of set-up. This is a regular occurrence. I didn't wait until one particularly disastrous evening of "primping" before snapping the shot.

Who's Sink Is It?
Who's Sink Is It?

The sink on the left is "mine". The truth is that Jen allows me to place some of my toiletries to the back and far left edge of the sink. I have toyed with the idea of a thick magic marker line right down the middle - like you might do in the back seat of the car when traveling with a sibling, except then it was imaginary. The other thought was a "wall" built up between the two sinks. Both, however, would be exercises in futility.

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Room To Do What?

Notice the open drawer. It is there so that I can rip my kneecap off and thereby require the use of another bathroom which would be wheelchair accessible, taking me entirely out of the picture.

The only real answer will be when we move to another house, there has to be SPACE between the sinks. The greater the space the better, as any surface will be occupied with various items.


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Happy Birthday To Me!!

Some birthday's are better than others. This one was my 47th, and as I like to point out to Jen (much to her shock, horror, and denial), I am eligible for AARP benefits in two years. It ranks as one of the GREAT birthdays!

Yesterday afternoon the dogs were going wild, barking and running back and forth trying to get us to come see the threat to our home and well being. I opened the door and there was Jason. He decided to come home for a weekend and see how Jessie was doing after her car-crashing-into-her incident. He looks great as you can see from the pictures.

Jen made calzones, gave me a Moose Tracks ice cream cake, and we sat around and watched football and shot the shit. I also received a call from my sister in Phoenix, AZ on Friday (my actual birthday) which was awesome. We (Jen, Jessie, and I) are going out there to visit on Thanksgiving - next month! That will be fun.

Jen, Jessie, and Jason
Jen, Jessie, and Jason

My family is not ONLY beautiful, they are awesome in character and personality. I am a most fortunate man!

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Me, Jen, and Jessie

The other thing we did yesterday was attend Molly Fest. Cinnamon, our mixed Chow/whatever, WON the All-American category (translated Mutt) for Most Beautiful! Both dogs were exhausted when we got back home and slept the afternoon away.

Today is a BEAUTIFUL day outside and we are off to church, back for some relaxation and then probably back to Steve and Lori's for our prayer meeting.

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The Scariest Thing In A While

I received the phone call at about 5:30 PM. "Jessie has been in an accident near Gold's Gym."

Jessie is my daughter, 16 years old, and a Junior in High School. As I drove to the scene of the accident I wondered how badly the car was damaged and if she was hurt. I looked for the wreck as I went down the street. Funny, I didn't see anything. I didn't see cars backed up signifying an accident.

Just then my cell phone rang - the location of the accident wasn't where I had been told initially, and I was on the way to the new scene. As I arrived I couldn't find Jessie's car. Then I saw her. OH MY GOD! Jessie was sitting on the ground near the street and another kid was there too, surrounded by the cross country team.

It hit like a punch in the stomach - she had been hit by a car while she was RUNNING.

I will cut to the chase and say that she is OK. She will be REALLY sore for the next few days. The other kid will be OK too. Thankfully that is the case.

They had been out with the team running and were just about to finish the last leg of the practice and had stopped at the light. As their coach had instructed them, they stopped at the light. It turned green and they started across the road, a four lane one, and a driver ran the red light and hit the two kids. They hit the windshield and went over the car. Here is a picture of the car.

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The Car

Jessie had glass fragments all over her neck and back. They asked if I wanted her to go to the hospital. "Ummmmm, let me think for a second. My daughter has just been hit by a CAR, not while she was in another car but as a PEDESTRIAN and you want to know if she needs to go to the hospital?" Here is a picture of her getting ready for transport.

Jessie Strapped Down
Jessie Strapped Down

As I mentioned, she is fine. Her leg and ankle were x-rayed and were negative. She has abrasions on her butt, her shoulder, and forearm. We'll see how she feels tomorrow and get her to an orthopedic doctor next week as a follow up.

Scary. Relieved.

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My New Hated Term - "Skill-Set"

Well in the past weeks I have placed applications with a variety of companies. At this point the count is close to twenty specific, as well as three job placement services - not including online services (which have initiated a WHOLE new level of spam and 'offers' from parasitic bastards).

I have a "six degrees of separation" story - I stopped into a placement service in Augusta, GA to follow up on a meeting with one of the company reps at a local job fair. I stated who I wanted to see and had a seat in the waiting room. The door opened and there was the woman, as well as another woman who was tending to another individual who was waiting - we looked at each other and our mouths dropped in unison - she was the lady who was the FOSTER MOM to our latest adoption - Lily. Her job? She is Director of Operations at the placement service.

Tell me that's not freaking amazing! Anyway, we talked about dogs and jobs and we'll see her again this weekend at the Molly Fest, where Molly's Militia raises funds for rescuing dogs. My hope is that she will be looking for a job for me also.

Oh, another story. Last year at Molly Fest, we won the raffle (the first time I have EVER won ANYTHING in a raffle). It was a computer monitor. We didn't need it and donated it BACK to Molly's Militia. Well, you would have thought that we had given them a million dollars. The director wrote us a nice letter AND when we sent in the paperwork for adopting Lily, she sent it back with our check saying that our donating the monitor was payment enough.

Anyhoo, we will have fun this weekend, and BONUS, the sun is supposed to come out. We have had rain, mist, and overcast skies for the past 10 days and I am ready for SUN! I should have some pictures to post.

Oh yeah, the title of the blog. The conversations I have had over the past weeks about my resume have added a new term to my jargon - "skill-set".

Here's how the conversation goes:
"Well Mr. Eisenmann, I see that you have done this and that and this and that, and you have a number of abilities. Well we would love to have a guy like you in our company but your (HERE IT COMES) skill-set doesn't fit our needs right now."

Me (In my head for the time being): "Uh. OK. What fucking skill-set are you looking for?", or
"Really, I'm curious, what do you see as my skill-set, and how exactly doesn't it fit?",
Or even, "I know that I can be more honest and LESS full of bullshit than YOU are doing right now. Can I have YOUR job?"

Ah, schmoozing in the workforce world. I am kind and polite (don't freak Jody) BUT I don't like being patronized very much.

More later:)



Day of Football and Hanging Around The House

Jen and i went to Augusta today and helped with the Hispanic medical clinic that our pastor's wife was working with. Since we can't speak Spanish we were limited in what we could do but we stuffed grab bags and then walked downtown for a while before deciding to come back home and stick around here and watch football and golf.

I made some Costa Rican black beans and we'll just eat in.

Nothing to report on the job search so far but I am always filling out applications and sending resumes. Getting a job is hard work!

Tomorrow we get to hang out with our church community and cook out. That's always fun.


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Finally Raining

The skies have opened up here in Aiken.

After almost a month of NO RAIN we are finally getting some liquid sunshine. Actually it has rained almost 4 inches since yesterday.

The dogs don't know what to do. Our newest dog Lily, won't go outside and poop since it started raining so we took her for a walk when the rain stopped and she pooped right away - and not in the street. For the story behind this you have to read the post.

Jen and I have been in Augusta every night since Tuesday, and Monday we drove to Lexington, SC for the Evening Of Miracles meeting. We are taking advantage of the rainy night and staying in to watch the baseball or whatever we want to do.

It is so good to have my best friend as my wife! I can't imagine having to hate to come home or not having a partner in life to share with. My wife is such an awesome woman. I'm looking forward to the evening and relaxing.

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This Is Jen's Butt at Worship Practice

This is typical for our worship team, more typical for my wife. They were practicing yesterday morning and I said that I was taking some pictures, and Jen decided to show her butt, literally. So I took the picture and told her that I would be putting it on the blog.

She said, "go ahead." Well there you go, and here you are...

Jen's Butt In Worship
Jen's Butt In Worship

She's real glad that I didn't put some of the other ones up here:)

Her Mom reads this blog. Hi Jody.


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Jason is Home!

Last night I was talking with Jessie, my daughter, about the weekend retreat that she went on with her boyfriends church youth group (check out the restaurant she was serving in - Cafe 458, Here too), and my cell phone rang.

It was almost 12:30 am. I was enjoying the fact that I didn't have to get up at 4 fucking 30 the next day, and enjoying the time with my daughter.

I walked over to my cell phone and looked at the display - "Jason's Cell".

He was home, and calling from his cell phone!

Jason is back stateside and should be here until March 2006 when his platoon is scheduled to return back to Iraq. I can't wait to see him. It should be in the next few weeks. My son is safe, at least from bombs and bullets. I slept well last night.



Jason Should Be Stateside Soon

Got a great phone call yesterday from Jason. He was in Kuwait and called to let me know that they were flying out either today or tomorrow and should be stateside Sunday or Monday. Great timing.

Operation Iron Fist began yesterday and he probably would have been involved if his division was still in Iraq. Keep praying for those involved and still in harm's way.

Spent the morning doing yard stuff - cutting grass, Autumn fertilizing of the lawn, bush pruning, and the never ending "picking up of dog shit" times two. Now Jen and I are relaxing and watching college football. Jessie is out on a church weekend trip with her boyfriend's youth group.

Tomorrow is our church community day and it's always great to hang out and see friends.

I hope that your weekend is one of relaxation and refreshing. I am enjoying mine.




I made the last official drive back from Charleston yesterday before lunch. Leaving the people at work is always the hardest part.

Now I'm starting my Friday like any other - basic to-do's: dog to the groomers, back to the Job Shop, more fund raising for the Evening of Miracles, and a variety of other things.

I found out last night that Jason MAY be coming home this next Tuesday. That would be fantastic! I'll know more after the weekend as he will probably call and let me know once he is sure - the old "hurry up and wait" of the military.

Next week in will probably sink in that I am not going back to Charleston, SC to work, as the weekend is starting like any other.

Tonight Jen and I have the couples group in Augusta - and a short stop at Bed, Bath, and Beyond beforehand, and just hanging out with each other:) I love my wife, she is my best friend in the world.

Sorry for the "bland" post but not much else going on.


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The Finish Line

Logged exactly 12 hours yesterday. That brings the total for the week to 36.08 by the clock. 4 hours to go.

This morning I got in at 5:31 AM and plan to work until 9:31 AM and then head home - I just need the server and other systems to hold together for another 4 hours:) Selfish prayer, "God, not now."

The following are lyrics from a Steve Taylor song, "Finish Line".

Off in the distance
Bloodied but wise
As you squint with the light of the truth in your eyes

And I saw you
Both hands were raised
And I saw your lips move in praise
And I saw you steady your gaze
For the finish line

Every idol like dust
A word scattered them all
And I rose to my feet when you scaled the last wall
And I gasped
When I saw you fall
In his arms
At the finish line

There you go. After three long days, and two longer weeks, I'm ready to fall in His arms and rest.
I'll post more once I get home, hug my baby, unpack, put my feet up and breath a sigh of relief.



"Down The Stretch They Come"

Those marvelous words that the announcer screams over the public address system at Churchill Downs as the lead horses take the final turn in the Kentucky Derby.

Last full day at work. So far I have put in a tad over 24 hours in the past two days - not including 5 hours of driving.

Got into the office this morning at 6:28 AM (up at 4:11 AM). So if I clock out at 6:30 PM that leaves 4 hours to work tomorrow and I am on the road home. I usually get in the office on Thursday's at 5:30 AM, so I should be on the road by no later than 10 AM and home by Noon.

This has been a long haul, the past two weeks, and I am looking forward to getting a schedule for normal life - being home every evening, running or walking again, winterizing the house, training the new dog, trying to sleep in and get up at 6:00 AM (yeah). I can TRY and stay up and watch some TV with Jen, shows that she enjoys.

So, here I am, less than 16 hours and counting. Next week starts my new "job" in earnest - finding another source of income.



Great Discussion on Racism and the Church

One of the blogs that I follow is Scot McKnight's "Jesus Creed". His last two posts are significant in that he discusses the importance of confronting racism in the church.

Here is his beginning paragraph from his first post:

If you embrace a kingdom vision of the gospel itself, racism is nothing short of disgusting. If you embrace a judicial perception of sin, the Cross, and the gospel, racism is more tolerable. I’m sorry to put in such bold terms, but it all comes down to how you understand the gospel.
His second post goes on to discuss the themes that the New Testament presents which totally destroy any justification that racism and the Kingdom of God have any place together.

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest issues of powerless and flaccidity in the church. The empowering of the church in the Book of Acts was inseparable from the experience of "reconstitution" for humans who had been victims of racism and prejudice - each group (or in the case of Pentecost, groups) who were introduced to the baptizing work of the Holy Spirit were welcomed into the Kingdom by God - and in doing so God issued a direct challenge to all who would hold on to racism.

The confrontation with Peter in the Book of Acts over the inclusion of Gentiles into the church is probably the starkest example in the NT of God's radical determination to communicate with bigoted and prejudicial humans that these are His rules and we are to love who He loves.

Take a look at these posts and take a look into your own heart - Love God, love others - that is what we are called to live.


Hour Countdown Update

Worked 12.5 hours yesterday - 27.5 hours left. Already on the clock today at 5:23 AM and plan on staying until 5 PM tonight. The drive home will be through heavier traffic than usual but the trade off will be an easy Thursday's drive home before lunch.



40 Hours and Counting

OK. Here we go down the final stretch. I have 40 hours to work this week and I am done. My goal is to cram as many hours into the first three days as possible. I'll keep the update going each day.

I expect a number of last minute projects and responsibilities to be pushed onto my desk. I don't expect a "transition team" to be assembled when I get into work tomorrow.

I have put together a contract for 30 days of consulting if HealthFirst has to use me to obtain information or support - $50.00 per unique incident and $85.00 per hour. Competitive for any consultant, reasonable since I already know the system and the information. My gut tells me that it is too much for the doctor to pay, but my responsibility is to offer.

Pray for strength.



Saturday Night Is Alright WIth Me

This weekend started as usual, on Thursday when I returned from work. I was totally fucking worn out and useless Thursday night so I sat like a vegetable until it was time to go to sleep.

Yesterday was a new day, and after a good night of sleep I was rejuvenated. Spent the morning at the bank getting things straight - they were just absorbed by a bigger bank and we have to make sure that all of our accounts get the right auto drafts and direct deposits. We get online banking FREE with the new bank so we are pretty excited BUT the transition is a bit tense as you don't want them losing your money. Especially since your income is about to go from 90 to 0.

Today is Saturday and Jen is going to a ladies thing with some friends so I am dropping her off and going to Sam's Club to do some shopping. On the way I'll pick up Hanson and he'll be my partner in crime. Guys shopping together - at Sam's Club. Could be trouble.

We're going to meet up with Dan and go out and have a steak and a beer (I may not have a steak since Jen and I went to a new local restaurant for lunch and I'm still full from the Stromboli and Jen's sauce from her gnocchi). Anyway, it will be fun to hang out with the guys.



Your Tax Dollars at Work

You have heard the stories of tax dollars at work in the city. Three workers and two supervisors on one small job. Most of the time it's NYC or Philly that you picture in your mind.

Well, here we are in "small town" Aiken, SC. This job of patching a leak in a water main has been going on for almost two weeks. This morning I saw this group out in front of the house patching the hole.

Your Tax Dollars at Work
Your Tax Dollars at Work

There were 5 trucks, 1 small steam roller, and these 6 guys talking and telling stories. I walked up and told them that I wanted to take their picture and put it on the internet. They thought that that was very funny.

Me too!



My Grandmother Rocked

The picture below was taken by my daughter last summer when we visited my parents in New Jersey. It is an oil painting that my Grandmother painted back in the 60's. She rocked.

I remember her painting. I remember her doing the New York Times Crossword Puzzle (never realizing how hard the bastard was). I remember her cooking and just being a great lady - very dignified.

Margot's Painting
Margot's Painting

Click on the picture to enlarge it.

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Counting Down Days Like Christmas

When I was a younger man, I would count down the days to Christmas. As I am sure many of you have done, or still do.

One of the ways that I would try and get those days to go faster would be to reason something like this:

Christmas Day doesn't count because it is THE day that you are counting down to.

The actual day you are counting from doesn't count because it has already happened - or is happening

So, if you are on the 20th of December there are only four days to Christmas - 21-24.

By that reckoning I have three days left to work at this present job. Today doesn't count, neither does next Thursday (I know, I know, Christmas is a morning thing and usually work ends at the end of a day, but cut me some slack). My plan is to work the bulk of my hours Monday - Wednesday and have only a few left on Thursday to make my forty hours for the week. BTW, all salaried employees here have to use the time clock so that the owner can make sure that they are working 40 hours a week - so you HAVE to get your 40, or close to it.

That makes me happy on the inside. Things are fairly manic as it sets in to the owner that I will actually be gone. He would get this anxious when I took a week off for vacation. That vacation anxiety makes the present spasms look like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

I received 12 To-Do's via email last night after 9:30 p.m. and 3 more this morning before 7 a.m. - all are frantic, last minute things that have been pending for weeks or months - can't go any quicker than they are moving - but there they are.

My job right now is to do my job well and finish well. It has been exhausting. I'm looking forward to a less hectic weekend.



"Stage" coach Ride

Those of you familiar with the stages of grief will recognize the following:
  1. Shock
  2. Denial
  3. Anger
  4. Bargaining
  5. Depression
  6. Testing
  7. Acceptance
As you can read in the above link, or in numerous places, there is no promise that one will actually move through the stages. In fact people can frequently get stuck in a stage and not move on or can cycle back and forth between stages.

Here at the job, since the announcement of my resignation it seems that stages 3 and 4 are biggies in the office ethos.

I think that personally, I am somewhere between 5 and 6 - kind of a tennis match of mental and emotional realizations and movement. The next week has the indications of an arduous one.

Six days and counting. They really can't go fast enough - so of course, they go slower.



Starting To Clarify Some Thoughts

After thinking for a day or so about the weird meeting mentioned below (among other things) with my soon to be ex-employer I am beginning to crystalize some feelings and word pictures that help clarify why I have been so disturbed.


Imagine a relationship in which you know a person that you have seen in only one element, one environment. And in that element you know them in only one way. Then you decide to rent an house together, except the friend has a family, so you have a room in the house. In order to help with your part of the rent you do things around the house on a regular basis: cut the grass, edge the sidewalk, clean the pool, vacuum the house, go shopping, and various things to help out. Your friend also knows that you are excellent with interpersonal relationships and asks you to "speak into his life" any time you see an area in which he can improve.

One day you hear a conversation, really an argument, and your friend is berating and minimizing his adult daughter, who lives at home. You try and ignore the force and content of the encounter but cannot. Over the next weeks and months you begin to see patterns of behavior emerging that were not visible to you before - you are in a different environment now. Anger, manipulation, control, exaggeration, and "truth stretching" are part of these patterns. The others in the home are "walking on egg shells". "That's just the way he is" the family members say. "Once the house is paid for he'll get better." "He has a lot on him."

Then you realize that your conscience is nagging you. But, you don't want to mess up the arrangement. You have a place to stay. Your friend has someone to help take care of the house. You make some suggestions, some hints about the things you see. Nothing. After all it's his house, you are but a guest. You realize that this is classic emotional/verbal abuse and codependency. Now you are a part of the "dance of anger".

After a lot of soul searching and agony of heart you write a letter - detailed in incident and broad in scope. Your hope is that it will create a change in behavior. You mention that the friendship is in jeopardy due to the behavior you see. In that letter you also state that you will be moving out at the end of the month. You just can't stay any longer. After all, it is his house.

With your heart in your throat, you speak to your friend and hand him the letter and go your area of the house to go to sleep. You wonder how the letter will be taken. You wait. Night falls. You sleep restlessly and fitfully.

The next morning at breakfast you see a note on the table. In the note your friend says, "thank you for the nice letter" and has left on a trip for three days. You wait.

On the day of your friend's return he says, "let's talk about some things."

You sit down and he says, "the grass looks like it needs to be cut" and "could you paint the mailbox today?" And, "By the way, let's get a list of chores together that you will need to do before you move out. And once you do move out let's work out an agreement that I can call you and you can come back and work on some things until I find another person to rent the room and do the work."


But you realize that the "non-response" confirms just what you have identified - you are at peace with the decision, but saddened and disturbed at how deep the denial, self-justification, and self-preservation goes. Angry at yourself for not seeing sooner. Helpless to help the others - they are adults and have to decide to not "dance the dance" on their own.

You realize that you have to leave and NOT GO BACK, even to help. It's more than a "just few chores", it's staying enmeshed with and supporting a system that refuses to be addressed or EVEN acknowledged. You will do what you are asked, while you are still there, as long as it doesn't compromise your integrity. This is sicker and more dysfunctional than you ever imagined...


Seven days and counting...



Best News All Week

Just received a phone call from my son in Iraq. He hasn't called the past two weekends due to the fact that the phone lines are 1.5 to 2 hours long to get to call. He waited today so he could catch me up.

He is finished with his job and should be home in early October. He is safe right now and the next dangerous thing he will do is drive to his next location with a vehicle caravan. After that he will come stateside.

So, bottom line, in 2 1/2 weeks my son should be home from Iraq. He's saving his leave for Christmas so the holiday's this year should be wonderful.

More later...


That Awkward Space...

OK, so today is the first day back to work after handing in my letter of resignation last week. Other than the previously mentioned email there was no other contact between the doctor and I...until today.

He came in and he, I, and the office manager met to talk about the "transitional" period. I have committed to making this as smooth and cooperative as I can. We have a tech guy coming in this afternoon to cover the IT and Systems Administration side of my job, and there is another person coming in in the morning to talk about the Practice Administration side of things. I have been a busy bee over the past 19 months.

But the meeting was awkward. No mention of the letter that I wrote. No mention of the friendship we shared for 12 years. No apology. No "thank you." No "fuck you." No nothing. Kind of bland and icky. God, it was weird. It was a awkward space to be in...maybe more for him than for me.

Right now we are in business mode, emotions are aside at this point. There is a job to do and that is what I will do.

But as I have told many of my friends, "My stuff is my stuff and your stuff is your stuff." That is not my stuff. It's his. I have to live with my decision he will have to live with his. I want so much to ask, "so, what is your heart telling you? What do you really want to say?"

The next few weeks (actually an 8 day countdown) will be interesting to say the least. I will continue to provide updates and insights.



Uh, OK...

As I mentioned on the post of the 15th I handed in my 2 weeks notice at work. The letter that I gave the owner/doctor was pretty tough to write and, I imagined, tough to read. Here is the final paragraph of the letter...

As I see it, the only way for you to reverse this trend is genuine repentance, asking the entire staff’s forgiveness, humbling yourself, and getting a group of Godly men who will hold you accountable to treating your employee’s well and not letting the love of money control your heart, mind, and behavior.

I have waited for a response since Thursday. This afternoon I received this email from the owner:

Subject Line: Thank you for your kind letter

Dear Pete,
Thank you for your letter.
I accept full responsibility for all problems that have arisen. I have asked Karen to help me set up a transition team for you to work with over the next 2 weeks.


On one hand I am glad for the response. On the other hand it feels a bit weird. I wouldn't characterize the letter as "kind". They weren't problems that "arose" they were people who were hurt, promises that were broken, and confidence that was lost.

Time will tell if there will be genuine change. I hope that things do get better for the staff and environment there. I truly want the best for all involved.



The Big News!

I mentioned that this was going to be a huge week for me. Here's why:

I am resigning today - giving my two weeks notice at HealthFirst

Suffice it to say that it has been a character thing. I could post my letter of resignation for all to read but let me summarize instead. The reasons come down to how the owner treats his staff, views and handles money, and represents (or misrepresents) the Kingdom of God. All three of those things are interrelated and I have just come to the point that it is not my company, he can run it any way that he wants, I just can't be part of it any longer.

It is all about principle - just can't be management, and represent leadership here, and by my silence support the system. So I am speaking out and leaving. They had to go hand in hand. I spoke through the letter, as to try and verbalize would not be met with an open ear.

My hope is that my move will empower others to make choices that will be in their best interest.

I will write later about the outcome.


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Tracking My Son In Iraq

One of the greatest stresses that I have is the fact that my son is in Iraq. The first few weeks were the worst for me. Yet, as usual, you can never predict how grace is going to help you until you are in the situation - that is the surprising grace of God.

However, there are little things that can help...like debit cards. Usually my son calls on Saturday from Iraq - this past Saturday he didn't call. I don't know why but it can get one to thinking about what may or may not happen - there was an operation in Al Afar that he may have been part of - I just don't know.

I take care of his banking while he is gone - finance is something that I like and something that Jason is still trying to get a handle on - so if I want to see if he is OK I can log into his account and see recent activity. I checked today and there it is - debits at the PX in his area of Iraq. I'm sure that it's for chips, pizza, or some other basic comforts. It's never a big charge, just enough to comfort me. The boy is OK, he's still spending money and eating junk.

You go boy! Hope I see him in a month or so. My eyes tear up just thinking about getting my arms around his neck.


[posted with ecto]


Beta Testing Again:)

For the past few years I have been beta testing for a BIG money management and tax return software company. For some reason I was passed over this past year for the money management software but just received my invitation to participate in the tax software beta, for the first time.

Obviously I can't say too much without risking getting a slap on the pee-pee by the company, but the new version is pretty cool:)

The best part of the testing is that we get a free copy at the end of testing - I like that.


[posted with ecto]

Always Good to See The 'Rents - In Law 'Rents That Is

Bob and Jody stopped in on their way back to Amelia Island, FL. They are fun!

Jody loves to take pictures and we are beneficiaries of many pictures. Jody doesn't always like her pictures and says yucky things to them when they don't turn out right. She's funny! Jody also loves her iBook and especially iPhoto - she sometimes she gets mad at it too, because it eats her pictures. Jody had a HUGE revelation yesterday when she realized - through great tech support by the way - that her pictures weren't gone they were in the iPhoto trash.

Here is a snippet of conversation with tech support (aka Pete [me]):

Jody: "I lost a picture again."
Tech Support: "How did that happen?"
Jody: "I don't know. It just went away. I did something and it's gone."
TS: "What did you do?"
Jody: "I don't know."
TS: "Have you checked iPhoto's trash?"
Jody: "iPhoto has a trash? I didn't know that."
TS: "Let's take a look. Hummm. Look, the trash has 473 pictures in it. I guess that you have never dumped iPhoto's trash."
Jody: "Yeah! There's my picture."

All fixed!

I may talk about Tech Support issue #34123 later, with regard to the pictures not being bright enough on the screen. Actually, now that I think about it I probably won't.

Jody, I know that you read this. And you know that this is in good fun and that I enjoy helping you. Please don't cut me off from the manicotti.

The truth be told. All of the tech support that I have to do now is easy since Bob and Jody are switchers. I love working on Macs!



Big Week Ahead

This is going to be a huge week for me. I'll elaborate later.

Here in Charleston, SC, everybody is all ramped up about the tropical storm/hurricane Ophelia. Sadly, one of the young men who works here has a friend who went surfing yesterday afternoon, in the rough waves from the storm, and disappeared. They found his board but no trace of him yet. I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

Jen emailed me this morning that the dogs were playing chase around the back yard this morning. One would grab the ring toy and the other would chase, then they would switch places. Probably the first time that they have really started to get along in an interactive way. They still have the compulsory fight each day, but they are SLOWLY getting better. I hope that they will be all through with their fighting crap after a month or so.

Lily is such a good dog. She is a typical mellow hound type dog - sleeps ALL day and night. Cinnamon is such a freaking spaz. They are polar opposites to be sure.

Jen's parents are coming through tomorrow for a visit as they travel from North Carolina back to home in Amelia Island, FL. I'll get to see them as I go back to Aiken Tuesday night. It's always fun - and they like the new dog. Bob, Jen's Dad, calls her boots since she has white "boots" on her feet.

Anyhoo - back to work.



A Day of Surprises

My main task today was to change the disc brake pads on the Aurora. Hey, I've always changed my brakes and this job would be no different - right. Got up early, took the front rotors off and dropped them off at the tire place to be turned, and went off to Advance Auto to get the pads.

Once back at the house I decided to change the pads on the front and get the back rotors off. That way when I went back to get the fronts I would drop off the backs and by the time the front pads were installed the backs rotors would be done and I would just have to do a quick install.

As anyone who has worked on cars knows, the best way to determine how long a job will take is make an estimate, double that and add another 25 %. This job would be no different. When I moved to the back calipers I realized very quickly that I wasn't going to be able to press the calipers in with a c-clamp like I had done on the front. They just wouldn't fit. I tried channel locks, no dice. I tried tapping the calipers in - shit. I tried a pulley and gear puller - crap. By this time I had to get back to the shop and pick up my rear rotors.

When I got there I told the mechanic that I was having a hard time and he just snickered. He said that was why he stopped helping people fix brakes in their back yards. You see, the calipers don't press in - they screw in! He then reached up on the top of a shelf and opened a once red box, now gray with years of ground in grease and brake dust. Ahhh! "The disc brake caliper tool," he says with a hint of reverence in his voice. I stood looking at the box and begged, "I'll leave my credit card if you let me borrow the tool." He says, "I would but it isn't mine. They belong to Donnie." That's the guy at the front desk.

Did you ever notice that the guys at auto shops are all named, Ernie, Donnie, Jimmy, Johnny, Ricky. They all end with an "e" sound. I feel like I'm back in South Philly with Tony and Vinnie.

Anyhow, Donnie lets me take the tool back to the house and I get the calipers SCREWED in and the brakes are done. So I saved us BIG money and got that sense of satisfaction of doing your own stuff.

Now for the payback to being cocky about my brakes.

A few months ago I mentioned that I had an eye exam and am now wearing "blended" contacts - one eye has a close vision lens and one has a long vision lens. I ordered lenses online (with a great rebate by the way) and they arrived today - I really needed them since I have been wearing my Acuvue 2, 2 week lenses, for TWO MONTHS now. I went into the bathroom took out my lenses and commenced to put my new left lens in - ahhhh. If felt so nice and clean. I put my right lens in and it was like looking through a kaleidoscope. "What the f%$#!" I took out the lens and made sure that it wasn't inside out. Nope. Looked fine. Put it back in. Same weird view. I thought, "Darn, I ordered the wrong lenses." I checked the prescription - it was right. Then I thought, "Maybe they packaged the wrong lenses." I had a spare from the appointment so I took it out and just as I was ready to tear it open it hit me.

I hadn't taken out my old lens from my FREAKING eye - DUH!

I had put the new lens right ON TOP of my old lens - twice - and didn't notice. I would like to attribute this to the thinness of the new lenses but it really had to do with my stupidity. Now that's funny.

I peeled the old lens off of my eye, installed the new lens and "volia!" Clear sight.

I hope that it was as funny for you as it was to my wife. She loved it!



Lily, The Magic Poop Machine

Our new dog Lily, has a few issues that we are trying to deal with - she doesn't know many commands so her obedience is not very sharp, she still jumps up on you when you come home, jumps on the bed, and the topic of the blog today - she poops at the speed of light when we take her out for a walk.

We have discovered that when Lily wants to poop, she doesn't behave like most dogs. Other dogs pace, sniff, pace, crisscross the area, sniff some more, find just the right area, position themselves accordingly, and finally poop. Lily just walks on the grass and poop flys out of her butt - and it has to be grass in a yard while we are on the walk, not our own yard.

The first time this happened Jen and I were walking the dogs and they were just meandering on the edge of a front lawn. All of the sudden Lily does this instant squat thing and out of her butt flies poop. Jen screams, "what did she just do?" I mumbled something about the speed and the fact that I don't have a plastic bag to pick the poop up with. We walk away, hoping that no one saw the incident. Embarrassed and mortified.

So, we are always on alert and don't give Lily much time on grassy knolls.

Tonight we have to change precautions - Lily pooped RIGHT ON THE STREET. Yep, right out on the asphalt. I felt like we were in New York City. Then Jen looks at me and says, "can you do something about this?" "Like what?" is my response. She says, "like train her not to do that." Right. How about sewing her butt shut?

We'll after some discussion the truth comes out - Jen wants me to MAKE the dog not poop because she not does not want to PICK UP the poop. The thought of having to place a plastic zip-lock bag over a warm pile of dog poop, grab it, turn the baggie inside out on the offensive fecal matter, and picking it up, is enough to make her puke. So in her reasoning she would rather have poop in someone's yard that her vomit - or worse than that - both.

So, we have a challenge here. Any Ideas? By the way, what kind of diapers can a dog wear?



Some Random Thoughts

I am enjoying myself this evening in Charleston (I still miss my wife and being at home). I'm sitting on the couch in the downstairs "apartment" of my friend's house, sipping an ice cold beer and watching the Braves game. This has been a great baseball season for the NL East and the wild card race for the NL. It secretly gives me hope for the NHL, who totally fucked their fan base with the strike - baseball had an ugly one a few years back and it took a while to get the fans back. I love hockey but will not watch a game this year on principle alone.

My dogs are psycho. They are actually getting along better than last week but...the fights that they do have are fewer in number but greater in intensity. They went all day yesterday without a fight, just some growling and posturing. Then last night they went into a full fledged, "stallion-like", standing on back legs fight! It was awful. Teeth were bared and snapping. The ironic thing was that Cinnamon, the "bitchy" dog was trying to be friendly and "laid-back" Lily went ballistic on Cinnamon and tried to rip her face off. Well, Cinnamon couldn't back down (being Alpha in her mind) so they fought. I sent them to their respective corners of the house and all was well. So far...

I am looking forward to the couples "class" that Jen and I are facilitating this Friday. We have some young couples who attended a Marriage Conference and started some conflict soon after - it was the first time for some of them to deal with "real" issues. I hope to help them with communicating and avoiding the bullshit as they negotiate life together. Fun!

Well, the Braves game is almost over and it will be bedtime for me. Up at 5 am and into the office early - 6ish - to do it all over again.



Been Pre-Occupied Lately

I have neglected the blog for a few days as I have been pre-occupied with some things.

First - Most of what has captured most of my attention has been the disaster relief for the evacuees from the Gulf Coast. One thing I noticed was that if you want something fucked up get the government authorities involved - I am tired of finger pointing and analysis - there will be time for that, just get busy. If you want something accomplished get the military involved - tell them what you want done and then get the hell out of the way. I am impressed with the speed and efficiency with which the military was able to accomplish the tasks they were given, and still being given. Props to them.

Second, I have been chilling out. Work has been especially stressful lately. I may elaborate later but I do not want to get dooced, that would suck:) This weekend has been great - beautiful weather, hanging out with friends, being home with Jen, watching college football, just relaxing. Of course I have been doing the regular stuff too - picking up dog poop (two dogs full now), cutting grass, and honey-do's (although Jen doesn't have a bunch of those for me).

So I thought that I would take a minute and jot a few thoughts down before dinner, dog walk, and college football.

I hope that your weekend has been relaxing - remember to help those displaced by the hurricane.